• IP Copied!
  • Horizons Reset and Other News


    Jacobg1998 Jacobg1998

    Havoc Horizons Update & Reset
    A long awaited Havoc Horizons Update will occur one week from today. This update will include several changes, including updated shop prices and the brand new Redstone Lair Island! With this update comes a reset. We're going to be putting some money into advertising, so the server will have more players. Players who have already claimed their monthly bonus for July will be able to reclaim it after the reset and update. For a full list of changes, see here.

    TMD Fixes
    We are still working on fixing TMD bugs. As of tomorrow, /trade should be permanently fixed, and TMD-1 will be automatically restarted every 12 hours, which should help address the lag issues until a more permanent solution is found.

    Statue Build Contest Winners
    This week concluded our Statue Build Contest. Congratulations to the winners!
    1st Place: statuebuild2 by davismk3
    2nd Place: freebuilds by HappyPie69
    3rd Place: StarWarsStatue by iantheiguana
    4th Place: sporkbean by Burger_Bear
    5th Place: StatueOLibruhty by ThatLittleDerp
    6th Place: statues by AgentBurkin007
    7th Place: statuesofme by doghumor
    8th Place: StatueForHavic by Stryax
    Winners can check their private messages on the website for their prizes, and be sure to check in next week for the new Map Maker Contest!

    June Voting Contest
    With the end of June comes the end of out voting contest and the beginning of the July voting contest! The winners of the June voting contest are listed below. If you are a winner, you should have received a message on the forums with a voucher code allowing you to purchase anything you desire from our shop.

    1st Place:
    iNyanth - Reward: $100 Shop Voucher
    2nd Place: MikeTheLunatic - Reward: $75 Shop Voucher
    3rd Place: matheuscaia - Reward: $50 Shop Voucher
    4th Place: WobbleyTaco - Reward: $25 Shop Voucher
    5th Place: seuboi - Reward: $15 Shop Voucher
    6th Place: Unami - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
    7th Place: _FlameStar_ - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
    8th Place: Green_Pikmin - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
    9th Place: Al_Cool - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
    10th Place: Kendra707 - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher

    For your chance to be next months recipient of these vouchers, get voting now! You may check to see who’s in the lead on the leaderboards at https://havocmc.net/vote!
    Thanks to everyone who voted over the month of June helping our server grow. Stay tuned for some great and long-awaited updates this month!
    Last edited by a moderator:


    Game Manager
    iMoe iMoe
    awesome first place! thanks!

    I just checked it out, its very well done!

    On another note, could we get a list of all the changes to HH added to the changelog section? It would be very helpful to see exactly what's getting changed. Hopefully more spawners? ;););)

    EDIT: Link to the changelog added to the main post
    Last edited:


    purrr purrr

    Havoc Horizons Update & Reset
    A long awaited Havoc Horizons Update will occur one week from today. This update will include several changes, including updated shop prices and the brand new Redstone Lair Island! With this update comes a reset. We're going to be putting some money into advertising, so the server will have more players. Players who have already claimed their monthly bonus for July will be able to reclaim it after the reset and update.

    TMD Fixes
    We are still working on fixing TMD bugs. As of tomorrow, /trade should be permanently fixed, and TMD-1 will be automatically restarted every 12 hours, which should help address the lag issues until a more permanent solution is found.

    Statue Build Contest Winners
    This week concluded our Statue Build Contest. Congratulations to the winners!
    1st Place: statuebuild2 by davismk3
    2nd Place: freebuilds by HappyPie69
    3rd Place: StarWarsStatue by iantheiguana
    4th Place: sporkbean by Burger_Bear
    5th Place: StatueOLibruhty by ThatLittleDerp
    6th Place: statues by AgentBurkin007
    7th Place: statuesofme by doghumor
    8th Place: StatueForHavic by Stryax
    Winners can check their private messages on the website for their prizes, and be sure to check in next week for the new Map Maker Contest!

    June Voting Contest
    With the end of June comes the end of out voting contest and the beginning of the July voting contest! The winners of the June voting contest are listed below. If you are a winner, you should have received a message on the forums with a voucher code allowing you to purchase anything you desire from our shop.

    1st Place:
    iNyanth - Reward: $100 Shop Voucher
    2nd Place: MikeTheLunatic - Reward: $75 Shop Voucher
    3rd Place: matheuscaia - Reward: $50 Shop Voucher
    4th Place: WobbleyTaco - Reward: $25 Shop Voucher
    5th Place: seuboi - Reward: $15 Shop Voucher
    6th Place: Unami - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
    7th Place: _FlameStar_ - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
    8th Place: Green_Pikmin - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
    9th Place: Al_Cool - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
    10th Place: Kendra707 - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher

    For your chance to be next months recipient of these vouchers, get voting now! You may check to see who’s in the lead on the leaderboards at https://havocmc.net/vote!
    Thanks to everyone who voted over the month of June helping our server grow. Stay tuned for some great and long-awaited updates this month!
    After the lag issue is solved, can gun fire rates and balancing be looked over a little? I would like to use assault rifles but can't as the spas dominates everything at close range and the barrett everything far.


    iViper iViper
    I just checked it out, its very well done!

    On another note, could we get a list of all the changes to HH added to the changelog section? It would be very helpful to see exactly what's getting changed. Hopefully more spawners? ;););)
    Well, wouldnt it be better if its a big ol' suprise? I've seen it, it looks dope.


    Wobiee Wobiee
    Glad to see that a lot of the TMD bugs have been fixed! :p
    Havoc Horizons also gets its well-deserved reset.
    Congratulations to all the Statue Builders (winner or not) as well as the Top Voters (All other voters as well) as they keep our server growing.
    I hope we can get more people voting this month! :D
    Good day to you all ~WobbleyTaco


    Al_Cool Al_Cool
    I would never have won (9-10th place) in a voting contest without the help of my favored helper... @iHonk , and mod, @Katitude ... just kidding! Who have I missed??? Have I a swollen head, now? :p And thk to everyone else who have made this challenge being difficult and the owners who created this contest!


    Burty_Boy Burty_Boy
    Jacobg2011 said:
    Players who have already claimed their monthly bonus for July will be able to reclaim it after the reset and update.

    Does this mean server wide, or for HH only?


    New member
    5th Place: StatueOLibruhty by ThatLittleDerp
    Can I be given the money for the website? I just made this account, so I haven't gotten the money, or whatever I need to get. My friend told me I get it through a private message, and I haven't gotten the private message yet.


    Wobiee Wobiee
    Can I be given the money for the website? I just made this account, so I haven't gotten the money, or whatever I need to get. My friend told me I get it through a private message, and I haven't gotten the private message yet.

    As you didn't have a forums account prior to the competition, when Jacob sent out the messages you would of not had a forum account to send it to. You did make a forum account after although Jacob doesn't know this. I'll contact Jacob and see if he can give you your prize.