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  • This is not the Mining Dead

    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    I think most weapons and armour shouldn't be purchase able because some people might be ok with tier 3 weapons so maybe only sell tier 2 and below for weapons.
    I like that idea, it would definitely even out the playing field for newcomers, especially if they don't have powerful weapons/armor that would be useful against riot armor. This would also make infinite money holders a lot less op when it comes to buying tons of riot armor, high tiered weapons, and stacks of ammo.


    curiousgeorge341 curiousgeorge341
    It's fine the way it is... Hardcore servers just need to be added... after all a lot of people spent hundreds of dollars on crates for the sole purpose of getting unlimited money. I can't imagine those players being particularly happy about infinite money being nerfed.
    ChiefyMcNeil ChiefyMcNeil
    What if we made a game mode like hardcore, when you die you get temp banned, but like a tournament type of thing where you have to survive on minimal recourses and if you died you had to wait like a week or something for it to reset. this way you and your team could make sorta their own story in the walking dead universe. If you've seen nicks post on ideas for the next update, all of those in this type of thing would be so cool :D


    UterZorker UterZorker
    What if we made a game mode like hardcore, when you die you get temp banned, but like a tournament type of thing where you have to survive on minimal recourses and if you died you had to wait like a week or something for it to reset. this way you and your team could make sorta their own story in the walking dead universe. If you've seen nicks post on ideas for the next update, all of those in this type of thing would be so cool :D
    that would be cool
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    What if we made a game mode like hardcore, when you die you get temp banned, but like a tournament type of thing where you have to survive on minimal recourses and if you died you had to wait like a week or something for it to reset. this way you and your team could make sorta their own story in the walking dead universe. If you've seen nicks post on ideas for the next update, all of those in this type of thing would be so cool :D
    This sounds like a week-long Hell Night XD
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    It would, but I think the wait time should be lowered, as players would probably get VERY annoyed if they died to something minor, such as dying of thirst, infection, spawn killing (intentional or not), falling to their deaths, "friendly fire", or bugs :p


    Challenge_ Challenge_
    But the way they had aded it wasn't the way most players wanted it. If they changed a few things from the original TMD hardcore a lto more people would play it including myself.
    Heres what I liked.
    No Shout Chat
    No Safezones
    No Kits
    No Commands
    No Compasses
    15 minute wait period if you die


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    No shout idea= make people in 30 block radius hear it instead of 200 block radius of normal local chat.


    Beetley Beetley
    I think kits would be realistic as in TWD people sorta start out with stuff like when Rick went to the police station and got guns.

    What you have just said is the reason kits would not be realistic. He went to the police station and got guns, he didnt just start out with them. They have to travel around the map to get weapons, not just click a button and get some free gear.

    No shout idea= make people in 30 block radius hear it instead of 200 block radius of normal local chat.

    If theres shout chat, wouldnt that mean that local chat would just be talking normally? I don't think someone 30 meters away could just hear you talking. Maybe local chat could be as small as ten.

    I loved Hardcore mode too. It should be added again as many players on this server hate juggernaut gear, infinite money, and painkillers. However, there are also many players that love it. An easy way to keep everyone happy would be to make Hardcore TMD and keep regular TMD.
    Or, TMD-1 could have pains and jugg and unlimited money enabled, whilst TMD-2 could have it disabled. This could be used through all the servers.

    Just what I think of the whole situation.