
Progress Update #3 (8/17/2016):
We are very close to releasing it, and planned to multiple times. Right now, we're pretty much in the adjustment period. We have everything we wanted for beta done, but we've found some aspects need tweaking to make them more enjoyable.
Progress Update #2 (8/17/2016):
We had a setback where we had to recode some force stuff. It is nearly finished now, and we will continue with the rest of the needed stuff.
Progress Update #1 (8/15/2016):
We have been slaving away on quests. I have done 32/44, roughly. By the time we release it fully, there will likely be about 200. The beta will have to main quest lines, both 8 quests, and then 10 side quests.
Do to the shear amount of code, there will likely be many bugs, so we are going to restrict the amount of people. Our plan is to let only Immortals in the first day, then lower it by 1 rank each day. We're sorry to do this, but to be honest the beginning will probably be filled with bugs, probably a few game breaking, so we don't want tons of people on. Another thing to note is that after beta, everything will be reset, so the people playing early won't have an advantage.
As for why it took so long, when we said February, there are a lot of reasons. First off, we were busy with 1.9, a big TMD update, rebranding as HavocMC, the Hell Night update, and more. When doing all of that, we learned a lot from a developmental standpoint, and actually recoded Mine Wars to be way more optimized, expandable, and just better in general. We wanted to make sure it was something worth playing.
More Info on the game mode, along with a Q&A can be found here.
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