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  • Community Managers

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    Firelillx Firelillx
    I recommend @Cat_Squirrel_Inc and @general2673 as Community Managers.
    Cat is mature, welcoming of differing opinions as long as they're logically sound, and she's pretty well known in this community. I respect her dearly, as she was one of the first on this server that actually made me feel pretty welcome.
    General wants what's best for the server. He's a no bs kind of dude sometimes, and that's commendable. He makes logical responses in places that need them and he can take a joke. He's also equally as well known as Cat in my eyes (since I see those two almost everywhere here @_@).

    But yeah, they're great for the community is what I'm saying. Plus they actually use their heads instead of being absolutely biased or illogical.

    No offense but that’s a retarded idea. Both have drama frequently. Cats alright but has had major drama on forums and discord. Community manager needs to be someone with a clean record lol

    I could be totally wrong and feel free to correct me, but weren’t the both of them fired from staff? Idk the drama behind it or know if it was justified... just pointing out that they were? Supposedly?

    Also general is too aggressive with ideas. If you disagree he freaks out and argues idk. CM should communicate calmly and be willing to look at multiple perspectives not just their own. Just an observation. I know he’s gonna freak out at me for lol
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    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    No offense but that’s a retarded idea. Both have drama frequently. Cats alright but has had major drama on forums and discord. Community manager needs to be someone with a clean record lol

    I could be totally wrong and feel free to correct me, but weren’t the both of them fired from staff? Idk the drama behind it or know if it was justified... just pointing out that they were? Supposedly?

    Also general is too aggressive with ideas. If you disagree he freaks out and argues idk. CM should communicate calmly and be willing to look at multiple perspectives not just their own. Just an observation. I know he’s gonna freak out at me for lol

    yes i have "drama" frequently on the forums. That is unavoidable for an active person in conversations. you said im "aggressive" with my ideas. thats fair. ill put my ideas out there. if i disagree with someone else, i go through their post sentence by sentence and respond to each, saying why i disagree. I live by a saying some of you may know- facts dont care about your feelings. however, im not "rude" in doing this- merely giving my opinion and backing it with logic. the only time im disrespectful to another person, is if they just disrespected me and that is rare.

    that is not the same as "freaking out". One of the things i mention VERY often in threads is finding common ground between players. I dont know why you believe i cant look at multiple perspectives, but okay *shrug*. lastly you said "hes gonna freak out at me" - nope. just my response. i agree with some of what you said, and i said why i disagree with other parts.

    lastly i can count on one hand the number of people i can think of that have a clean record. of those i dont think any are active enough or frankly want the job.

    regarding being booted from the team. yeah both me and cat got the boot for different reasons (i wont speak for cat on this). However that does not mean the team hates me or something.
