i got shop voucher and i claimed it but i didnt get a code.
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Better watch out I found your profile.Wait owner, uh, congratspigeon gangWait since when you are owner 0.oWe are literally brothers so I don't deserve a ban. Reply please, cause if you don't then your ban was a waste of my time even though I didn't deserve it.XXxXReaperXxX11635-day ban ._. I truly love playing this server but, these rules/ban reasons to me are unacceptable.Can you help meBeetleyWhat do you need?omg beetley hi, I'm such a big fanHey Beetley, I just wanted to thank you for fixing my kit problem. I was just wondering how you were able to figure out what kits I had since I totally forgot I won the Beth kit as well.no byeturtleUltraKartoffelYou should thank meget rekt loserGamerLizzyO:do i hear whistling?Trap1234Found a leak of Beetley whistling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBCTramtwMwEpicBeetleyI am epicPotatoBeetleyPontantoHiBeetleyHellohappy birthdayBump ;0BeetleyBump 2.0Admin