Please read over my thread and you'll see that I did not "trash the map" as you said I did. Sorry for any disrespect, but it kind of feels like you already had this wall of text typed up and you just decided to paste this in my thread because of the title, without reading it first. If you
DID read it however, you will see that I thanked the builders and all staff for the update and tried to look at it from everyone's point of view. I'm sure
@Katitude can back me up in this comment.
Again I find it disrespectful that you did not read my thread before commenting, or at least act like you didn't. I stated clearly that I, for one, do not have infinite myself.
Here, you are talking about the issue with painkillers and infinite money... No, we did not know this was going to happen. We knew the reset was happening and most people were happy with it. We did not know however, that pains and infinite money would be nerfed. I fully respect the owners, although, it would have been a bit wiser of them to warn their players of this occurring before hand.
As you remember from my thread, or at least you should remember if you read it, I said....
I'm sorry if I sound a bit harsh to you, but I honestly just found your reply a bit disrespectful as it seems like you did not even bother to read it.
A note to
@Katitude .....
If you have the permissions, can you please do me a favor and delete all of the hateful sounding comments on this post. Such as all of jawas and NoBreads reply to him above? ^^^ This is no hate against them, I just want this thread to be a friendly discussion for both sides without hateful comments. And I would not like to see it end up being locked because of some fight that may occur.