All this talk of realism on TMD, but here we are arguing if you should be able to inhale 64 bottles of painkillers in a minute with no serious health problems. If you want realism, you guys should probably
Stop letting things like ammo, food, painkillers, and bags stack. How does one walk around with 64 cans of soup realistically? Shotty ammo should really be the only stackable ammo, since it is individual shots rather than a full magazine. Even then, it should stack to either 8 or 16 per slot
Make somewhere to sell gear other than player to player sales. This would include things like guns, melee, and armor, perhaps medical supplies. This way there isn't as much gear circulationg through the tmd economy, giving it a more realistic feel (where you need to find gear rather than dink some kiddies at berxley). Gear should sell 1/2 (.5) to 2/3 (.66) of the buying price. NPC or command would work
(this is more of a general idea, but would also reduce the amount of gear on tmd) add a /trash command, possibly for use in safezones, to dispose of items.This is very important when you drop an inventory of leather only to kill someone outside the safezone who picked it all up. reeeeeee
Do cars use fuel? Is fuel still a thing? If it is, make cars use fuel. Perhaps something above the hotbar that shows how much fuel is left in the car?
Not sure if this is a thing either, but remove explosion delay on molotovs. I dont throw a flaming beer only for it to hit my target and not break for 3 seconds.
Add some sort of fuel for the flamethrower, just because infinite ammo is super freaking op against zombies and nakeds
Have armored zombies spawn. leather and military in cities and suburbs, riot at places like cdc. Not sure how you want to work the drop ratios of armor, but I would say they should only drop one piece of armor. Maybe add jugg zombies if you feel special, that way people with no ranks can attempt to gather jugg without dying as easily.
remove nametags. This is something in the Crafting Dead modpack, and I would like to see it here. Plus, tracers would be more obvious because you can't say "oh I saw your name from the other side of prison EGGS DEE". Perhaps do something with hitboxes too, but thats up to you
More vehicle colors? We see orange, yellow, purple, and green cars on the map, so why are none of them driveable? Perhaps motorcycle colors if your feeling saucy.
bug fixes (because how can a game be realistic if it explodes your computer?
