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  • Final Painkiller Poll


    New member
    Left click kind of bothers me because others say it goes down fast for them, but I jitter 13 CPS and it's like their is a delay, I don't know if that's my ping, server related cause or others, I loved right click for the years I played TMD but now it's left click, people are making autoclickers for left click now that you switched it to left click, so I suggest changing it back to right then all of TMD would be happy, just fix the gbar and jugg and everyone will be happy and people will start coming back


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    people are making autoclickers for left click now that you switched it to left click, so I suggest changing it back to right then all of TMD would be happy
    Yeah, and the autoclickers would be an even bigger problem. That's the whole reason we switched it to left-click--> easier to detect Autos