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  • Nerfing the Spas


    UterZorker UterZorker
    when i get the cash im going to buy a spas and hold onto i think its gonna get nerfed and will make a great place in my collection


    _Tachi_ _Tachi_
    (Starts hoarding duffs upon duffs of spas's)
    I havent hoarded ANYYYYYYY spas at ALLL
    ( caps are sarcasm voice )


    Heroicis Heroicis
    Let's get back on topic shall we? :p The spaz 12 is way over powered. I comepletely agree with it being nerfed/not shooting as fast/not as many pellets. Anything to decrease the power of it. The spaz 12 does not require much skill, although there IS strafing. I think it would be better for pvp if people were 1v1ing with p90s and/or m60s, as they require much more skill its not just who gets the first shot. In other words, I agree! :p


    _Tachi_ _Tachi_
    Yea, maybe tone down the dmg to just one dmg above the mossberg, but keep the old spas cause i can hoard them and sell them 4 overpriced prices :p jk nerf the spas and nerf all the spas


    Boscafano Boscafano
    I think the fire rate should be decreased, make it more realistic. If you fire 6 rounds with that much power, you're gonna blow your shoulder out.
    Well in reality, the Spas 12 can shoot fully automatic in real life. The problem is purely that for gameplay that would be extremely OP unless they were to nerf the damage severely


    JosieViolent20 JosieViolent20
    Well in reality, the Spas 12 can shoot fully automatic in real life. The problem is purely that for gameplay that would be extremely OP unless they were to nerf the damage severely
    ...Isn't it odd that I liked the post before seeing the post because the first thing I saw was the signature..? XD
    I like the post too doe o-o