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  • TMD and TMDC Updates

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    That was the exact point.

    This way new players have a chance to learn the mechanics before getting btfo and quitting. This also gives TMDC/OP to become the peak competitive standard.
    Mate they literally just thanos snapped the server, back to 30 players, and the server was doing so well too, everything was just the way it was supposed to be, people were happy, then boom an update no one asked for or wanted, Thanos snapped the server, I haven't seen the tmdpve player count over 15 post update, gg mates, ya did it, if tmd wasn't going to die before, this was the bullet, First Hershel dies irl, then Andrew L apparently, then apparently BenGermann too, and now, TMD, Final words: "That went well."


    Challenge_ Challenge_
    Yes. The majority of people asked for it.

    And I don’t trust the numbers you gave me... last time I was on I saw PVE having the most at 60.


    • 9C12DD66-AC97-43EC-AC28-D1A636A6748E.png
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    Splitting the community definitely hasn't worked in the past, but neither has trying to make one medium. Both have failed, and the server was definitely going downhill before the split. It could definitely fail, but so far player count has went up, and the difference from past splits is the emphasis on creating a vision for TMD that I/we actually believe in, not just trying to alleviate concerns. I've spent quite a bit of time researching other servers and trying to see what works, and I think once we get quests and bases added and everything, the core TMD gamemode will have more to offer in terms of economy and gameplay than it has in the past. TMD definitely suffered from splits, but I think unlimited money and ridiculous donation perks hurt it a ton too, and we're trying to fix that in TMD PVP/PVE. Over time TMD's focus changed from survival to PVP, but then PVP kinda devolved, and there was no focus, especially for new players, since survival was super easy. I think by dedicating more time to making TMD an actual fun gamemode again, the split can be more fun and successful than the past splits, where we split it and added nothing, while working on other projects instead.

    I did try to get player feedback for this update - I went on discord and made polls, and I also talked to Kyritic and some other longtime players. The consensus was this was a good idea.

    I can't guarantee this will work, but I think once the issues are figured out it will be our best shot at reviving the server.

    "but I think once the issues are figured out it will be our best shot and reviving the server" Look at your current player count, do a study on it even, look at it for a few days, now look at it from pre update, notice anything different? that's right, you ******* thanos snapped the server, you brought an update no one wanted or asked for, and for what? "rebalance" everyone lost everything, including OG stats, to a server that no one likes to play on, I heavily dislike doing any pvp at all, and I main pve, now I cant even buy soup bc I don't have any money, no inf, no nothing, the only good thing about this update is duffels, cool, nice, awesome, good work, first Hershel dies irl, apparently Andrew L and then BenGermann, and finally TMD as a whole is on it's last legs, good work, Final words: "Well that went well"
    Yes. The majority of people asked for it.

    And I don’t trust the numbers you gave me... last time I was on I saw PVE having the most at 60.
    Are you blind? did you see what player count the server was at pre update? now look at the current tmd, ok now look at tmd again later at peak time, if there is over at least minimum 20 players tmdpve, I wont complain anymore, now if the server remains under 15, then I think it's obvious something might have caused a decent playerbase count to decrease, justttt saying, mighttt have been the update idk, idk man it's a solid update that everyone loves and totally begged for, idk why the playerbase shrinked bruv
    And not to mention, the fact that I heavily dislike playing any pvp at all on tmd, yet they moved all my items and stats to a server I have no want with playing on, they didn't once think of pve players in this update
    did they?
    Yes. The majority of people asked for it.

    And I don’t trust the numbers you gave me... last time I was on I saw PVE having the most at 60.

    Hol up, you are telling me, that a ton of people begged for stats to be completely moved to tmdclassic, for pain spam to become once again cooldowned, and for people to lose all their money and stats

    and may I add, that straw poll, is the least specific thing I have ever seen, there is no context, at all


    seuboi seuboi
    This guy is so confused I can't even...
    1. Yeah moving our stats was weird but nothing that would harm anyone
    2. Items were moved for economics sake, there would be no reason to implement a new economic system (where legends and item stacks are valuable and rare) if you already have tons of it. It was a wipe, plain and simple. It would be better if the previous wipe was planned to have some usefulness but I think it was not given that much of a thought.
    3. There was no pve, only rp. Why would u miss a heck ton of jug and golden weapons if there was not even use in pve? You are contradicting yourself if you really exclusively play pve
    4. A couple of months ago the whole server had abt 30 players, and they were sorted between pvp, pve and classic. Barely 10 ppl per server, what are you even talking about 15 players now lol?


    New member
    @UglyAnimal Stats were cleared FOR THE ENTIRE TMD SERVER, and only TMDPVP stuff was moved to TMDC. TMDPVE was left entirely untouched except for the stat/echest reset. And the PVE regularly gets 50+ players. I have no idea what timezone you're on because US Eastern is fine.


    Kendrq Kendrq
    And not to mention, the fact that I heavily dislike playing any pvp at all on tmd, yet they moved all my items and stats to a server I have no want with playing on, they didn't once think of pve players in this update
    did they?
    From your multitude of replies to this thread, I can tell that you're not a fan of the update so far. However, I would like to address some of the remarks you've made as some of them are false or misguided.

    Firstly, you mention there only being 30 players on the server. Assuming that was the player count when you posted that reply (1:50pm EST), then a majority of our player base was in school, myself included. I've seen our player count spike upwards of 120 and even 160 several times post-update. You have to factor in what time of the day you're choosing to check our player count. The middle of a school day, or even just the middle of the school week in general, is a bad time to make generalizations off of. I've also seen TMDPVP go above 30 players post-update (whereas it was dead pre-update), around 30-40 on TMDC/TMDOP, and upwards of 60 players on TMDPVE.

    Stats were moved to TMDC to make that what TMD-1 was. TMDPVE and TMDPVP are now both focused more on an economy where all items have value, and will soon have other focuses such as quests/challenges, bases, and more. I know a fair amount of people are upset about losing infinite money and such for PVE, but everyone knows it's what needed to be done to make that server not broken and to allow an economy there.

    This update was meant to please players looking for more than a single playstyle on TMD. My best advice to you would be to look around at the overall stats of how this update is effecting the server, and maybe take some more time (with an open mind) to formulate a solid opinion on this. If you have any further concerns or questions (or even suggestions), I'd love to get to talk more to you about them. Until then, just try to take a breather and mess around with the new setup we have going on.


    It's a very fair statement, considering the context that he doesn't play Minecraft anymore, he claimed o have 'condemned' (paraphrased) the server's progress and staff team, etc, and that's exactly what he's doing. It doesn't make any logical sense.

    EDIT: You also took that tid-bit out of context, so... next time read more carefully.
    You and the other salty kids diss him all the time. Suggesting how someone can do a better job at something is something everyone should do if they think it'll help the server. If people think staff could've done a better job at something, then people should speak up about it because we all should be trying to make ourselves better. We are still pretty unprofessional and it needs improvement.

    You consistently talk **** and diss him, the staff don't seem to care about this 6 month "drama" yet they tell me I shouldn't speak up over more "unnecessary drama". This is so hypocritical
    From your multitude of replies to this thread, I can tell that you're not a fan of the update so far. However, I would like to address some of the remarks you've made as some of them are false or misguided.

    Firstly, you mention there only being 30 players on the server. Assuming that was the player count when you posted that reply (1:50pm EST), then a majority of our player base was in school, myself included. I've seen our player count spike upwards of 120 and even 160 several times post-update. You have to factor in what time of the day you're choosing to check our player count. The middle of a school day, or even just the middle of the school week in general, is a bad time to make generalizations off of. I've also seen TMDPVP go above 30 players post-update (whereas it was dead pre-update), around 30-40 on TMDC/TMDOP, and upwards of 60 players on TMDPVE.

    Stats were moved to TMDC to make that what TMD-1 was. TMDPVE and TMDPVP are now both focused more on an economy where all items have value, and will soon have other focuses such as quests/challenges, bases, and more. I know a fair amount of people are upset about losing infinite money and such for PVE, but everyone knows it's what needed to be done to make that server not broken and to allow an economy there.

    This update was meant to please players looking for more than a single playstyle on TMD. My best advice to you would be to look around at the overall stats of how this update is effecting the server, and maybe take some more time (with an open mind) to formulate a solid opinion on this. If you have any further concerns or questions (or even suggestions), I'd love to get to talk more to you about them. Until then, just try to take a breather and mess around with the new setup we have going on.
    A few things i would like to mention considering you are actually extremely professional about this, to make it easy, every day at 5 PM US Central time, i will check the server stats, focusing mainly on tmd gamemodes, i will do this for 7 days mostly focusing ok weekends, just to see what the server count is at peak time post update rather than pre, I mainly despise the update due to the fact that literally everyone is now massively poor, prices of everything will skyrocket, inf is no longer a thing so i can bet you rn alot of og players that had it will quit, already the tmdpvp server is getting more attention bc guess what, tmdpve players just lost every item they had, and then some, so they most likely quit, my main concern is about tmdpve because that’s the only thing that keeps me on the server, and now i have no reason other than monthly crates to stay, or the chance of getting a few mil from mythical, but now, you have probably noticed an already bad playercount, allt of of players despise it already and ive watched a few quit the server in chat, it’s like people forgot who made this server what it was, and new kids don’t complain because they don’t know what the best server was, they are used to these mechanics, not old ones, so no reason to complain, thanos snap
    This guy is so confused I can't even...
    1. Yeah moving our stats was weird but nothing that would harm anyone
    2. Items were moved for economics sake, there would be no reason to implement a new economic system (where legends and item stacks are valuable and rare) if you already have tons of it. It was a wipe, plain and simple. It would be better if the previous wipe was planned to have some usefulness but I think it was not given that much of a thought.
    3. There was no pve, only rp. Why would u miss a heck ton of jug and golden weapons if there was not even use in pve? You are contradicting yourself if you really exclusively play pve
    4. A couple of months ago the whole server had abt 30 players, and they were sorted between pvp, pve and classic. Barely 10 ppl per server, what are you even talking about 15 players now lol?
    Jesus Christ you are a moron, when i said “i main pve” and complain about jugg, i take literally any other jugg owning player into consideration, including the fact i can make money if i sell my jugg, which i can no longer do, ive talked to people across the server and the main audience that dislikes the update is og players, besides, i like my leg weapons in rp, looks better, besides less chances if being shot in the head rp wise, really, who wants to mess with a juggernaut with an ak


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    Suggesting how someone can do a better job at something is something everyone should do if they think it'll help the server.
    Except that's not what he was doing. Clearly.
    You and the other salty kids diss him all the time.
    He makes it too easy, ngl. Literally only shows up to talk trash about things that a) don't affect him and b) he knows nothing about.

    Peach is not giving criticism to help better the server. He's literally only doing it to invalidate people's hard work, change, and to make him seem like he's still relevant. He's just giving criticism to give criticism (and I say 'criticism' loosley, because in retrospect, he's only being salty himself and trashing everything).
    From your multitude of replies to this thread, I can tell that you're not a fan of the update so far. However, I would like to address some of the remarks you've made as some of them are false or misguided.

    Firstly, you mention there only being 30 players on the server. Assuming that was the player count when you posted that reply (1:50pm EST), then a majority of our player base was in school, myself included. I've seen our player count spike upwards of 120 and even 160 several times post-update. You have to factor in what time of the day you're choosing to check our player count. The middle of a school day, or even just the middle of the school week in general, is a bad time to make generalizations off of. I've also seen TMDPVP go above 30 players post-update (whereas it was dead pre-update), around 30-40 on TMDC/TMDOP, and upwards of 60 players on TMDPVE.

    Stats were moved to TMDC to make that what TMD-1 was. TMDPVE and TMDPVP are now both focused more on an economy where all items have value, and will soon have other focuses such as quests/challenges, bases, and more. I know a fair amount of people are upset about losing infinite money and such for PVE, but everyone knows it's what needed to be done to make that server not broken and to allow an economy there.

    This update was meant to please players looking for more than a single playstyle on TMD. My best advice to you would be to look around at the overall stats of how this update is effecting the server, and maybe take some more time (with an open mind) to formulate a solid opinion on this. If you have any further concerns or questions (or even suggestions), I'd love to get to talk more to you about them. Until then, just try to take a breather and mess around with the new setup we have going on.

    Heres the thing @UglyAnimal knows what he is saying. You know I live in eastern timezone, but I just find it weird that your saying that theres 130 people on when people are out of school and free to play but I see only 55 people on at 6:00PM EST. Weird right?

    And the weirdest thing is you think TMDC has 5x players on then it normelly does? Spliting the gamemodes just made any of the ogs left leave.


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    Challenge_ Challenge_
    Spliting the gamemodes just made any of the ogs left leave.
    I have no idea why. They literally have their own game mode tailored to their playstyle.

    It just further solidifies how stuck up I feel the OGs are. If we do anything to *remotely* tailor to another playstyle they can’t stand it. And this time we didn’t even get in their way.


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    Twqntys Twqntys
    I have no idea why. They literally have their own game mode tailored to their playstyle.

    It just further solidifies how stuck up I feel the OGs are. If we do anything to *remotely* tailor to another playstyle they can’t stand it. And this time we didn’t even get in their way.
    Because we liked farming noobs outside of berx
    Heres the thing @UglyAnimal knows what he is saying. You know I live in eastern timezone, but I just find it weird that your saying that theres 130 people on when people are out of school and free to play but I see only 55 people on at 6:00PM EST. Weird right?

    And the weirdest thing is you think TMDC has 5x players on then it normelly does? Spliting the gamemodes just made any of the ogs left leave.
    Finally, a guy i can agree with, the OGs mainly left, or anyone that played rp that hated their items gone, its stupid, everything was fine the way it was
    I have no idea why. They literally have their own game mode tailored to their playstyle.

    It just further solidifies how stuck up I feel the OGs are. If we do anything to *remotely* tailor to another playstyle they can’t stand it. And this time we didn’t even get in their way.
    Some most likely left bc all items were moved to a server basically an off brand version of tmd with the name “classic” we liked to rp too, we enjoyed inf and occasionally donating to noobs free gear, everything was perfect pre update, literally, i mainly played rp, I dislike any sort of pvp, and now, why do i have to deal with playing basically from scratch? It’s like the owners are desperately trying to kill ogs off


    KenkoMC KenkoMC
    It’s like the owners are desperately trying to kill ogs off
    By giving them there own gamemode?

    You're smart enough to know that isn't the case.

    You're also smart enough to know that whether we had announced nothing or announced something different we'd still have some person claiming we're after their fun. We're really not.

    The issue I think most players have is that they think they know more than they do in the context of changes to the server, Yes its down to you guys and its up to us to make sure you have fun, But at least try the change out, that way you can decide from experience your thoughts and ground your arguments with actual proof.

    Regarding the player base, its low sure. But before this last update, it wouldn't hit the 100's on the weekends. Now it does, that's progress and progress comes from change. We can't run off The Walking Dead brand forever, It's probably in the latter half of its shelf life along with Minecraft itself which is seeing a big dip in popularity. We're going to have to look into new game modes that appeal to new people, But for us to achieve that we need to make our other servers up and stable. That's why Mapmaker is back, That's why Hellnights getting some updates, and that's why we're trying to iron out TMD to become a more solid game mode where the objective is beyond
    farming noobs outside of berx
    We strive to create a TWD experience, not a giant version of pvp with guns in the world of TWD. You'll see more evidence for this when you see what we have planned

    What I'm trying to say is give it a chance, Sure be sceptical but also try to be hopeful.

    Thanks for reading,

    - Ky
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