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  • S**t like this makes me happy.


    _Tachi_ _Tachi_
    Once i killed a five team in the belprort crane, and they were so mad it was funny


    purrr purrr
    If you use painkillers you are a noob cause you cant stay alive by youself...
    pains aren't for noobs. I need someway to survive, other than getting twoshot by kit assassins. I need a chance so at least I can identify where the person is shooting me from, and it at least makes wars fun.

    I still hate jugg tho


    purrr purrr
    My point:

    If you constantly need painkilers, then you are pratically screaming " I cant survive withmy own skills and i need OP instant regen pills!!!"
    Go into a war without pains and see how long you last, please.


    Challenge_ Challenge_
    Bruh. I can go in with an M14 and military and take down half jugs. no pains. No medpacks. Just duck if someone glances your way. And know where all your opponents are.


    _Tachi_ _Tachi_
    not if you want kills. You have to rush eventually...
    If you get rushed you're one thousand percent dead. You can't medpack spas shots

    You can strafe though, and i use kit glenn wich makes it easier. Also, if you are in a position where you are being rushed, sit next to the door with a spas, itll one-shot or two-shot anyone who comes through. I can personally testoify this as using this strategy i have two-shot full juggs with a remington and they were so mad.


    _Tachi_ _Tachi_
    But the reload time in the Remington is so pathetic...

    I know, ut if youe hiden in a building well enough, then by the time they spot you, the reload time will be done.

    Also, it takes time to aim and shoot if you have a slow reaction time, and most juggs will be rushing with a gbarret or spas, and if they use gbarret, they have to scope in or its a 99.999999% miss, so, that means theyll be standing still wich means easy shots.

    If they use a spas you have to rely on strafing and accuracy because you just point and shoot with the spas. So if they have a spas, you want to strafe like An absolute BOSS, you need to dodge evrey pellet if you have little/no armor. But if you have riot, you can take one or two before youre dead.

    But... if you have a spas, and if all the pellets hit, its a one-shot and no one or nothing can stop that.