
I will reply on this **** comment soon
Tbh, the server is dead bc of the updates YOU, THE SERVER, made. We, the players, didn't ask for a cps cap. when I just started playing the server, I didn't have a good amount of cps to tank a katana in full jugg. I didn't really care. The fun is that you can learn from what you did wrong, noobs in this time won't get better. If the server was still like a year ago, it would be good. The old map, the old gun, mechanics and the pains were good. Why change it? We didn't ask for it, did we? You should stop listening to yourself and the noobs and make the server so it won't just be dead. You did a great job when you first made the server. The server was as it used to be. In these days, I try to make some content for my video's. I can't get any good content bc you, the server, made it go downhill. If you were just gonna try make it as it was, you would get the most people back on tmd. The times it was fun. Also mangled needs to be unbanned and the server will be alot of fun. This is just the best option you can do atm. Make tmd as it was.
10/10 humor right there.they are people too, not the IRS
Mate I don't know anymore why I still see people typing "old map" old weapons". You do realize that there has been more than one change to all of these features, right? By definition all but the current forms for are considered "old". Now there are these quotes----"we the players" "we didn't ask for it, did we?" "This is just the best option you can do atm"---- you do realize that you are not the spokesperson of the server, and cannot claim to know what everyone on the server wanted or didn't want. there will of course be those that dont like updates, and thats fine, but dont pretend to represent the entire player base of the server. but i personally have seen more positive than negative reviews of the servers endeavors.
end of rant to "we" terminology
When people are pleased about something, i find they are usually able to clearly state what it is. when people are displeased about something, I have not often seen someone post a way to fix what is wrong but merely state what is wrong. if i am a chef and i cook someone a pizza, and they say "this tastes bad" , i will ask how does it taste bad? "its too salty" or " it has too much cheese" would be actionable responses. "make me a new one" is not. see the difference? if it has too much cheese, i can make it with less cheese. make a new one? what am i supposed to do with a request like that? what specifically do they want to be changed?
please be one of the exceptions. Because if i was a staff i would look at the community feedback when considering an update.
so based on what i have seen, I would see mostly see people happy and talking about how awesome the (insert feature) is. i would see grievances, some with solutions, but many merely rants with little to no actionable solutions. i personally am not picky about this server. it runs smoothly all things considered. it has bugs, yes, but they are fixed relatively quickly. it has the heart and soul of walking dead built into it and is run by a present and friendly staff. i honestly appreciate that they are putting their own time, energy, and thought into keeping this server fresh balanced and up to date. i have heard hints that due to the most recent episode of TWD there will be some updated locations (no spoilers). the builders could go to the movies, play games, go out with friends and family. no- during their free time they bust their tails to try to give everyone on the server the best they can. i can say with confidence, that i don't think they do this to be criticized and called out.
i want you to take a moment to think about what this server would be like without staff. no, really actually think about it for a second.....
there would be no bug fixes, no new material, no helpful voices in the chat, none to help settle disputes. i have seen the words "TMD is dying" in a few posts, but i can say with confidence- would u prefer the same material, bugs that are never fixed, none to settle disputes, and an obsolete map? without builders during, say, the last 2 years, half the maps locations would not exist. scammers, hackers, and other "undesirables" would run rampant in the server. give them some appreciation, not just hatred. they do this because they want to.
the helpers are trying to help keep the peace and the server running smoothly. the builders are just trying to keep new material flowing into the server. what? do you think they get months of notice to a location changing in status? no they bust their tail when somewhere new location emerges.
when a new update comes out, if you dont like it, figure out why. identify what the reason is and how you could suggest it would be changed. im sure they dont just "do what they want" so your opinion will likely be considered. if it has to much "dead zone" to run through. tell them so, and make a few suggestions as to what could be put there. if you merely type, "this map sucks", well what are they supposed to do with that? put yourself in their shoes for a minute and remember, they are people too, not the IRS
post your thoughts I am curious
He's going for Helper, so I think he'll be an asset to the staff team!It's nice to know some players understand how much effort goes into making the server, you should run for spokesperson/ elected representative of TMD.
What specifically is ruining Havoc? And boring updates? Boring my butt! This recent map release was so well received, I started to wonder if I was in the right server. Not to mention, the new pain balance is amazing. Besides, change is inevitable, and I can't stress that enough. Nothing will stay the same forever, and you just have to get used to change. adventuremc.. make a TMD-1 (PVP) again and TMD-2 (PVE) and a TMD-OP for the more skilled players.. it's ruining tmd which sucks cuz I used to enjoy this server.. but now it's boring new updates, new ways to click, new damages, and after these years of playing I gotta get used to a new system again? Lol
"Skilled" ~ People who can tank pains...I'm sorry but TMD-OP was the most Toxic and Annoying server that HavocMc has ever had. Majority of the hackers also played on that server as well...If you cannot adapt, quit. No, actually just exploit others by using hacks, it will take a while for you to get banned, and you could decide to appeal and rejoin after a few monthsrip adventuremc.. make a TMD-1 (PVP) again and TMD-2 (PVE) and a TMD-OP for the more skilled players.. it's ruining tmd which sucks cuz I used to enjoy this server.. but now it's boring new updates, new ways to click, new damages, and after these years of playing I gotta get used to a new system again? Lol
the painkiller restriction is what killed the original serverHello everyone. Please read this thread carefully before replying and/or polling.
Over the course of TMD’s run the PVP system has remained largely unchanged over the years, with a couple changes/attempted changes here an there. For a long while we have felt like the current PVP system, which is based essentially on how fast you can spam painkillers, is unfair to new players, is stale and boring, and can be exploited far too easily. Lately, it seems like a lot of players have been sharing the same or at least similar opinion as us, which is why I’m now making this thread.
We are proposing to overhaul the current PVP system so it’s more fun, so that battles are more intense, so that new players can have a fair chance, and so that in general the system can’t be exploited like the current one.
Current PVP System:
-Gun damages are quite high to offset the painkiller spamming aspect.
-A cap of 12 painkillers can be used per second.
-The combat boils down to how fast you can right click and if you’re at least half decent at aiming.
-Heavily favours experienced players and does not give new players a fair chance.
Updated PVP System:
-Gun damages would be reduced in the absence of painkiller spamming (would be heavily tested to ensure it’s fair).
-Painkillers would (most likely) have a one per second usage limit, or something similiar. Painkiller spamming would not be the focus of PVP.
-Would provide an equal chance for both old and new players to enjoy and succeed in combat.
-Wars and just general PVP could be a lot more tense and interesting then what it is now.
We have wanted to have a more fair and realistic PVP system/experience for a long time, but until recently it had seemed nobody wanted that change. Seeing as that many players are now disliking the current system we believed that it would be a good time to make this thread as a suggestions to see what the community would like to see happen.
Please note that I covered only the basics of the potential new PVP system. These can be changed or edited and are not set in stone.
Thank you for reading this. Please remember to vote on the poll.
The new update would be fair for the new playersHello everyone. Please read this thread carefully before replying and/or polling.
Over the course of TMD’s run the PVP system has remained largely unchanged over the years, with a couple changes/attempted changes here an there. For a long while we have felt like the current PVP system, which is based essentially on how fast you can spam painkillers, is unfair to new players, is stale and boring, and can be exploited far too easily. Lately, it seems like a lot of players have been sharing the same or at least similar opinion as us, which is why I’m now making this thread.
We are proposing to overhaul the current PVP system so it’s more fun, so that battles are more intense, so that new players can have a fair chance, and so that in general the system can’t be exploited like the current one.
Current PVP System:
-Gun damages are quite high to offset the painkiller spamming aspect.
-A cap of 12 painkillers can be used per second.
-The combat boils down to how fast you can right click and if you’re at least half decent at aiming.
-Heavily favours experienced players and does not give new players a fair chance.
Updated PVP System:
-Gun damages would be reduced in the absence of painkiller spamming (would be heavily tested to ensure it’s fair).
-Painkillers would (most likely) have a one per second usage limit, or something similiar. Painkiller spamming would not be the focus of PVP.
-Would provide an equal chance for both old and new players to enjoy and succeed in combat.
-Wars and just general PVP could be a lot more tense and interesting then what it is now.
We have wanted to have a more fair and realistic PVP system/experience for a long time, but until recently it had seemed nobody wanted that change. Seeing as that many players are now disliking the current system we believed that it would be a good time to make this thread as a suggestions to see what the community would like to see happen.
Please note that I covered only the basics of the potential new PVP system. These can be changed or edited and are not set in stone.
Thank you for reading this. Please remember to vote on the poll.