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  • New Map & Reset

    What is your opinion on this update?

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    Katitude Katitude
    Haha it was stated in the first message. :p
    Take note that your items, (Inventories and vaults) will be cleared as well as your money.


    New member
    Sometime in December I think
    Thanks, i hope somewhere around 15th december i will leave to spain opsomewhere around the 20th and will return around 4th of january 2017. WHY DO ALL THESE BIG UPDATES ALWAYS COME ON THE MOMENT IM NOT ABLE TO GO ON THE MINING DEAD xD


    New member
    That's risky! Haha. the exact date has not yet been confirmed i don't think. Nick just said it will be sometime in December. So it may be mid month or it may be towards Christmas and the new year. We've just got to wait for them to at the finishing touches to the map and new systems.
    Im scared xD


    People would spread their stuff through their alts, a lot of the stuff that was generated from duping at one point or another. If you are referring to money, jug pretty much is money.
    even if they spread it to their alts it would still be 10%. eg 10% of 100 is 10, if they split that 100 between 2 alts 10% of 50 is 5 + another 10%of 50 which is 5 =10, and removing 90% of wealth (including jugg) would still pretty much remove all jugg and money from the game and thus combat the problem of too many items within the market


    Kroznox Kroznox
    I hope they remove painkillers or make it extremely rare, and increase the cooldown of claiming the Immortal Kits in the beginning of the map, as this may ruin a fresh economy. Modifying the half jugg kit to make it less over powered would be excellent and adding a larger variety of cars, could prove interesting because players would have another extra thing to do in order to obtain all the cars in the map. Since the map is resetting, and as a result of this many players will leave due to all their progress over the years being lost; HavocMc should focus most of their efforts on advertising the server. If possible you could do this on voting sites. The only negative thing about this update for me, is the 7 million dollars that I'm going to lose... I hope this update restabilises the economy, increases the rarity of legendary weapons and juggernaut gear and most importantly increase the cooldown of claiming Immortal Kits at the beggining of the map or throughout the entire map. (I'm an Immortal Rank player, but I believe other rookies should be given a fair fighting chance :D)


    Redbommer Redbommer
    First thing imma do is camp safezones with Hunter Kit's Winchester so I can jump all those nubs who think they're good cus they get to keep their infinite.
    yeah that makes sense but that under captsion (Blue M14 Intensifies ) i think its funny


    New member
    I've read almost every response to this thread, so I'm going to address everything in one big wall of text. I would like you to read the following as if I were a normal player, and not a staff member.

    This is my reasoning for wanting a reset earlier this year. Please note that I just copied and pasted this from the old forums. I just calculated the amount of money I've donated, and it amounts to roughly $730 AUD. Now, I know a donation is a donation and I am more than happy to be helping the server I love so much - but we all know that 99% of players donate so that they can receive perks, items and money. I don't blame you, I wouldn't have donated anywhere near as much money if I didn't receive any perks. Since the start of the year, I've spent nearly $300 on item packs. These item packs have given me about $10,000,000 and these items: https://gyazo.com/7765f11c035918d0854383c33bbf8134 &
    https://gyazo.com/ecd98b2ca51b0b54c090e24186c0f381. Losing that much in a single reset seems pretty bad, right? Wrong.

    I know, we're losing everything - but I believe it's worth it as we will be able to rid the server of most of the glitched and duplicated items circulating at the moment. Keep in mind, these items are giving other players an unfair advantage over you. I believe most of us have been through that frustrating moment when you step outside of a safe zone just to be gunned down by that player who ALWAYS seems to have full Juggernaut armour. Wouldn't it be great to stand a chance?

    Not convinced? Resetting now will most likely make it easier to track legendary items and see where huge inflations are coming from. If an inflation occurs, it would be easier to catch the players doing it and put an end to whatever duplication glitch they could be abusing because everyone else won't have all of the duplicated jugg that they have right now. If this still doesn't convince you, keep in mind that you will still have a month to use your items and money. If you choose not to use them, well, that's up to you but if you use them now it's not like you're really losing anything. Everyone who bought crates recently will be compensated for the inconvenience. As for the players who may leave, we will be able to increase the amount of players anyway as it will be easier for newbies to survive longer, and we will most likely get updates which will encourage new players to join. I personally think that this reset is well-worth the trouble.

    Either way, whether you're happy about it or not - this reset will be happening. You can either choose to accept it, or get angry. Although, getting angry won't solve anything. Just accept it, look at all of the positives and move on. Angry comments won't change anyone's mind and we are usually such a close community - Let's get back to that. Thank you.
    I'm guessing that the items/crates the players donated for are given in the reset. This hard-earned money wouldn't go to waste, would it?


    New member
    I really don't want the reset. I've worked so hard for my jugg and golden weapons, and it would SUCK if they went away. I agree it's unfair people are cheating, but please just fix the duplicating glitches so no more will be duplicated or glitched in, and let us keep the jugg we currently have, because some people (like me) didn't cheat for it and just bought A LOT of legendary crates. Also in terms of money, I think you should just let people keep it, it doesn't make sense to take it away.


    Kanyay Kanyay
    I really don't want the reset. I've worked so hard for my jugg and golden weapons, and it would SUCK if they went away. I agree it's unfair people are cheating, but please just fix the duplicating glitches so no more will be duplicated or glitched in, and let us keep the jugg we currently have, because some people (like me) didn't cheat for it and just bought A LOT of legendary crates. Also in terms of money, I think you should just let people keep it, it doesn't make sense to take it away.
    It seems you haven't read the entire thread, the reset is happening. And it terms of money it does make sense to take it away, people have sold the duplicated gear and have largely increased their balance, whether or not they knew the gear was duplicated is another question.
    What I'm trying to say is that many people have profited from the duplicated gear consciously or unconsciously and the only way to fix this would be to have a complete reset, so that everyone has a fair chance.
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    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    I've said this in another thread, but I think a great way to make Jugg less OP would be to add "side effects" to wearing Jugg, such as Slowness. It appears that the Jugg armor is based off of EOD suits, which can weigh around 75lbs, yet for some reason Jugg wearers can sprint just as fast as people without ANY armor at all. Another thing to maybe add to balance Jugg would be faster thirst/hunger depletion. Average summer temperatures in Atlanta, Georgia, are around 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius for normal non-American people :p). Running in that heat wearing armor that is known to cause heat exhaustion to trained bomb disposal units would probably cause you to consume a few bottles of water every two hours, maybe more.
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