
Hello everyone, thanks for joining in for this week's news post.
September Voting Winners
Congratulations to the voting winners of August. If you are a winner and did not receive a voucher please message Jacobg2011 to receive it.
1st Place: Rockyaroky - Reward: $100 Shop Voucher
2nd Place: JetstreamHawk - Reward: $75 Shop Voucher
3rd Place: XDarkSpartacusX - Reward: $50 Shop Voucher
4th Place: Schnitlaunch_LP - Reward: $25 Shop Voucher
5th Place: TheAceTriad - Reward: $15 Shop Voucher
6th Place: matheuscaiafa - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
7th Place: ThePumbaanator - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
8th Place: _FlameStar_ - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
9th Place: Zendrack - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
10th Place: ItzMiguel7u7 - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
Progress Report
The developer and the owners have been hard at work updating things, here's everything that is being worked on right now:
- Buffing Spas 12 damage up (being worked on)
- Motorcycles/Bikes (being worked on)
- New Bites & Infection System (similar to the old system with a couple small changes, being worked on)
- Fixed knockback warping bug
Expect these changes to be out very soon! We will be posting fixes and updates on our Twitter and the Changelog.
Mine Wars Event
The player HappyPie69 will be hosting a Mine Wars event on October 8th (Sunday) at 5:00pm EST, this event will serve to get old players joining on MW again, have wars, banter, and just have a fun time in general. You can find the thread on the event here.
While staff members will try to attend this event, it will not be edited or changed by us in any way.