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    1. ApesNotMonkeyz

      Save stacked duffles

      The reason we cant store duffles in our safezone is so we dont get more storagespace than what we pay for (Ranked slots in vault). But stacked duffles which dosent contain any items dosent neciarilly give you more storage space. Therefor i suggest that you can store duffles that dosent have any...
    2. ApesNotMonkeyz


      Lets once and for all vote over who is the most salty guys on tmd between 1. Jahango 2. GaaraOfSand 3. ApesNotMonkeyz (HMApesOfBerxelot) Vote after your own experience
    3. ApesNotMonkeyz

      Skull Trading

      Wouldn't it be cool if you were able to trade skulls for in game items? Many people don't like Hell Night, and many people like Hell Night, wouldn't it then be pretty cool if you could trade skulls for in game items?
    4. ApesNotMonkeyz

      A public "thanks" to the staff

      I have in my past been not the easiest or nicest person to the staff team. I never understood how much work there is that they really do for this server, and i appreciate the effort they put into giving us the best experience ever, I new "modding" and stuff was never easy, but i feel like the...
    5. ApesNotMonkeyz

      ApesNotMonkeyz stream

      Hey peeps, i've started streaming when im playing TMD, so if u wanna hang out and check out my stream while i play head over to http://twitch.tv/ApesNotMonkeyz Hope you follow me if you like what you see, and at 50 followers il do a giveaway and il keep doing them once i hit other milestones :D
    6. ApesNotMonkeyz

      Have HavocMC been comprommised?!?!?!?!?

      So, recently there have been major changes in the staff team. People being demoted, people who have literally played on the server for a week or two suddenly becoming helpers. 13 years old kids who is helpers. I'm asking myself this question: Why... Why do Nick, Jacob, And IgnitingIce need all...
    7. ApesNotMonkeyz

      An idea of stopping Combat Loggers.

      So I have seen lately that alot of people combat loggs when they are about to die. For the person who is about to kill this player and get his loot, it is very frustrating and annoying that people do this. There for i suggest that there would be added a log-out command. The way this would work...