
Hello everyone, today I am excited to bring you an update about our plans for the server over this summer.
The Mining Dead
Our first significant update of the summer will be a major server rebrand. While many of our gamemodes have been popular with certain groups of players, The Mining Dead has clearly been the most popular throughout the entirety of server’s lifespan, and we feel that shifting the network’s focus to it and its spinoff gamemodes is the best option to build a thriving network around. Beginning in early July, we will release an update shifting the branding of the server to a Mining Dead theme. This will include a Mining Dead themed hub, an updated Mining Dead themed website, and a more central focus on the miningdead.com ip.
Shortly after these changes are made, we will begin doing heavy advertising via Youtubers, Server Sites, and Social Media. We believe with a strong Mining Dead brand we will be able to stand out in comparison to all the other generic servers that are using similar advertising methods and have success in rebuilding the server’s player count.
Havoc Horizons
Havoc Horizons will not be a central focus for the server moving forward, however it will still be accessible with the server selector menu after the update. This means that we do not plan on having any resets or releasing anymore updates for Horizons in the foreseeable future. Simply put, there are hundreds of Skyblock servers out there which are essentially the same gamemode as Havoc Horizons, and we don’t feel that we can provide anything unique in this gamemode moving forward as we feel we can provide with some of our other more original gamemodes.
Mine Wars
Although the network will be switching to a Mining Dead theme, we still have some exciting plans for Mine Wars. When Mine Wars 2.0 is released, it will have a separate ip (it will also still be accessible from the main ip) and an alternate Mine Wars theme for our website. We are still working out how the specifics will work with when Mine Wars 2.0 is released, so expect another news post once it is closer to being released.
With the release of Mine Wars 2.0, there will be a full gear and level reset. The only thing that will remain are cosmetics and anyone who bought an extra nexus will still have access to it. The updated Mine Wars will feature two new planets (Hoth and Endor) as well as some aesthetic updates for Tatooine. Many new mobs will also be included with these planets, including but not limited to Ewoks, Wampas, Wookies, Shadowtroopers, Droids and several more. This update will also introduce a brand new quest system that will feature more side quests found throughout the various planets rather than a main quest line at HQ’s. This update will also include many new items including new guns and 40 different Lightsabers. We expect this update to be released mid to late summer and will release more details when the update is closer to being released.
Overall, we are very excited about the Server’s future. With updated branding centered around The Mining Dead and Mine Wars as well as lots of advertising we are confident that we can rebuild the server to what it once was.