Yeah, being a prior Senior Moderator, I second this; except for one thing. They can't ban you unless they have proof, and I personally don't recall a case where they ever banned for admitting, unless it was during a screenshare. If you were pulled aside to be asked if you were hacking due to suspicion, or some sort of formal situation where they essentially sat you down to talk to you, it's not possible that you would've been banned for that; however if you were hacking and there was video evidence, or if we pretend it was a ban for something unrelated to hacking, then it would make sense that you were banned with confusion of why you were banned. In review, no one could've banned you for admitting since you claimed there was no screenshare, so I highly suggest creating a support ticket so staff can assist you futher, since only the person who banned you will be able to aid you the most!
What we can do for you is send you a link to the support tickets for punishment appeals, and be sure to say that you'd like to see evidence, and refrain from being disrespectful to the staff member(s), because your attitude can indeed alter the length of your ban if there is evidence of you hacking. What I mean by that is if you were toxic (as an example) and you were banned for hacking, you yelling at a staff member or cussing them out could have you banned longer than if you were hacking and apologized, saying you won't do it again and asking if there is anymore you can do to keep yourself following the rules in the future. Allow me to send you the link, and I wish you good luck!
@ArmenTheHeli @BenGermann @Kendrq @Valp