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  • New Map & Reset

    What is your opinion on this update?

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    TomRubberduck TomRubberduck
    and I hate the fact that u cant keep ur inv, its just not fair, I hope there's a way players can keep their inv, the vaults can be restet, but the inv is just too important. or I want 20 vote crates+ 3 legendary crates, because I opend that much and it cant be just gone.


    olothus olothus
    Does anyone read Dates on these posts.....this was from last year, about the map change and reset that happened in Dec.....

    This is not the map change you're looking for....
    [Mods/Admins: pls lock this thread, and do something to move it down, so the NOOBS will let it die...]


    xHobbes xHobbes
    Well. I was planning on Buying Titan Rank, Extra Vault, Etc. But this Just Changed my mind. I Worked Really hard to fill up my Vault these past few days. I had to do a LOT of Trading and Begging to get my Tier 4 Weapons and Minigun+Firefly Flamethrower. The only thing i didn't finish was a stack of flares and Juggernaut Gear. [I only have Riot] And once i filled my vault to perfection, i was gonna give it all to a friend who is joining video games soon. But if your literally going to bulldoze every hour i put fighting Misty1224 and Grinding, then i'm just gonna Disregard this Server and Leave my Friend in the Dark until the next Update. Because i Appreciate your game, but i'm not gonna work hard and Grind just so you can Murder all the Things i Worked For. Instead Me and my Buddy Zeth can Play Some Steam Games. Which really sucks cause This server and Hypixel were Really the only Good ones.

    And now i have to wait until August.

    See Ya! xd
    You do realize this was made in November of last year? There isn't a reset coming up, and if there was, the backlash would be to extreme because one happened a bit recently.
    no, if u have full jugg ur just lucky, of u had to work for it/buy a rank. and painkillers cant be spammed, they have cooldown.
    Same applies for you. The thread is old, and @Tactical_Fox48 made that comment when painkillers were spamable.


    olothus olothus
    Mods/Admins..<or even _Nick>...please unpin this post so it can die....like the TMD of old...and so it can stop reminding us of what we lost, and what we were promised....and so NOOBS will stop seeing it as one of the first things on the forum....

    <it should have been unpinned on DEC 28th 2016>
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