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  • TMD Update News & Note to TMDOP Players


    Jacobg1998 Jacobg1998

    A Note to all TMDOP Players

    If you wish to save the items in your vaults, you will have to remove everything from your vaults and use /saves. There is no limit to the number of saves you can have, so don't worry about overwriting your old saves. If you do not do this by the time the update is released this weekend (hopefully late Sunday), your items will be gone forever. This is also applicable to the inventories of players on servers 5-7.

    New Map

    Brand new 6,000 by 6,000 map. all the towns and other locations are much closer together, leading to less travel time and more conflicts. The major skyscrapers in Atlanta have been reduced in size drastically and moved closer together, which should lead to fights similar to the classic Mining Dead Map.

    New Features

    Painkillers have been changed back to their spammable form on all normal Mining Dead Servers. To play without spammable painkillers, you can try out our new TMD Realism Server.

    Gun Mechanics have been changed. Bullet drop has been heavily reduced on automatic weapons. This change has already been put in place on the Practice Server, so feel free to test it out there.

    Several other minor features will also be included.

    Server Arrangements
    Normal TMD servers have been reduced from 7 servers down to 4 servers, two PVP servers, and two PVE servers. Each of these servers will have 150 slots. TMDOP has been disbanded and several of its key features have been moved to normal TMD servers. One TMD Realism server has been added. TMD Realism will have non-spammable painkillers as well as no Crates, Legendary Weapons, Juggernaut Armor, or hitboxes.

    1.8 Support

    We have added 1.8 Support back to the Mining Dead. This should do a number of things, most notably reducing lag and increasing the number of players. For anyone planning on switching to 1.8, keep in mind that gun camos will only be available to 1.9 players.

    That's all for now. If you have any questions regarding the Update, please leave them below, and we will try to answer them ASAP.
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    Well-known member
    Draw4 Draw4
    Soo my question is, the update out today? I currently can't login too check it out. :(


    New member
    Last thing - please nerf noscoping before the update. If I could link you a video, I would, but hardly anyone posts TMD vids anymore. I encourage you to completely nerf noscoping due to the fact that it's solely what people use during wars/1v1s, and it's super annoying/removes the need for scoping(because only a small amount of people scope from far away now). Nerfing noscoping would make the server great again, encouraging scoping/quickscoping overall, which is what the main shooting form should be. I'd just like it so that someone can't freakin hit you 3+ times in a row with a noscope if they are 5-10+ blocks from you(which is too overpowered in my opinion). Please make the server scoping/quickscoping mainly again.

    Removing the invisibility glitch would also be nice

    sorry for the rant, but this is one of the main reasons I dislike playing on tmd right now. It may be an unnoticeable factor to some other players, but it's quite significant in it's position as a shooting form, which I would like to change
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    New member
    Phenixtri Phenixtri
    im not gona lie just reducing the bullet drop on your guns wont fix them .... I said it before and ill say it as many times as I have too the firearms in this game NEED to be totally overhauled from the models, to scripts, to ballistics.

    It is literally that bad IMHO.

    My Firearms Rebalance Poll tends to support this fact and im pretty sure most of the community has similar feelings on the matter.


    I mean come on as they are now the TMD weapons are a pure joke from a gameplay perspective with the ONLY real viable PVP options being the SPAS 12 or Barret 50 cals. both of which are guns that were NEVER even in the walking dead show to begin with. I mean come on at least keep the guns and weapons lore friendly 1st and the rule of cool 2nd here.

    Speaking of which at least with the weapons / items It seems to me that TMD now a days is run by the rule of cool everything else be dammed and im sorry but the rule of cool doesn't work in the long run here.

    If you want rule of cool go play anything related to warhammer 40k as this server / mod is ""im assuming"" supposed to be a PVP horror ""survival"" game based on the walking dead right? .... As it stands the game seems to be oriented purely around PVP Jug/Riot wars in a walking dead themed map .... nothing else matters and that sorely disappoints me as it clearly has the potential to be so so much more than it currently is.

    PS the amount of hate im assuming this may or may not generate will be most amusing so just in case ive prepared plenty of salt


    New member
    zozoblow zozoblow
    I'm super excited for the update! I like that the distances between cities are shorter because it took forever especially if you were traveling from Berx to Alexandria or Hilltop. Also, thanks to all the builders for all their hard work within the past year or so, you guys have made amazing maps and I can't wait to see this one!


    JSolo JSolo
    this comment has nothing to do with any of this but the most ppl read this, so I have one question. I logged out yesterday, today I logged in and I was muted. no reason why. could a staff member please tell me why I'm muted? its horrible and I want to know what I did wrong, so I can be unmuted :/
    (I will remove this comment so we can stay focused at the update)

    Same here bro but the thing is I think you're perm muted as a punishment. Sorry G


    MilkTeaser MilkTeaser
    Love it how to change it back a little bit to how it used to be! Gimme more of this and I should start playing again!


    KenkoMC KenkoMC
    Can I get some kind off explanation here? I cant chat on the server, only /fmsg, and no one tells me why or how long. it would be nice if things could be a bit more clear for me.
    Create a support ticket or ask to speak to somebody on the teamspeak or discord. This isn't the place to discuss this.