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  • New/Updated PVP System Poll

    What would you like to see happen with PVP

    • Try the new system

      Votes: 79 60.8%
    • Keep the old system

      Votes: 51 39.2%

    • Total voters
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    Well-known member
    Extrospected Extrospected
    Haven't played in a while but I think a new approach could do a lot of good for HavocMC. I don't like the idea of making another server with the old mechanics though. The staff should be focusing on growing the community and not pandering to old players by making another OPTMD-style server. It's not worth it to split the playerbase again and risk losing more new players.

    - 7th
    Last edited:


    Jahango Jahango
    I think the Updated version would be good, like when you had TMD-1 before you made OPTMD again the pains were good when you could use them every 1 second and it healed 2 HP, noobs had a chance and I was actually scared to rush something and could actually have fun playing tactical instead of just running straight into wars not caring since I can tank anything.
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    Honestly, I like the idea of the old map being reintroduced. I know it's not fair to the builders who've spent countless hours working on the texture packs and recreating locations from the show, but everything seems so...complicated. The reason I liked this server so much was because it was like a TWD version of Minecraft, but now I feel as though it's more of a Minecraft version of TWD. Before, I felt like I was actually playing Minecraft, rather than another game that was trying to be something totally different. Another thing is that with the new map, as plenty of people have pointed out, it's so large that a lot of it is just running through trees and deserted cities. I don't think it's too appealing to new players who have no idea where the heck they are in the world just to get sniped or randomly killed and find themselves in a completely new environment, with still no idea of where to go. Also, instead of reducing gun texture quality, maybe reduce the texture pack of the blocks? To me, it seems like a lot of the extra detailing was unnecessary, seeing as how guns are always visible and this server is more for PvP than sightseeing nowadays. People will always be looking more at gun textures than hay bale and wall textures. When I first joined, I was mainly interested in the walkers and the guns I could kill them with. Sure, I wandered the map to see familiar scenes in TWD, but I just looked for the gist of the resemblance.

    Anyway, these are all just my personal opinions, I don't know how others feel about some of the points I brought up. Thanks for reading if you did! :D


    HooverVC HooverVC
    Didn't we try this before? Like... Before I was banned for the millionth time?
    I remember something similar that I enjoyed and I have a feeling this is similar.
    Let's go for it.


    Well-known member
    Draw4 Draw4
    Somehow server taking steps back, didn’t we have an “oldtmd” server separate from tmd 1? I’m pretty sure everyone complained to make that tmd 1 but now it’s the other way around..?



    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    I would honestly prefer the new system. It seems fair and balanced, but I would like to see painkillers be brought back up to the 2 hearts they healed before (or whatever it was). Since there will be a longer cooldown, I think boosting the hp a wee bit might be a good idea. Other than that, new system seems dope.
    Then add another server for these new kids like TMD and OPTMD. That was sooo balanced
    I also think this is a good idea! For those who still enjoy the pain-spamming based PvP, they can have the OPTMD thingy, and all the other servers can try out the new system.

    Speaking of OPTMD, when it had first came out, it said there was buffed jugg. Does that mean it had higher protection, or was it enchanted? I never played it, so I don't really know.

    I hope to see the new PvP system tried out, as I think it would be a great update!



    New member
    I think we should go back to the old system because back in the day much more people were playing and it was just a lot more fun in general. Also now the pains and guns have been Nerfed so much that you cant tank or quicky people as well as you could using the old system. I hope we will go back to the good old days and have much much more fun!


    Firelillx Firelillx
    I personally would like to see changes as like a beta thing like they did before with TMD practice. But let's not kid ourselves and say that the reason for the decline in players has anything to do with an unbalanced pvp system. This won't "save" the server. Continuing to fix bugs and maybe advertising could help a lot.

    I mean, just last year I remember when Hell Night had 2 games constantly going with literally over 50 people. Now it's almost impossible to get 15 people to play 1 round. If I am lucky (and wait around for 30 minutes to an hr) I can get one game in every few days.

    So yeah. I'd hope they would actually TEST the new system. A beta system should be put into place. People leave because they are tired of broken things.


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    All this talk of realism on TMD, but here we are arguing if you should be able to inhale 64 bottles of painkillers in a minute with no serious health problems. If you want realism, you guys should probably

    Stop letting things like ammo, food, painkillers, and bags stack. How does one walk around with 64 cans of soup realistically? Shotty ammo should really be the only stackable ammo, since it is individual shots rather than a full magazine. Even then, it should stack to either 8 or 16 per slot

    Make somewhere to sell gear other than player to player sales. This would include things like guns, melee, and armor, perhaps medical supplies. This way there isn't as much gear circulationg through the tmd economy, giving it a more realistic feel (where you need to find gear rather than dink some kiddies at berxley). Gear should sell 1/2 (.5) to 2/3 (.66) of the buying price. NPC or command would work

    (this is more of a general idea, but would also reduce the amount of gear on tmd) add a /trash command, possibly for use in safezones, to dispose of items.This is very important when you drop an inventory of leather only to kill someone outside the safezone who picked it all up. reeeeeee

    Do cars use fuel? Is fuel still a thing? If it is, make cars use fuel. Perhaps something above the hotbar that shows how much fuel is left in the car?

    Not sure if this is a thing either, but remove explosion delay on molotovs. I dont throw a flaming beer only for it to hit my target and not break for 3 seconds. :p

    Add some sort of fuel for the flamethrower, just because infinite ammo is super freaking op against zombies and nakeds

    Have armored zombies spawn. leather and military in cities and suburbs, riot at places like cdc. Not sure how you want to work the drop ratios of armor, but I would say they should only drop one piece of armor. Maybe add jugg zombies if you feel special, that way people with no ranks can attempt to gather jugg without dying as easily.

    remove nametags. This is something in the Crafting Dead modpack, and I would like to see it here. Plus, tracers would be more obvious because you can't say "oh I saw your name from the other side of prison EGGS DEE". Perhaps do something with hitboxes too, but thats up to you

    More vehicle colors? We see orange, yellow, purple, and green cars on the map, so why are none of them driveable? Perhaps motorcycle colors if your feeling saucy.

    bug fixes (because how can a game be realistic if it explodes your computer? :p )


    JBentley694 JBentley694
    All this talk of realism on TMD, but here we are arguing if you should be able to inhale 64 bottles of painkillers in a minute with no serious health problems. If you want realism, you guys should probably

    Stop letting things like ammo, food, painkillers, and bags stack. How does one walk around with 64 cans of soup realistically? Shotty ammo should really be the only stackable ammo, since it is individual shots rather than a full magazine. Even then, it should stack to either 8 or 16 per slot

    Make somewhere to sell gear other than player to player sales. This would include things like guns, melee, and armor, perhaps medical supplies. This way there isn't as much gear circulationg through the tmd economy, giving it a more realistic feel (where you need to find gear rather than dink some kiddies at berxley). Gear should sell 1/2 (.5) to 2/3 (.66) of the buying price. NPC or command would work

    (this is more of a general idea, but would also reduce the amount of gear on tmd) add a /trash command, possibly for use in safezones, to dispose of items.This is very important when you drop an inventory of leather only to kill someone outside the safezone who picked it all up. reeeeeee

    Do cars use fuel? Is fuel still a thing? If it is, make cars use fuel. Perhaps something above the hotbar that shows how much fuel is left in the car?

    Not sure if this is a thing either, but remove explosion delay on molotovs. I dont throw a flaming beer only for it to hit my target and not break for 3 seconds. :p

    Add some sort of fuel for the flamethrower, just because infinite ammo is super freaking op against zombies and nakeds

    Have armored zombies spawn. leather and military in cities and suburbs, riot at places like cdc. Not sure how you want to work the drop ratios of armor, but I would say they should only drop one piece of armor. Maybe add jugg zombies if you feel special, that way people with no ranks can attempt to gather jugg without dying as easily.

    remove nametags. This is something in the Crafting Dead modpack, and I would like to see it here. Plus, tracers would be more obvious because you can't say "oh I saw your name from the other side of prison EGGS DEE". Perhaps do something with hitboxes too, but thats up to you

    More vehicle colors? We see orange, yellow, purple, and green cars on the map, so why are none of them driveable? Perhaps motorcycle colors if your feeling saucy.

    bug fixes (because how can a game be realistic if it explodes your computer? :p )

    You have a lot of good points especially about a /trash command and being able to sell back items. As for the realism part, tmd realism is something we have wanted to do from the last couple of updates but it never had enough support. Sure it sounds like fun for you and me and those who want a realistic survivalist server where its not full juggs you have to worry about but the rarity of ammo and food. Sadly though too many pvp players want a system where pains can be spammed and stacked and if you're op you basically have no worries and the game more or less is just a point and click. Myself and many others would love to have a realism server and maybe one day in the future we can have it but we are listening to what players want and the majority want an op game mode. As for the idea of zombies dropping jugg I also like that and I also think jugg should now be buyable as its no longer rare and has lost its fun in having it at this point because some people rather have a challenging game experience then a easy shoot em' up game. The vehicle idea is nice but being we are 1.8 there are limitations to what we can have as for items and such but who knows maybe one extra color vehicle will get added in the near future and yes fuel was once a thing back during the early days on the big map but was shortly lived. Actually I don't think fuel was added on the live servers, or maybe it was for a short time I don't know I cant remember if it was or not, I know the fuel can is still in the items grid. Anyways nice suggestions.


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    You have a lot of good points especially about a /trash command and being able to sell back items. As for the realism part, tmd realism is something we have wanted to do from the last couple of updates but it never had enough support. Sure it sounds like fun for you and me and those who want a realistic survivalist server where its not full juggs you have to worry about but the rarity of ammo and food. Sadly though too many pvp players want a system where pains can be spammed and stacked and if you're op you basically have no worries and the game more or less is just a point and click. Myself and many others would love to have a realism server and maybe one day in the future we can have it but we are listening to what players want and the majority want an op game mode. As for the idea of zombies dropping jugg I also like that and I also think jugg should now be buyable as its no longer rare and has lost its fun in having it at this point because some people rather have a challenging game experience then a easy shoot em' up game. The vehicle idea is nice but being we are 1.8 there are limitations to what we can have as for items and such but who knows maybe one extra color vehicle will get added in the near future and yes fuel was once a thing back during the early days on the big map but was shortly lived. Actually I don't think fuel was added on the live servers, or maybe it was for a short time I don't know I cant remember if it was or not, I know the fuel can is still in the items grid. Anyways nice suggestions.
    fuel cans were a textured item along with engines and batteries, but I dont think they did anything


    New member
    like_a_pig like_a_pig
    To be honest, you want more new players? Make loot more common....for real, it takes alot of time to just get ONE set of riot..... And pains you get like ONE stack every 1k police boxes...thats why new players NEVER stay. Let me give you a tip... Make the OG Players happy. Because if not.... RIP The original tmd.... Before, There were fights everywhere, now there are roleplayers everywhere.


    The More Players, the more the community grows...can be a good thing as well as a bad one...
    The OG Player Label is made up by people who were not even considered to be "OG" for what many people claim to be currently...
    The Real OG wouldn't boast and complain how the server is "gone" or "absolute trash", they would stay loyal till the very end(Either when they pull the plug for the server, or Microsoft shuts down PC Minecraft)

    That's what "OG" means to me at least for this server: Loyalty


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    Hello everyone. Please read this thread carefully before replying and/or polling.

    Over the course of TMD’s run the PVP system has remained largely unchanged over the years, with a couple changes/attempted changes here an there. For a long while we have felt like the current PVP system, which is based essentially on how fast you can spam painkillers, is unfair to new players, is stale and boring, and can be exploited far too easily. Lately, it seems like a lot of players have been sharing the same or at least similar opinion as us, which is why I’m now making this thread.

    We are proposing to overhaul the current PVP system so it’s more fun, so that battles are more intense, so that new players can have a fair chance, and so that in general the system can’t be exploited like the current one.

    Current PVP System:
    -Gun damages are quite high to offset the painkiller spamming aspect.
    -A cap of 12 painkillers can be used per second.
    -The combat boils down to how fast you can right click and if you’re at least half decent at aiming.
    -Heavily favours experienced players and does not give new players a fair chance.

    Updated PVP System:
    -Gun damages would be reduced in the absence of painkiller spamming (would be heavily tested to ensure it’s fair).
    -Painkillers would (most likely) have a one per second usage limit, or something similiar. Painkiller spamming would not be the focus of PVP.
    -Would provide an equal chance for both old and new players to enjoy and succeed in combat.
    -Wars and just general PVP could be a lot more tense and interesting then what it is now.

    We have wanted to have a more fair and realistic PVP system/experience for a long time, but until recently it had seemed nobody wanted that change. Seeing as that many players are now disliking the current system we believed that it would be a good time to make this thread as a suggestions to see what the community would like to see happen.

    Please note that I covered only the basics of the potential new PVP system. These can be changed or edited and are not set in stone.

    Thank you for reading this. Please remember to vote on the poll.

    I personally have no strong opinion to either idea. yes painkiller spamming essentially makes a person immune to being killed by a new player. but there are arguments to keep the current system as well. chief among them is that the server is split on this issue and altering with the server is a gamble. If the new server is overwhelmingly popular, the server thrives, if it is overwhelmingly unpopular it dies as people leave in protest. so what i propose is this- try the "new" system on TMD-2 and have a message to new players recommending that server(new could be defined as new to the server or by a low elo (perhaps under 950?) The experienced players could continue with TMD-1 as is while new players can fight without combating spam pains. the veteran players would remain happy and the new people could fight on a fairer field. this plan removes the risk of majority opinion and allows a "trial" of the new combat system proposed.
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