• IP Copied!
  • Old Shop Items are Back!


    Jacobg1998 Jacobg1998

    Hello everyone,
    I am excited to announce that after lots of consideration, we have decided to revert back to our old ranks and return the old crates and kits back to the shop. We have made this decision because, quite simply put, if we continued to sell only the new ranks the server would not make anywhere close to enough to cover expenses and would be forced to shutdown.

    In regards to the most recent TMD Update, everything from this update will remain in place except for the following.
    • New ranks will no longer exist. Most of their perks have been given to the old ranks and anyone who purchased any of these ranks will be given a refund over the next few days.
    • Vaults have been reverted back to how they were before the update. (There were a few issues in doing this that we are looking into)
    • All other changes will remain in place, including free TPAing, warping, and character kit usage on a 24 hour cooldown and the medical item changes.
    That's all for now. Thank you for your ongoing support of HavocMC, and be sure to stay tuned for more exciting announcements coming soon.
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    Kendrq Kendrq
    don't the old ranks go against eula standard though?
    Yeah... I'm confused...

    but happy as well.
    He's saying that the server is reverting back regardless of the EULA. "We have made this decision because, quite simply put, if we continued to follow the Minecraft EULA the server would not make anywhere close to enough to cover expenses and would be forced to shutdown."


    Snakefangs2004 Snakefangs2004
    So by putting back the old ranks the server will be shut down anyways. So we screwed either way? I don’t know how we are going to get passed this but hey now we get perks for time classic I believe :) (But somone please tell me how this is a good idea or how we are going to get passed this)
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    MichaelSteve MichaelSteve
    So by putting back the old ranks the server will be shut down anyways. So we screwed either way? I don’t know how we are going to get passed this but hey now we get perks for time classic I believe :) (But somone please tell me how this is a good idea or how we are going to get passed this)
    If you don’t follow the EULA, they will blacklist the server. Meaning I believe in 1.10, you can not join the server. There’s a chance they won’t look into this and forget about it, or legal action may take place. Honestly HavocMC is between a rock and a hard place.


    New member
    CravenPython108 CravenPython108
    He's saying that the server is reverting back regardless of the EULA. "We have made this decision because, quite simply put, if we continued to follow the Minecraft EULA the server would not make anywhere close to enough to cover expenses and would be forced to shutdown."
    You'll be forced to shutdown anyways if you keep violating the EULA. Just means when the server gets blacklisted, you'll have more money to take away from it than if you put money into the server to keep it running.


    Kendrq Kendrq
    So by putting back the old ranks the server will be shut down anyways. So we screwed either way? I don’t know how we are going to get passed this but hey now we get perks for time classic I believe :) (But somone please tell me how this is a good idea or how we are going to get passed this)
    If you don’t follow the EULA, they will blacklist the server. Meaning I believe in 1.10, you can not join the server. There’s a chance they won’t look into this and forget about it, or legal action may take place. Honestly HavocMC is between a rock and a hard place.
    You'll be forced to shutdown anyways if you keep violating the EULA. Just means when the server gets blacklisted, you'll have more money to take away from it than if you put money into the server to keep it running.
    They've got a plan, they'll figure it out. And if they don't, it's ultimately their server and their decision anyways. Not much any of us can do regarding it right now, just going to have to wait and see how everything plays out.


    New member
    Very bad mistake of going against mojang since server is 1.8+. Server can be blacklisted due to this, if it was 1.7 server will be able to bypass the ban.

    Really hope server doesn’t have to deal with this issue, but I like the sound of possibility of 1.7. Keep rebelling ;)

    2014/2015 coming back boys!


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    Don't worry about the server being shut down or Blacklisted. There are methods of bypassing the Blacklist that work on all current Minecraft versions that servers have been using for years that we intend as to use as well.

    Ok let me get this straight. we recieved a notice from mojang telling the server to become EULA compliant or face being blacklisted.
    OK easy choice- become compliant. update occurs to implement those as well as other very strong and long awaited changed (like tmd classic).

    Between then and now you have found a way to sidestep being blacklisted which will be implemented to counter the possibility of being blacklisted by mojang. now everything will revert to normal and minewars has priority? (maybe in tandom with fixing up tmd- classic)

    I guess im seeing if i correctly understand what is happening.

    thanks - general2673

    also forgive the phrasing- though I dont know the details this is a really ballsy play. rather than roll over because of microsoft ur going with a way to "bypass" the blacklist which in my eyes means getting blacklisted and cheating microsoft their shutdown LMAO. you all have my respect.
    @_Nickk @Jacobg1998 @Ignitinglce

    long live the mining dead!
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    seuboi seuboi
    I don't think that they simply found a way out the eula complaints - they realized that, giving its popularity, the server would ended up dying. Better to try to keep their old plans than risking its player base.

    Smart move and I do believe the owners concerns. There's lot of things to improve but being loyal to its foundation is a solid gold here.

    Anyways I thank you for rolling back the ender chests. Having to deal with multiple choices was rather tiring when pvping or dealing with lots of items.
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    UterZorker UterZorker
    its kind of simple to get out of.

    1. Make an update
    2. When players go to the hub for the first time in this update there will be a sort of contract saying: By playing HavocMC I believe that the ranks and other things in the shop are not giving those who have them an advantage in any way.
    3. To agree to it you would need to click some gray wool and to not agree red wool.
    4. Until you agree to it you can only stay in that menu.


    UterZorker UterZorker
    Don't worry about the server being shut down or Blacklisted. There are methods of bypassing the Blacklist that work on all current Minecraft versions that servers have been using for years that we intend as to use as well.
    /ban Jacobg1998 1000000 years for: abusing glitches to get past EULA
    Guardianblade Guardianblade
    Online mode: off? :3 (but you will need to deal with cracked players and hackers and spammers and bots all that weird stuff; if you will do that)

    Also when will the "no way out" Gamemode will release?

    Edit: Or maybe make a custom client? Tbh idk really know a good way to prevent shady stuff and stay online, I don't think bypassing or exploiting the EULA is possible, maybe it will work for some time but it won't work forever, because eventually Microsoft/Mojang will notice.

    Edit #2: Man... The EULA update is garbage, It seems for players from outside that it will be good and it will prevent cashers or p2w stuff, or donors permission advantage points, but in core; it's garbage because now won't able to profit so they can continue hosting the server, which means players won't be able to play on their favorite servers or find good servers to play in, and this will make Minecraft lose popularity, and to be honest donators should be treated well because they support the server to stay alife but also doesn't get a big advantage on normal players.
    If Mojang/Microsoft won't change their EULA lots of famous and awesome servers will fall eventually, and new servers won't be able to advance or to compete other supported servers because they won't be able to devote time into it, if you do something for fun but you get tired from it and it's preventing you doing important things in life (like work) you won't continue in it, but if this thing gives you; your income and you will able to devote all your time to it (as work) it will continue and thrive and live, anyways unless Minecraft does change it's EULA it will be gone for good, or unless it does something that supports content creators so they can profit and devote their time.

    Fewww...it took long to write this, I hope you read it all and you understood it.
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