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  • An idea of stopping Combat Loggers.

    Should this be added to TMD as a way to decrease combat loggers?

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    ApesNotMonkeyz ApesNotMonkeyz
    So I have seen lately that alot of people combat loggs when they are about to die. For the person who is about to kill this player and get his loot, it is very frustrating and annoying that people do this. There for i suggest that there would be added a log-out command. The way this would work is that you would need to type a command to log out, and then you would need to stand completely still for maybe 5 or 10 seconds, almost like when you are entering safezone. And this would of course be disabled inside of safezone.


    New member
    So I have seen lately that alot of people combat loggs when they are about to die. For the person who is about to kill this player and get his loot, it is very frustrating and annoying that people do this. There for i suggest that there would be added a log-out command. The way this would work is that you would need to type a command to log out, and then you would need to stand completely still for maybe 5 or 10 seconds, almost like when you are entering safezone. And this would of course be disabled inside of safezone.

    I have seen something like this on another server. You have to type a command (i believe it was also /logout) to leave, although pressing esc and clicking disconnect did the same thing. When someone logged out, it would place an npc in their place (inanimate player model) to prevent combat logging for about 10 seconds. Zombies (this was on another zombie/walker server) could not attack the npc, only players as it was made for anti-combat logging.


    AbusingPing AbusingPing
    I have seen something like this on another server. You have to type a command (i believe it was also /logout) to leave, although pressing esc and clicking disconnect did the same thing. When someone logged out, it would place an npc in their place (inanimate player model) to prevent combat logging for about 10 seconds. Zombies (this was on another zombie/walker server) could not attack the npc, only players as it was made for anti-combat logging.
    I like that idea of the npc and stuff from the other server. It would be really nice and helpful.


    Angel_XCX Angel_XCX
    It won't solve the problem completely. You can still use Alt + F4 and disconnect. Pieninja34's way seems right.


    LinkOFeare LinkOFeare
    Yeah lots of people log. Especially when a team of twenty people come at once.

    I've seen servers that make it where if you log, you turn into a zombie which can still be killed after you log and your loot drops as well.


    New member
    55Navyboy 55Navyboy
    I like the idea but this just gives more of an incentive for players to go out and kill, the server is about surviving, not a kit-pvp.