If you have any questions or concerns please PM me on discord Luke#7663
I fully agree with this post Declan.
I've recently started playing in-game a bit more and I have seen how bad this staff team actually is. I'm usually the one defending them but this time I am not. I will be giving 'constructive criticism' because it seems like they bloody need some.
Lets get started with discord. Today I went on the discord, there was someone spamming random links. I @ about 5-6 staff members, even PM'd a few on discord and no response. Its stupid how inactive you guys are, as staff are meant to care about the server and make it an enjoyable place. For gods sake do it otherwise the server will go no where. Even in game, I witnessed so many rule breakers and no staff to deal with it. Its utterly stupid, if you are going to higher staff make sure they are active and they actively care.
During mine and @Chris_XP 's time as staff we were active as hell. You couldn't separate us and the server. We both played like it was out paid job. Thats when the staff team was at its best. When the staff play and enjoy the game, like we did, it makes the server so much better because you have active staff monitoring in-game and the forums. Countless other servers have active staff who are active on discord, teamspeak, forums and in game. Your team just isn't and something needs to be done ASAP. Otherwise things will take a turn for the worse.
I talked to a recent resigned staff member, I asked him why he resigned. His response actually had me in shock, "I quit because nothing is getting done". His exact words. Staff members are seeing that its dying, get your **** together. He also said "multiple staff agree with what I did, but are too scared to say it because they might get demoted". WHAT THE HELL?! You guys need to grow some balls and say something. You guys have a better chance to contact the owners than us regular players so use that to get their *** in gear. He also said "I quit because I felt like no new updates were being made, and bugs were popping out every 5s. I felt like maybe if I left the team, it'll be like a standpoint that says 'If nothing can get fixed, then STAFF/players will leave' "
Earlier today, I was in teamspeak requesting help. I am still sitting here after almost 2 hours of waiting yet no staff. Come on.... No staff active on teamspeak? Get your team together!
A server I previously worked on, the developers would actively engage with the community which worked wonders and needs to be done. As the only developer is @_Nickk he should interact actively on all platforms talking to players. He doesn't even allow people to see his forum wall. Tells a lot doesn't it?
If the owners aren't active, why not employ a manager to do all the things the owner won't. Someone who cares about the server either from within the team or hire them outside the server.
One bug for example. June. Wow okay guys, development has been on a halt for ages.
@Zendrack - Thank you <3
https://gyazo.com/12192355a9cd1084fe1b7b75d14dccdd - LOL
Listen - Please.
@IgnitingIce @Jacobg2011 @UnknownMelody @_Nickk @Katitude
Dude, if you think 2 hours is long, you're so lucky because my friends and I already waited more than 3 days on their ****ING USELESS TEAMSPEAK SERVER