
Everyone with a rank that costs more than $50 or who has infinite money has a chance. Not the rest of us.
Go and read the post from Nick and the replies from him as well. You will be compensated. It is not know how much or what, but you will be compensated. People that donate to the server do have the privileged to get more, that is the reason we donate. I think that people complain and want stuff for free are burdens. Work for it and you will receive...I see no point in even arguing with someone like this. You say that we matter less because we have no means to give money to the server. You act as though those who can't donate are just burdens. You forget it's our votes and our word-of-mouth that allowed the server to grow as it did. And it's not equal grounds. It's giving the ranked people a head start and taking a baseball bat to the rest of our knees.
Then if you don't like it and you can't handle it until something is changed, if it ever is changed, then leave.Everyone with a rank that costs more than $50 or who has infinite money has a chance. Not the rest of us.
I think It works well, but I think most Rp'ers would like to get a seperate tmd-#. TMD-4 is the biggest and I "run" it on there and would love to have somewhere we can rp because I hate to bother the common players going around. Keep up the great work!Please read the entire thread before replying or talking about it in general. First off, due to the amazing work and dedication from our Builders and Head Builders, we are a large majority of the way done with a new map. It is 7,500x7,500, and has every location from the show. It's been in the works for almost half a year, and we are planning to release it late December! I have some quick screenshots at the bottom, but there is no way to show the quality of the map, and the shear amount of content. Atlanta itself is 2,000 x 1,000! We also have a lot of planned Mining Dead Updates, as shown below.
Planned TMD Updates:
- New Spawn
- Better Tutorial
- Throwable Spears + Knives
- Flare Guns + Maybe More Guns
- Riot Shield
- Car Parts & Keys?
- New Kits
- Jesus
- Aaron
- Ezekiel (With a tiger)
- Default Kits Reworked
- More Warps
- When you die, if it wasn't a headshot, a corpse spawns. If that corpse isn't killed, it turns into a zombie.
- Team Fixes
- Rotating Safezones (Every week or two we will rotate which safezones non ranked players can go to. Ranked players will have more available)
Now to get into the reset.
First off, our reason for the reset: The current "map" in terms of money and items started August 1st, 2015. Since that time, there have been tons of duplication glitches (20+), and I would be willing to bet most of the current jug is duped. As a result, there is way too much of it. Also, new players don't have much of a chance when there are vets with 100 sets of jug. Also, every month, on average, 50,000 voting crates are opened. As a result, there is way too much stuff in the market.
So due to this, the following will be reset with the update:
- Inventories
- Vaults
- Locations
- Money (You will keep infinite)
Now, there will be compensation.
Any crates bought within the last month (Since October 18th) will be given to you again upon the reset. Also, any crates bought from this point forward will be given normally, and then will also be given after the reset. Also, after the reset, the first two monthly bonuses will yield double crates.
Also, if there is any special cases, (ex: You bought 20 Legendary Crates on October 15th) and would be looking for something, there is a small chance we could help you if you emailed [email protected].
For those of you who worked a ton to get your gear and feel like it's being stolen, feel free to make suggestions, but we will be doing this reset regardless, so that all the duped gear is gone, and everybody has a chance.
You keep your crates, your skulls, and stats. You don't deal with as many people with duped gear. You get a new map that has taken thousands of hours to make.I know about that, but they still only actually help the ranked people. The rest of us who can't donate aren't getting anything close to compensation. We lose everything and can't get it back. Ranked people and people with inf can get their stuff back quickly.
It seems you really don't understand the purpose of this reset. The compensations EVERYONE GETS is the ability to get some crates back. You're acting is if we only are doing this to benefit ranked players, which is the exact opposite. The reset will give everyone equal ground including those who are rankless in terms of gear-wise and skill-wise. The only thing that we can't do anything about is those with infinite money. Infinite money is a huge mistake made in terms of economy. It should've never been a thing but there is nothing we can do about it. If we try and take it away people will flip their ****. My idea was removing tier 3s and 4s from the shops so infinites couldn't get stacked right away, but most people with infinite hated that idea as it then made it useless. There isn't much we can do now about that, but the reset is to give the survivor ranks a chance, not to help the ranked people.I know about that, but they still only actually help the ranked people. The rest of us who can't donate aren't getting anything close to compensation. We lose everything and can't get it back. Ranked people and people with inf can get their stuff back quickly.
I would assume that vote crates would stay, but maybe not. I don't think the admins pay much attention to vote crates since the new update is set for around the end of December. if they are wiped, I'm pretty sure your ranking in the monthly vote contest will stay since that is info sent from other websites to this one4th time i have asked....and now 2 others have asked <and got their other questions answered, but not this one>
would like an answer from _nick or at least an admin
what of UNopened vote crates....<and any other type of crate for that matter>
having separate to server is a great idea! that way whenever I enter cdc or Alexandria I don't need to massacre a giant role play just so I don't get shot.I think It works well, but I think most Rp'ers would like to get a seperate tmd-#. TMD-4 is the biggest and I "run" it on there and would love to have somewhere we can rp because I hate to bother the common players going around. Keep up the great work!
I see your point, and it is true for some people. but think about what it would be like for new players if we let jugg duping continue. people with millions of dollars, legends, and full jugg, running around. now think what it is like for new players who have no armor or good weaponry. they get shot immediately. if we let jugg duping continue, anyone who is fresh on the server dies. nobody needs that!I know about that, but they still only actually help the ranked people. The rest of us who can't donate aren't getting anything close to compensation. We lose everything and can't get it back. Ranked people and people with inf can get their stuff back quickly.
I do not mind the new map. In fact, I'm excited for that. An improvement on the existing map is something that will cause simultaneous orgasming of every returning player. I'm thankful for that. Almost everyone will welcome that with open arms.You keep your crates, your skulls, and stats. You don't deal with as many people with duped gear. You get a new map that has taken thousands of hours to make.
I do not mind the new map. In fact, I'm excited for that. An improvement on the existing map is something that will cause simultaneous orgasming of every returning player. I'm thankful for that. Almost everyone will welcome that with open arms.
But this reset is hurting the no-ranks who didn't have anything to do with duped jugg or other duped items badly. I kind of understand the reasoning behind it better, but I still disagree due to the fact that's a year and a half down the toilet for some of us. My issue is while the no-rank, no-infinite cash people are still scrambling to get decent loot, the Immortals and the infinite cash people are going to have it made already and pretty much dominate the server. That much just makes it unfair for the rest of us. That's why I object to this.
Remove riot armor and tier 4 guns from shops! Boom now its all fair since military/leather gets 1 shotted by any tier 2 gun or aboveI think making armor of any kind much harder to find and adding perhaps variety using attribute modifiers and dyed leather clothing to produce new armor like bullet proof vests could help balance the server a little, making bite-proof armor (riot and jugg) rarer in the world could help too. If less people have armor, we could see a large shift in the gameplay experience. I've been going without armor on TMD for a little bit off of TMD-3 and it's actually much more fun when the dead are a threat.
Optifine is supposed to help fix the glitch, but I don't know from experience.Will you be fixing the invisibility glitches? Often times players, walkers, and vehicles will disappear and nothing sucks more than being stacked and getting killed by a walker that you couldn't see.
We understand that you have spent a long time getting your gear, and we don't WANT to take it, however, much of the gear on the server is duped, or unwanted, and many players want to have a fresh start.thats so stupid i have worked so hard to make all the stuff i want and your just going to take that. THATS NOT RIGHT YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT IT ISNT FAIR!
This is a fantastic idea! It will help to prevent decrease the amount of safezone campers, and will give players more of an opportunity to go out and enjoy the server.I honestly think removing tier 4s and riot gear from shops would actually help a lot. No one uses tier 3s when they gear up same with military armor, it'd make infinite money still OP because tier 3s are actually pretty good and it'd make tier 4s more valuable to the market.
Remove riot armor and tier 4 guns from shops! Boom now its all fair since military/leather gets 1 shotted by any tier 2 gun or above
I honestly think removing tier 4s and riot gear from shops would actually help a lot. No one uses tier 3s when they gear up same with military armor, it'd make infinite money still OP because tier 3s are actually pretty good and it'd make tier 4s more valuable to the market.
Wow! People actually think I had a good idea! *Mind blown*This is a fantastic idea! It will help to prevent decrease the amount of safezone campers, and will give players more of an opportunity to go out and enjoy the server.
At the moment, the only valuable items are legendaries, vehicles and glitched items. It would be nice to give players more to sell.