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  • New Map & Reset

    What is your opinion on this update?

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    Challenge_ Challenge_
    I killed Chlng with hunter kit and we both laughed. eh even when we had no armor, could both track eachother, and we're both outside in a hoard, I got him (gg @ChlngeAccepted) see, even with same loot skill is still required
    What was that, like once? xD I have no memory of it but I die so often I don't remember 4/5 of my deaths so I don't doubt it.
    @Jahango is a god. Whether you love him or hate him, he can 1v7 and take them all down. His kdr is 5.12+ for a reason. I would *consider* myself good simply cus I know how to be patient with the Winchester when necessary and rush with the crossbow when needed, and this has resulted in my 2.8 kdr as of rn. If a player has that kind of legacy, they should be able to keep it. This is why I'm glad they're keeping stats.


    _Tachi_ _Tachi_
    What was that, like once? xD I have no memory of it but I die so often I don't remember 4/5 of my deaths so I don't doubt it.
    @Jahango is a god. Whether you love him or hate him, he can 1v7 and take them all down. His kdr is 5.12+ for a reason. I would *consider* myself good simply cus I know how to be patient with the Winchester when necessary and rush with the crossbow when needed, and this has resulted in my 2.8 kdr as of rn. If a player has that kind of legacy, they should be able to keep it. This is why I'm glad they're keeping stats.

    Yo chlnge! Me and Hobbes are gonna farm skulls, wanna come? we will be on TMD-3 from 3:00 to 5:00 EST


    0hRatio 0hRatio
    Just saying that maybe if you were older you would understand what I'm saying
    I am probably the oldest (or close to it) user on this server. This is not a democracy, it is privately owned server. You have two choices. 1. Accept the reset or 2. Quit playing the server.

    They are not going to be changing their stance on resetting the server. It is going to happen. Also, If it wasn't for the users that paid for crates and ranks, you would not have a server to play on right now. You are lucky they are not charging a monthly fee to play this server.


    New member
    Tell me how mature you are by calling other people immature.

    I know, you said you will read with the reset and we will too. What we can't deal with is your attitude towards the reset.

    Well deal with it, freedom of speech. If you don't like my opinion, I don't care. And I'm calling you immature cause I dropped it, while you keep it up. Let this be the last time we say something bad about each other, ok? Truce?


    xHobbes xHobbes
    Well deal with it, freedom of speech. If you don't like my opinion, I don't care. And I'm calling you immature cause I dropped it, while you keep it up. Let this be the last time we say something bad about each other, ok? Truce?
    What do you mean you've "Dropped it". Half of the posts on this damn thread was written by you ranting on and on about this!


    New member
    Ya and when I ask to 1v1 with no flame, you won't do it? why not? because you know my pc is trash and only way you can win is by lagging me out with a flamethrower.

    Not my problem, been using the flame my whole time playing and it's become a crucial part in my combos not going stop using it because your pc can't handle it


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    What was that, like once? xD I have no memory of it but I die so often I don't remember 4/5 of my deaths so I don't doubt it.
    @Jahango is a god. Whether you love him or hate him, he can 1v7 and take them all down. His kdr is 5.12+ for a reason. I would *consider* myself good simply cus I know how to be patient with the Winchester when necessary and rush with the crossbow when needed, and this has resulted in my 2.8 kdr as of rn. If a player has that kind of legacy, they should be able to keep it. This is why I'm glad they're keeping stats.
    Yeah in Highgate :p other thn that though I haven't been near you on any of the TMD servers


    _Tachi_ _Tachi_
    Well deal with it, freedom of speech. If you don't like my opinion, I don't care. And I'm calling you immature cause I dropped it, while you keep it up. Let this be the last time we say something bad about each other, ok? Truce?

    Attitude isn't speech, and yes, let this be be the last tine we say something bad about each other, BUT, we can say the truth about each other. That's only fair.


    BenSmart112 BenSmart112
    I am probably the oldest (or close to it) user on this server. This is not a democracy, it is privately owned server. You have two choices. 1. Accept the reset or 2. Quit playing the server.

    They are not going to be changing their stance on resetting the server. It is going to happen. Also, If it wasn't for the users that paid for crates and ranks, you would not have a server to play on right now. You are lucky they are not charging a monthly fee to play this server.
    All things should be democratic. Telling the people they don't have a voice of any kind is like taxing the colonists without any form of representation. People get mad. People act on anger. If people get mad about this, then bad things happen. People talk bad, share their negative opinion, and eventually strangle the server to death. People deserve some kind of voice. Most people feel that way by nature. Those who don't think like that are thought of as selfish and dispicable beings who deserve no better than to rot with the wreckage of their former empire. Everything falls onto the people and the will of the people. Where the people go, what choices the people make, who the people tell and what they say about it all influences if a nation, state, or in this case, a server, survives.


    _Nickk _Nickk
    All things should be democratic. Telling the people they don't have a voice of any kind is like taxing the colonists without any form of representation. People get mad. People act on anger. If people get mad about this, then bad things happen. People talk bad, share their negative opinion, and eventually strangle the server to death. People deserve some kind of voice. Most people feel that way by nature. Those who don't think like that are thought of as selfish and dispicable beings who deserve no better than to rot with the wreckage of their former empire. Everything falls onto the people and the will of the people. Where the people go, what choices the people make, who the people tell and what they say about it all influences if a nation, state, or in this case, a server, survives.
    We do take user feedback into account - most people want a reset. We take a combination of what we believe will be best for the server and all of you, and what people want. If everybody is against changes, or wants certain changes, we will, and have, updated accordingly.


    BenSmart112 BenSmart112
    I have 40K walker kills and 30 player kills, but only 200 deaths, most of which were from farming kit Glenn for pistol ammo or killing myself to renew my Abraham or Glenn bonuses. If stats reset, just numbers that don't mean anything but you know what you're doing, then heck this. I'm not standing by while I revert to noobdom. I've worked at these stats for months. And I got 250K at last today, after spending just under a million on advancing myself farther into the server. I've dedicated hours, opened over 1000 voting crates, even after the bans and the leaving and the voting system breaking as it so often does, opened countless legend crates, and obtained a variety of legend items through strenuous effort and hours farming and playing TMD. I gave up these rewards trying to catch hackers and rulebreakers and elevator/tank killers on PvE servers and I put in hundreds of hours to get to where I am. If you're taking all of this away, I have to object. I have no other option. I worked for my stuff. If you take it, if you flip me off in my face and tell me to kill myself, there is no difference. I'm leaving for good, because us no ranks put in months upon months, maybe a year or two like myself, to get where we are. We aren't taking this reset business as an answer, because that's not how you reward players for staying loyal so long. And the compensation, double voting crates, still doesn't replace what we've lost. Not in a thousand years. If we got ten of each crate, that might be reasonable. Hell, if we just got three leg crates, five god crates, eight rare crates, and ten voting crates, we could get along with this just fine provided we keep our statistics. But if you're going to needlessly reset our stats, our inventories, our kits, our votes, and all of that I stand before you saying that I will not take that. I know there's others that can relate, and we will not take this.


    BenSmart112 BenSmart112
    For everyone freaking out: You will not lose your ranks or infinite money. Jugg gear can still be found the usual way via crates, immortal kit, etc... Another thing to note: they aren't doing this to harm you guys in any way, sometimes the people who run things have to make decisions that many will hate and criticize, but will help the server in general. And that's true with anything.
    And for those of us who can't affort virtual goods, like 100$ ranks because we have more valuable **** to buy, like food and bills that have to be paid, or for those of us who don't have a source of income due to restrictions related to age and labor laws or job opportunities (more specifically a lack of it), how do we benefit? People who spend money take the high road. They get more stuff more easily than us who have to earn it. If our only source of crates is voting, we never get infinite money, we never get crates through purchases, we never get ranks. I got my three kits from voting, and only voting. If you take this stuff away I guarantee there will be hell to pay from all of us who don't have those things that you're willing to let us keep. You're just blocking the door for the poor people who don't have these things and trying to get more people to buy ****. Every time there's a mass leaving of players, you know well that half the noobs buy Immortal the first day with daddy's credit card. What about the rest of us? You just want money. Admit it.


    BenSmart112 BenSmart112
    I like the changes but it'd be best for there to not be a stats or money reset, for all the crates to be compensated or five times the vote crate rewards, and for the implementation of a /filter command so that we can swear on the server at last by turning the filter off.
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