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  • TMD Classic, PVP Changes and Sale


    New member
    Andycool Andycool
    What is this? TMD classic is supposed to be old tmd when pains were right click, nothing of healing had a cool down. How is this supposed to be a TMD classic. This is gonna bring back no players. Like no one liked the cool down on pains. And now you can’t move when you use them? That’s makes it even worst. Why are you guys trying to make it realistic? You guys are trying to do medical system like fornite’s. Like if you guys want players back, just put the old tmd. I’m sure you guys still have the files and stuff of the old tmd. I was actually thinking this was gonna be an actual tmd classic that was right click pains with no cool down. Lemme give you guys a tip, if you actually want to bring back many OG’s, you should make it like when TMD was in its prime. Just look at declans’s forum post. MANY people stated that they would come back if TMD would go back to its prime or how it was in the summer of 2017 July-August. Please just make the server like the old players like it. Just have 2 TMDs open. It’s not that hard.
    I believe he was saying TMD classic would keep pain spams, and the current TMD servers (TMD-1 and whatnot) would get the new med system.


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    What is this? TMD classic is supposed to be old tmd when pains were right click, nothing of healing had a cool down. How is this supposed to be a TMD classic. This is gonna bring back no players. Like no one liked the cool down on pains. And now you can’t move when you use them? That’s makes it even worst. Why are you guys trying to make it realistic? You guys are trying to do medical system like fornite’s. Like if you guys want players back, just put the old tmd. I’m sure you guys still have the files and stuff of the old tmd. I was actually thinking this was gonna be an actual tmd classic that was right click pains with no cool down. Lemme give you guys a tip, if you actually want to bring back many OG’s, you should make it like when TMD was in its prime. Just look at declans’s forum post. MANY people stated that they would come back if TMD would go back to its prime or how it was in the summer of 2017 July-August. Please just make the server like the old players like it. Just have 2 TMDs open. It’s not that hard.

    for once.please before you post a negative reaction, step back and look at the bigger picture. i was not a key person in the decision to move forward with this update, however it has my wholehearted support. i would like everyone to appreciate what this will do. this server is primarily the mining dead, a walking dead based server. that was the mission, that was the goal. that is the main reason i joined. appreciate the builders for all the effort and care they put into the design. when i go to the prison it is EXACTLY like the show. enter painkillers. i dont know under what circumstance they entered the server- that was b4 my time. however i can safely say they are the best and worst thing to have happened in the server. on one hand, it gave new life to the server, with gun pvp becoming the chief player base. every update since then has been (in my opinion) to cater to that need to better pvp. on the other hand that same community the ones that brought life to the server, have ultimately contributed heavily to its decline in that last few months. that is not to say we are a "dead server" far from it, but i recognize we are on a downward trend. the devs have worked hard to cater to this new need of pvp- until now. is this update going to be so bad? ask yourself. if you are saying that you "will be dropped by some random" who has the same limitations to healing as you do, then you have to wonder- why? pvp did not change, healing did. the community asks for change, now we have finally in a way that is good for everyone.

    tmd-1 the people here will likely go to tmd-classic. however, new players will come and will represent a fresh new group of players favoring a more tactical pvp above the current system

    tmd -2 the people here will likely go to tmd-classic. however, new players will come and will represent a fresh new group of players favoring a more tactical pvp above the current system

    tmd-3 those that are frankly unaffected by this update, survival, looting, exploring, roleplay

    tmd-4 those that are frankly unaffected by this update, survival, looting, exploring, roleplay

    tmd classic- those that favor the new pvp/ medical system (those that demanded change and wished for this gamemode's return)

    this new update will be one of the few ive seen that will allow everyone to find a server they enjoy. I see so many saying "this is the simple solution" "this is the way, duh" guess what? its simply not that simple, it never was, and never will be. the devs and builders bust their tails to create a fun environment for you all to enjoy, and yet you still respond with negativity and frankly- selfishness. this is not "you're server". the updates are not tailored to your individual wants. the server evolves to try to encompass everyone, not just a few self proclaimed "ogs". im gonna be honest, i dont care if someone is an "og" or not. the past is the past. let it die. old pvp, old map old textures. they are gone, its been said before and im saying it now LET IT GO. focus on whats in front of you or you will never move forward. now im sure many of you will take issue with my opinion, but im requesting now. dont be so dismissive, give it a try then form an opinion



    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    also id like to address something i have seen a lot. this new update will remove pain spam in the tmd servers (1-4) . i have seen many come forward with the same complaint "some rando in leather comes running at you with a shot gun and i drop in 2 secs" a few suggestions/ opinions-
    if someone is running towards you- shoot back let the better man win
    dont let them get the drop on you. avoid tight areas and always try to be near cover (tree, mailbox, building, low wall, etc)
    "a barret can drop me in like 2-3 shots" well- its a sniper rifle, a suggestion actually look out for snipers, thats kinda their whole deal, see and not be seen. a sniper is deadly at long range while hidden. i myself favor sniper tactics, why give your enemy the chance to kill you? this is whats called "1 shot 1 kill pvp" if you get the drop on someone, you have an infinitely higher chance of a favorable outcome.
    this in turn will give even the newest players to take down some of the most dangerous players on the server. realism. tmd classic. both heavily requested, both have arrived. try to note the good. dont harp on about the negative.


    Yoiji Yoiji
    Wait, this pain killer thing when standing still is for all of the TMD servers including classic? Because many play this server because of that rushing with pain idea because it raises the skill cap. Also, will our items stay on the TMD servers and we will not be able to move them to TMD classic? Isn't one of the TMD servers going to keep that medical spamming that we older players enjoy? Because it seems that you guys are making changes for newer players instead of looking at them and the players that have played for years.


    Yoiji Yoiji
    Basically I am asking:
    1.Will there be at least one TMD server that will have Medical spamming because the older players liked the idea of spamming pains which I don't understand why staff don't see that.
    2.Will players be able to move items from TMD servers to TMD classic.

    Staff, please make sure you have the interests of the new and older players. We are always telling you guys when an update is fine and should stay that way yet you guys change it. I know you want the server to be balanced for new players but don't forget about the older players that put over 200 plus dollars into the server. Whenever you guys make a bad update and we tell you guys to fix it, it takes months for that update to come out. When we say we like one of your updates, it takes you no less than 2 weeks to tear it down and make it bad again.


    MichaelSteve MichaelSteve
    Basically I am asking:
    1.Will there be at least one TMD server that will have Medical spamming because the older players liked the idea of spamming pains which I don't understand why staff don't see that.
    2.Will players be able to move items from TMD servers to TMD classic.

    Staff, please make sure you have the interests of the new and older players. We are always telling you guys when an update is fine and should stay that way yet you guys change it. I know you want the server to be balanced for new players but don't forget about the older players that put over 200 plus dollars into the server. Whenever you guys make a bad update and we tell you guys to fix it, it takes months for that update to come out. When we say we like one of your updates, it takes you no less than 2 weeks to tear it down and make it bad again.
    For the last time, the new pain killer stuff is not for TMD Classic.


    Honestly, when it comes down to it, the more y'all ask questions on TMD Classic or what will happen in the Current TMD servers, the more I get confused over it and maybe other people as well. Seriously, just read the announcement properly :(
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