
I wonder if that's the first positive thing you've ever posted.
hehe xd
I wonder if that's the first positive thing you've ever posted.
So do we have an ETA on when the MW update will happen or is it going to take staff another year?
We expect this update to be released mid to late summer and will release more details when the update is closer to being released.
You don’t need to be rude when asking a question.is it going to take staff another year?
Jacob. I wish you and the staff team luck getting TMD back into gear. I miss the old days where there were hundreds and hundreds of people on a day, I even remember the first time you guys hit 1k players. I would love to see that happen again, even 500 would be major in my opinion. This post is the first one in a long time that gives me hope for you all. I'll come on more often to see the progressLove you guys!
Lol. Until when, do you think?we might have to push it back, jb broke his headset xD
Already quoted your reply elsewhere, but this might be kinda related. I think personally that you can't ever make everyone happy. You can't balance old TMD because it just mattered your CPS, and your ability to tank that katana, that's what it was based on. This TMD, people, I think are somewhat happy with it, it requires more strategy, and requires aim. Distance is what makes this TMD update special. Shotguns in general are only usable at a short range distance, and autos are just kinda the wrath of Berx-jumpers, but meds, meds have always been the thing that's been argued over every single update. Moving while paining with a cooldown, to spammable pains, to not spammable pains, meds, and you can't move. Pleasing the community is hard, because, and as I stated in my other reply, you can't make EVERYONE happy. There will always be one or two groups of people who say "This isn't what I like." Right now you're in that group of players that want old TMD back. Right now you have TMDC, but that isn't enough I believe. You want all of TMD to be like that, so what, you can reign supreme over all of TMD? Kidding. TMD is based of The Walking Dead, and I think that, that should not be forgotten. The zombie apocalypse aspect in this update is heavily emphasized, zombies have an impact on combat, medication takes more time, and it's easier to kill people, as it is in a zombie apocalypse. Yes, this version is more realistic if you're comparing it to The Walking Dead, but OGs don't want realism. They want spammable pains, they want fights to last longer than they do now. Yes, I was around for a few months before "Old TMD" became "New TMD", and I saw how people fought then, and I would see why you would want to have that version of TMD back. But it's hard to think about an old TMD without players from new TMD leaving, whether it be their skills are not up to par with the OGs, or that old TMD was heavily focused on donator permissions, which Havoc wants to strive away from, and the new players are mostly skilled non-ranks, which I like. I think that Havoc shouldn't rely on how fast your CPS is, and what rank you are. But from your perspective, you want the old TMD back. I can't change your mind. But as I said before, if old TMD returns, TMD realism won't necessarily be emphasized anymore. Yes, the map will be there, yes, the characters will be there, but that realistic PVP sense won't be. Yes, we can divide the community even MORE by making more servers, maybe turning TMD-1 like old TMD, TMD-2 like Realistic PVP, and TMD 3 and 4 would be realistic, with no PVP, but that's just division of the community, each of them would want more things, not necessarily the non-pvp servers, because they're mostly roleplayers, and all they need are updated maps, which, in reality, are usually always being worked on. But some PVPers would like less spammable painkillers, or more buffed donator perks, because, "Oh I donated so much money to this server! I should get what I payed for!" or some PVPers would want less donator perks, they'd want to get rid of infinite because it's too overpowered. I guess my point is, nobody would agree with each other if meds, and TMD as a whole, were turned to how they were before.Fix this healing items in TMD please. Make old tmd back. Make something that Old + New players like.
Again, my ideal layout for TMD:Already quoted your reply elsewhere, but this might be kinda related. I think personally that you can't ever make everyone happy. You can't balance old TMD because it just mattered your CPS, and your ability to tank that katana, that's what it was based on. This TMD, people, I think are somewhat happy with it, it requires more strategy, and requires aim. Distance is what makes this TMD update special. Shotguns in general are only usable at a short range distance, and autos are just kinda the wrath of Berx-jumpers, but meds, meds have always been the thing that's been argued over every single update. Moving while paining with a cooldown, to spammable pains, to not spammable pains, meds, and you can't move. Pleasing the community is hard, because, and as I stated in my other reply, you can't make EVERYONE happy. There will always be one or two groups of people who say "This isn't what I like." Right now you're in that group of players that want old TMD back. Right now you have TMDC, but that isn't enough I believe. You want all of TMD to be like that, so what, you can reign supreme over all of TMD? Kidding. TMD is based of The Walking Dead, and I think that, that should not be forgotten. The zombie apocalypse aspect in this update is heavily emphasized, zombies have an impact on combat, medication takes more time, and it's easier to kill people, as it is in a zombie apocalypse. Yes, this version is more realistic if you're comparing it to The Walking Dead, but OGs don't want realism. They want spammable pains, they want fights to last longer than they do now. Yes, I was around for a few months before "Old TMD" became "New TMD", and I saw how people fought then, and I would see why you would want to have that version of TMD back. But it's hard to think about an old TMD without players from new TMD leaving, whether it be their skills are not up to par with the OGs, or that old TMD was heavily focused on donator permissions, which Havoc wants to strive away from, and the new players are mostly skilled non-ranks, which I like. I think that Havoc shouldn't rely on how fast your CPS is, and what rank you are. But from your perspective, you want the old TMD back. I can't change your mind. But as I said before, if old TMD returns, TMD realism won't necessarily be emphasized anymore. Yes, the map will be there, yes, the characters will be there, but that realistic PVP sense won't be. Yes, we can divide the community even MORE by making more servers, maybe turning TMD-1 like old TMD, TMD-2 like Realistic PVP, and TMD 3 and 4 would be realistic, with no PVP, but that's just division of the community, each of them would want more things, not necessarily the non-pvp servers, because they're mostly roleplayers, and all they need are updated maps, which, in reality, are usually always being worked on. But some PVPers would like less spammable painkillers, or more buffed donator perks, because, "Oh I donated so much money to this server! I should get what I payed for!" or some PVPers would want less donator perks, they'd want to get rid of infinite because it's too overpowered. I guess my point is, nobody would agree with each other if meds, and TMD as a whole, were turned to how they were before.
Already quoted your reply elsewhere, but this might be kinda related. I think personally that you can't ever make everyone happy. You can't balance old TMD because it just mattered your CPS, and your ability to tank that katana, that's what it was based on. This TMD, people, I think are somewhat happy with it, it requires more strategy, and requires aim. Distance is what makes this TMD update special. Shotguns in general are only usable at a short range distance, and autos are just kinda the wrath of Berx-jumpers, but meds, meds have always been the thing that's been argued over every single update. Moving while paining with a cooldown, to spammable pains, to not spammable pains, meds, and you can't move. Pleasing the community is hard, because, and as I stated in my other reply, you can't make EVERYONE happy. There will always be one or two groups of people who say "This isn't what I like." Right now you're in that group of players that want old TMD back. Right now you have TMDC, but that isn't enough I believe. You want all of TMD to be like that, so what, you can reign supreme over all of TMD? Kidding. TMD is based of The Walking Dead, and I think that, that should not be forgotten. The zombie apocalypse aspect in this update is heavily emphasized, zombies have an impact on combat, medication takes more time, and it's easier to kill people, as it is in a zombie apocalypse. Yes, this version is more realistic if you're comparing it to The Walking Dead, but OGs don't want realism. They want spammable pains, they want fights to last longer than they do now. Yes, I was around for a few months before "Old TMD" became "New TMD", and I saw how people fought then, and I would see why you would want to have that version of TMD back. But it's hard to think about an old TMD without players from new TMD leaving, whether it be their skills are not up to par with the OGs, or that old TMD was heavily focused on donator permissions, which Havoc wants to strive away from, and the new players are mostly skilled non-ranks, which I like. I think that Havoc shouldn't rely on how fast your CPS is, and what rank you are. But from your perspective, you want the old TMD back. I can't change your mind. But as I said before, if old TMD returns, TMD realism won't necessarily be emphasized anymore. Yes, the map will be there, yes, the characters will be there, but that realistic PVP sense won't be. Yes, we can divide the community even MORE by making more servers, maybe turning TMD-1 like old TMD, TMD-2 like Realistic PVP, and TMD 3 and 4 would be realistic, with no PVP, but that's just division of the community, each of them would want more things, not necessarily the non-pvp servers, because they're mostly roleplayers, and all they need are updated maps, which, in reality, are usually always being worked on. But some PVPers would like less spammable painkillers, or more buffed donator perks, because, "Oh I donated so much money to this server! I should get what I payed for!" or some PVPers would want less donator perks, they'd want to get rid of infinite because it's too overpowered. I guess my point is, nobody would agree with each other if meds, and TMD as a whole, were turned to how they were before.
Not sure what you meant by adding TMD-OP as a TMD channel, but I presume adding it into the list of TMD servers, such as TMD 1, 2, 3 ,4 and OP. If that's what you meant. And I'm pretty sure that's really what I said, was it not? And I don't really see the different between TMD-OP and TMDC but the acquiring of gear. Other than that I agree. TMDC, if I'm not mistaken, is catered towards the OGs, and I think the OGs should be able to determine the fate of TMDC. But yeah, I think that would basically make everyone happy, if OGs want just TMD-OP, as the current TMD doesn't seem to be that bad. Plus, I don't feel dumb for writing everything.I hate to make you feel dumb for writing everything,
but there is the simplest way of making the server enjoyable for everyone without reverting progress or making HUGE changes and being able to satisfy mostly everyone.
Step 1: Add TMD-OP back
Step 2: Keep current TMD and make it as it once was when TMD-OP was a TMD channel (aka, TMD's 1-4)
Step 3: Done, you give the og's what they want, and the new players what they want.
Side effects include: Less *****ing, Less complaints, a more happy community, the chance to revive the dead server-
wait... these are more of... benefits then side effects?? who could of guessed.
That's a big bloke of text.Already quoted your reply elsewhere, but this might be kinda related. I think personally that you can't ever make everyone happy. You can't balance old TMD because it just mattered your CPS, and your ability to tank that katana, that's what it was based on. This TMD, people, I think are somewhat happy with it, it requires more strategy, and requires aim. Distance is what makes this TMD update special. Shotguns in general are only usable at a short range distance, and autos are just kinda the wrath of Berx-jumpers, but meds, meds have always been the thing that's been argued over every single update. Moving while paining with a cooldown, to spammable pains, to not spammable pains, meds, and you can't move. Pleasing the community is hard, because, and as I stated in my other reply, you can't make EVERYONE happy. There will always be one or two groups of people who say "This isn't what I like." Right now you're in that group of players that want old TMD back. Right now you have TMDC, but that isn't enough I believe. You want all of TMD to be like that, so what, you can reign supreme over all of TMD? Kidding. TMD is based of The Walking Dead, and I think that, that should not be forgotten. The zombie apocalypse aspect in this update is heavily emphasized, zombies have an impact on combat, medication takes more time, and it's easier to kill people, as it is in a zombie apocalypse. Yes, this version is more realistic if you're comparing it to The Walking Dead, but OGs don't want realism. They want spammable pains, they want fights to last longer than they do now. Yes, I was around for a few months before "Old TMD" became "New TMD", and I saw how people fought then, and I would see why you would want to have that version of TMD back. But it's hard to think about an old TMD without players from new TMD leaving, whether it be their skills are not up to par with the OGs, or that old TMD was heavily focused on donator permissions, which Havoc wants to strive away from, and the new players are mostly skilled non-ranks, which I like. I think that Havoc shouldn't rely on how fast your CPS is, and what rank you are. But from your perspective, you want the old TMD back. I can't change your mind. But as I said before, if old TMD returns, TMD realism won't necessarily be emphasized anymore. Yes, the map will be there, yes, the characters will be there, but that realistic PVP sense won't be. Yes, we can divide the community even MORE by making more servers, maybe turning TMD-1 like old TMD, TMD-2 like Realistic PVP, and TMD 3 and 4 would be realistic, with no PVP, but that's just division of the community, each of them would want more things, not necessarily the non-pvp servers, because they're mostly roleplayers, and all they need are updated maps, which, in reality, are usually always being worked on. But some PVPers would like less spammable painkillers, or more buffed donator perks, because, "Oh I donated so much money to this server! I should get what I payed for!" or some PVPers would want less donator perks, they'd want to get rid of infinite because it's too overpowered. I guess my point is, nobody would agree with each other if meds, and TMD as a whole, were turned to how they were before.
What if meds were removed entirely? Can't be bad if they don't exist.
Scrap em entirely. Maybe then silence on the forums can be achieved.True, but how... oh.. do you mean the only healing items are bandages and antibodies?
... how to fill up 2nd row of hp?
... how to heal with no food?
... how to heal in PvP?
... how to heal a walker bite?
There's no escaping![]()