
Hello everyone,
I am excited to announce that after lots of consideration, we have decided to revert back to our old ranks and return the old crates and kits back to the shop. We have made this decision because, quite simply put, if we continued to sell only the new ranks the server would not make anywhere close to enough to cover expenses and would be forced to shutdown.
In regards to the most recent TMD Update, everything from this update will remain in place except for the following.
- New ranks will no longer exist. Most of their perks have been given to the old ranks and anyone who purchased any of these ranks will be given a refund over the next few days.
- Vaults have been reverted back to how they were before the update. (There were a few issues in doing this that we are looking into)
- All other changes will remain in place, including free TPAing, warping, and character kit usage on a 24 hour cooldown and the medical item changes.
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