We need to get some things clear here.
Majority of the time when Jr. Mod+'s are on, we're in vanish. Even when we're spectating players and such, some of us are good at multitasking (such as moderating chat, and spectating at the same time, I am not.) Also, for the matter of support tickets since that seems to be an ongoing issue but is not presented in this post. We can proudly say those were brought down to around 3 days ago, any reports / questions / concerns you can make a ticket, I'll personally have a response to you within 2 days - MAX.
I'm sorry if you have experienced this, there is no excuses for this to be happening. But I believe I have you on skype, as well as discord. Feel free to message me on either of those: To anyone who needs them, if you use to harass and/or add me to mass group chats, you will be punished in game, as well as blocked. Skype: idontcaresorry (stupid name) Discord: Mackiee #4805
I'm not quite sure whether this is directed at the Owners, or as the staff team as a whole. But unfortunately as staff, we CANNOT fix those for you. The best we can do is report them directly to an Owner, and when they can, they will fix it. I'm sorry that's all we're able to do. But please message me once again on skype / discord with any bug reports, I'm happy to report them.
Message me on skype / discord what you would like to see done regarding the staff team, we're always happy to take criticism, it can help us improve on what we do, and how we can benefit you guys more.
Once again, message me the improvements you would like to see.
Because I will not unmute you in game, unless your attitude changes.
I'm not sure where everyones head is at, but I can assure you I am trying my best. It's very difficult for all 23 of us staff members to take on a leadership role. We will continue to be active in game, and please message us with reports with bugs. We will report them to the Owners directly. If you have any other questions or concerns, message me, or any other staff member that is available to you.
Kindest regards,
~ Mackiee.