
The Fall Update is here! Read below for info and changes.
Behind The Scenes Stuff:
- Redid our backend data loading/saving and permissions system to drastically increase performance and hopefully improve reliability
- Reorganized all our plugins/backend code in a more logical way, which will allow us to add new devs easier, and have those devs and our current ones work way more efficiently
- Implemented new system for code deployment
- Generalized a lot of the backend systems on TMD so that they can be run on Mine Wars as well. In essence this allows our work on one of these gamemodes to be used across both, as well as future game modes. These shared and improved systems include:
- Guns
- Crates (Easier to change crate items, add new items, add new crates, etc)
- Vaults (Allows for purchasing of vaults + more. Also more reliable and efficient in database)
- Loot
- Shops
- Custom Item Registration/Management
- Currency
- Profile Stuff (i.e data saving and loading)
- Currency Multipliers (i.e 2x money event, 2x exp event)
- Guns
Gameplay/Bug Fixes:
- Added 1.16.4 support
- Full Reset
- Moved to a new realm system in which the TMD servers are entirely separate. This will allow us to add a unique touch to each server and if we ever want to do a reset if things get dry, we’d just do a reset on one realm.
- We’re deciding what types of twists we want to put on certain realms. For example we might have a realm more focused on role-playing, or another one on hardcore/realism (no nametags, no shops, proximity voice chat), or a TMD OP style on at some point if there was enough demand.
- A variety of guns and armor has been buffed/nerfed based on player suggestions and testing. Key points include Riot buff, Jugg nerf, and changes to legendary weapons.
- New vault system that gives rows for leveling up and allows you to purchase an extra vault for in game money
- Added a new system to detect and prevent duping while also notifying staff
- Added Battle Axe, Guitar, Pan, and Mace melees
- Redid shop, skin, and vault GUIs to make them much prettier
- Redid explosives to have more sensible damage values (they now scale with distance), explode on impact for some items (molotovs and grenade launcher), and break some blocks (leaves, wood, a couple others)
- Selling and buying from shops is now much nicer (you now click the item in your inventory to sell and can buy bulk more easily)
- Katanas and some other high tier melees now one-tap zombies
- Safezone and warp traveling is now free
- Shooting up ladders no longer kicks you
- Fixed a lot of issues with glitched item drops
- Made RPG legendary
- Fixed a speed glitch with zooming in on default controls
- Added a max listing price to auction house
- Fixed a lot of random bugs
I know this was lighter than a lot of people probably wanted on the feature side but it really opened the door for us to do a lot more, and quicker. You should see future bug fixes and QoL changes being made a lot quicker. There’s also a lot of stuff that we wanted to add but decided to push back a bit to get this update out. Stuff like wars with prizes, mob changes, new vehicles including water ones, some new items, overhauling the level system, and more. We plan to get more feedback on what people want soon.