
Hey guys. This post is just to ensure you are aware of what mods are and aren't allowed. Generally the rule of thumb is if something will give you an advantage over others - don't use it. If you're unsure, message a member of staff before using it. Also, this is a list of individual mods that are allowed. If you use these in conjunction or from a hacked client, they are not allowed. For example, if you simply download a full bright mod - that's allowed. However, if you download a hacked client to use full bright - that's not allowed.
Not allowed:
- Optifine - Improves performance, FPS and graphics.
- BspkrsCore - Mod platform such as Forge and LiteLoader. These are also allowed.
- ArmorStatusHUD - HUD of your armor and it's durability.
- DirectionHUD - HUD of what direction you are facing.
- StatusEffectHUD - HUD of your potion effects and how long they will last.
- 5zig Mod - Customizable GUI showing various stats such as coordinates, FPS, armor and more!
- ChatLog - This mod allows you to view your chat log while your Minecraft is still open.
- Too Many Items - Inventory management mod.
- Not Enough Items - Inventory management mod.
- MapWriter - Approved and suggested minimap that doesn't have the availability to show players.
- Shaders - Graphics enhancement mods.
- Waila - This mod tells you what block you're looking at.
- CPSMOD - HUD that shows clicks per second.
- MotionBlurMod - Blurs your screen when you move. Only visible to you.
- MouseFixDelay - Fixes a mouse delay issue when using 1.8.
- Orange Animations - Adds 1.7 effects.
- TabbyChat - Chat management mod.
- Full Bright - Brightens your screen. Similar to increasing your gamma.
- Toggle Sneak and Toggle Sprint - Allows you to toggle sprint and sneak, but doesn't allow you to sprint while sneaking how sneak does. Sneak itself is not allowed.
- Cheat Breaker - Optimizes FPS and allows certain keybinds.
- Badlion Client - Same as Cheat Breaker.
Not allowed:
- LabyMod
- Minimaps that allow you to view/toggle players
- Sneak
- Damage Indicators
- Cosmic Client
- NoNausea
- More mentioned here.
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