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  • Quitting HavocMC

    Is Havoc a Good Server?

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    New member
    As most of you know, me quitting Havoc has been planned for a while, however, quitting this early on was not part of the plan.

    Why am I quitting?
    I'm not going to lie, the new Havoc MC update and all the current staff members are the reason for me quitting this server. All of them (With an exception of a few) appear to not like trying to fix the dead server, and also, with every new update comes more bugs and more additions to ruin the game play.
    It has caught my attention that recently the only way I can enjoy being on Havoc is to sit in Berxley Safezone trolling random people in chat, which, gets a little repetitive after a while.

    When did I find Havoc MC enjoyable?
    Back when I joined Havoc (May 22nd 2015), the server was almost perfect and only had a few bugs, which, were fixed within the space of a few weeks because of the dedicated staff and owners. Now-a-days, the server has changed a lot and in my opinion (and many others) not for the better. Because of these changes, which in my opinion are absolutely horrible changes, the server has decreased in players drastically and is slowly but surely dying.

    Havoc MC Issues.

    - Ranks added before bugs fixed
    - Maps completely ruined
    - Interior in houses not finished or designed at all
    - Insane amount of bugs that have not been fixed in about a month.
    - Staff aren't helpful, apart from a few.
    - 10cps cap (my opinion, it should be 15cps).
    - Mythical rank (Yes it's a good idea, but this rank has caused issues such as Warp Camping, which, staff do not like trying to find a way around)
    - I've heard from multiple sources that staff can bypass the CPS cap, (Atleast SR MODS can) and would explain why Mackiee could not tell the difference when we asked her about the cap. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with them being opped or the commands they are able to do, idk. But, it's automatically bypassed and they can't stop it.
    - Many, many more.

    My opinion about the staff.
    The owners seem to like producing ranks like Mythical before fixing common glitches that occur and ruin the game play of others. This is a huge problem as it is appearing as if they are extremely money hungry.
    Most staff have not been trained on how to screen share properly meaning hackers get let lose very easily. Not to mention, when hackers are caught, they are un-banned within a few months anyway.
    Also, another problem with staff, they usually ignore your help requests whilst talking in chat about something completely irrelevant and also like to scam players for un-bans and have no punishment whatsoever for it.
    (And to mention, some staff get let off the hook for doing things we would be banned/muted for...)
    Staff only come online when there is tornuments, then magically disappear until the next.

    What does this mean for my videos?
    My TMD series will be ending. Once I get the time, I will upload one final TMD episode, recapping all one-hundred and eleven episodes.
    Other videos, like fan-made trailers/montages for TV shows, PUBG Game play and maybe a few more different games. However, videos will not be frequent.

    Is there any chance I will return?

    I will more than happily return once bugs have been fixed and the server has improved from its current trash state.

    In conclusion, the reason I am quitting is because the server is dying.
    And, the reason the server is dying is because the staff do not like listening to our inputs. They appear to ignore every idea we give them and ruin the server even more every update.

    This forum post isn't a hate post and should be taken as information and advice to fix your dying server. If you don't fix the server, it will die.


    DarthVaderfr DarthVaderfr
    I just got sad remembering 2 years on this and everyones leaving, i hate to see you leave but its understandable. I too am quitting because of most of what you said but i still come on for good laughs with the players. I think server started going downhill when MangledFury got banned then all the crappy updates. RIP Tmd


    New member
    @_Nickk Once again, you have seemed to disappoint me and many other players with your false promises. On my old forum post, you said the bugs would be worked on but since 3-ish weeks later, still, nothing has changed.
    I've had enough, and so have many other players. Peace out from all of the Paccalypse.


    New member
    It really has gone downhill. I feel like the owners stopped caring about the server as much as they used to, which is understandable of course, can't really blame them for that. But the bugs have just been piling on and on, instead of a fix after almost 3 months, we've instead had a cash grab rank shoved down our throats. (and this is coming from someone who has mythical.)
    The issue with bugs could be hastily resolved if some of the money that's been cashed in by gullible players in a bid to get Mythical would be used to get good developers. I can only see this taking much longer for Nickk, now that it's closing in on the start of the school year and this hasn't even been resolved throughout summer.

    The thing about staff bypassing the painkiller cap is kind of ridiculous if that's actually 100% true. Though everything points towards it actually being true. I beg their pardon if that's just an error that was overlooked when they introduced the new cps system.

    I've personally had bad experiences before with staff, but I won't really divulge into that, other than agree with everything you've listed. It's just quite disheartening that it's gone downhill so fast. Like last week when a ban evader was reported and one staff member decided the proof wasn't sufficient, but when another staff member saw it, they were banned instantly. I don't understand how the protocol can be so vague that there is such a diverse divide on how situations are handled.

    I'll also be quitting, I'll be playing PUBG (the actual game, not the Havoc knock-off) a lot more instead.
    Last edited:


    JSolo JSolo
    To be honest.. I would rather have TMDOP-1 back and every single thing that server had. Rather than having a pain cap of 10 cps, or having endless bugs to be fixed. The server died when they started listening to roleplayers, oh and about role players wheres the TMD Realism server you guys promised for the roleplayers or did you guys want to sweep that under the rug and work on minewars which is absolutely useless at this point. If I CAN recall, WE ALL AGREED AS A SERVER/ COMMUNITY THAT All the NON HARDCORE PLAYERS (roleplayers. explorers) would have a separate server hence "TMD Realism featuring no legendary gear ect" and all the TMD hardcore' players ect would have a new revamped map featuring classics old players would love, like green, red, pool, BBC, CDC, APPS, and more. Also featuring the old gun mechanics old pains and everything + more.

    TMD has taken a very fast downfall from 2015 to where it is now. IF they completely erase everything. Go WAY back to the old map before the first update along with the same gun pvp/mehcs ect, then maybe. Maybe it could potentially save their server from death, obviously if you revamped the old map ( make the old builds better and in the same spot ).

    Anziety Signing off.
    Yeah I'm also quitting what am I meant to do war with a pain cap of 10 cps and get kicked and called out for auto?
    Nah G i'm good good luck, this server belongs to the role-players now.


    MrCalimero MrCalimero
    I know the server is dead. That's probably the reason i will not be making video's anymore or atleast not as frequent. I will still play but not that much anymore. I think the server will already be alot better if mangled gets unbanned instead of guys like Yuerly/Tr3hard. Now talk about the staff... i get warned for **** things the last couple days... I won't call any names but i hope the server will improve either there server but also their staff members. I get warned for "Verbal abuse" if i say gtfo or frucking, get warned for "Filter bypass" for saying "Fack". I know the last warn was good but still... Why didn't you put a word as "Fack" in the filter? Thank you for reading.


    Jordan_Bailey Jordan_Bailey
    Honestly, the roleplay community is dying a little. At least it was for a while. Back when I first started roleplaying back in February, there were always roleplays on TMD-3. Alex and Hilltop being the biggest, and ever since the update, Hilltop has been abandoned, Sanctuary has been abandoned, Kingdom is just more abandoned, and now really, the only places that have roleplays are Alex and at times Grady. And half the time, it's ****ing dead, man. It's more dead than a roamer.
    Good joke, please love me.
    Anyway, it's sad that they're just not listening and the server's gone straight into hell, even worse than Hell Night. I personally joined back in like early summer of 2016, and back then, TMD-1 and TMD-3 were just blooming with life, and now TMD-3 is just ****ing dead, man. RIP HavocMC. 201?-2017.


    Filthypride_ Filthypride_
    I've made countless comments addressing issues, trying to help coming up with solutions, and defending Havoc. We have our issues, we're dealing with them. Goodbye Decy, hope to see you back in the near future.


    Firelillx Firelillx
    wow, the server will miss you.

    Gotta say, I agree with most things you said. The only thing I will give a little bit more leniency is to the lower staff, because they can't fix bugs or have commands to do much (not saying they are prefect though). The higher staff is def. the problem in my opinion.

    sad to see you (and most of the community go).



    Cactiee Cactiee
    This post speaks it all out. I'll sell everything i have in havoc and quit too. I follow you Declan.
