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  • Reset Poll


    Jahango Jahango
    Coming from the perspective of someone who's played TMD as an underdog for 4 years, I'd like to say that a full reset is healthy not just for the players with tons of sets, but for those without. I agree with the majority of the vocal fraction of TMD that making jugg rare again would be amazing. I want to speak the beliefs of the groups that I've represented over the years. Mind you all, I've never once made it into the elite teams, but I'm the one player who has never stopped opposing them and trying to put up a fight. My word is the closest you'll ever get to an outsider point of view.
    Personally, I feel that TMD had kind of died off because money was inflating and people were just hoarding tons of jugg. Money was essentially becoming useless with all of the infinites running around. Furthermore, infinite was only good because of painkillers. It's literally the only thing you'd ever need to buy. If you need fast riot, there are plenty of ways to get it, such as the "secret" bunker near the school safezone, except people have become lazy to farm because of how easy it is to just kill someone for gear. I think removing infinite money entirely will create a greater diversity in battlegrounds, considering how Berx has always been the traditional centre of PvP always.
    Okay but aside from all of that, I think TMD pretty much got killed off when the owners tried to do the one thing that could potentially save it: Nerf Painkillers and Jugg. Now, that did fix the problem that Jugg was becoming OP, but the challenge to obtain Jugg was just gone. Riot was the meta. Jugg was just overpriced riot that didn't give you that much more protection.
    Currently, the greatest struggle for unranked players has never been obtaining Juggernaut. If one is capable of manipulating the economy to their advantage, it is possible to make a fortune from nothing. Furthermore, if you're skillful, its always possible to pick off weaker juggernaut players. There are a lot of people who aren't good at pvp, and they are always a healthy source of gear. I'm sorry Im_Sting, but I have to name you buddy. My crew used to milk you like a gold mine xD No offense my dude, it was the best example I had, but I think we got something like 8 sets off you in the course of a week using nothing but katanas and half jugg.
    If everything is indeed reset, here is what I envision will happen. It will give people a reason to play again. People will want to dominate, and to do that, they will have to fight. Whether it is to obtain gear or score, stuff to do on TMD will have never been more diverse. For the stronger players, they will get sets right off the bat, which I'm honestly okay with. They paid the money, I'd rather they get that advantage (which quite frankly, is very reasonable) than having about 10 elite players starting the season with 30 sets each (although doesn't sound much, is pretty ridiculous). For us weaker players, it won't be about gear as much as it used to be, with the painkiller update. Juggs will be easier to drop. Friends will need to be made in order to do so. The community will become a community again. I can't see how a full inventory reset of everyone would not be beneficial.
    Additionally, I have two more points that I want to make, specifically coming from the perspective of us underdogs.
    (1) Legendary Weapons are hard as balls to obtain. We can only buy them off of people, and it honestly sucks to have all of this tankiness but have to ration out when to use a gbar and when to just risk it and try to close the distance with a katana and an assault rifle.
    (2) The terrain. This is a big point and deserves an entire additional portion to what I have to say. TMD has undergone several changes to its combat zone, and I personally feel that the best state it was ever in was when Berx was situated in the middle of a jungle. I feel that open air and completely flat ground pvp leaves little to no cover, a fight that to me is based more around the individual skill of the players than anything else. To me, this is a very unhealthy learning curve for anyone who wants to make it on TMD. You get good, or you die.
    Conversely, when Berx was surrounded by trees when "Office" was a sniping zone, there were so many strategies that came into play. Sneaking around in the forests, hiding on the bridge, taking cover in the woods to try and lose a pursuing enemy. Those were the days of TMD that I truly enjoyed. I think Berx needs a change of terrain. I really hope that Berx gets a change of Terrain. There were so many things with the set up that I loved, and that included the following:
    -Multiple sniping points that had to make you evaluate your choices
    -In Trees, you were well hidden, but you risked being a sitting duck if you were spotted
    -On those metal railings to the left of Berx, you had a high vantage point, but it was really easy to gbar you in the backside.
    -On Office, you get a good and easily defended position. However, you don't have full access to shooting at the front of Berx due to the safezone corner cutting off most of your shots.
    -Below the trees, you had to balance stealth with speed. Moving quickly and undetected was so important. You could pick off insane katana kills that were mostly unbelievable.
    -Furthermore, the three trucks at the front of Berx provided so much cover from snipers at the sides, and it made it very feasible to just sit outside like what many people do now without the advantage of being able to snipe anyone who was coming from 200 blocks away. The cover that came from the treelines and complex buildings just made a small map and a small fighting zone so much more interactive and strategic on so many levels.
    Please change the terrain guys. I loved Old Berx, although I'm sure many of the stronger players will disagree because they're used to just standing in the open and sniping everyone. Well to all of those players, know this:
    With the painkiller Nerf, standing in the open will most certainly get you killed. To facilitate combat under this new update, we're going to need trees. Lots of trees. We're going to need cover, hills, trucks, buildings. Nothing too easy to hide in, like a house with a door, but something more complex with drawbacks and advantages that you have to account for, such as maybe the back of a truck that could open into a small 2x2x1 space that could be used as a wildcard in a desperate situation. I miss the tactical days of TMD. I miss the wooded tactical map. I want more of those days to come back. Maybe y'all might disagree, but all of this has been welled up in my heart ever since Berx became an open field.
    NGL I only read until I seen where you agreed for the reset then I stopped but still, nice post!


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    Coming from the perspective of someone who's played TMD as an underdog for 4 years, I'd like to say that a full reset is healthy not just for the players with tons of sets, but for those without. I agree with the majority of the vocal fraction of TMD that making jugg rare again would be amazing. I want to speak the beliefs of the groups that I've represented over the years. Mind you all, I've never once made it into the elite teams, but I'm the one player who has never stopped opposing them and trying to put up a fight. My word is the closest you'll ever get to an outsider point of view.
    Personally, I feel that TMD had kind of died off because money was inflating and people were just hoarding tons of jugg. Money was essentially becoming useless with all of the infinites running around. Furthermore, infinite was only good because of painkillers. It's literally the only thing you'd ever need to buy. If you need fast riot, there are plenty of ways to get it, such as the "secret" bunker near the school safezone, except people have become lazy to farm because of how easy it is to just kill someone for gear. I think removing infinite money entirely will create a greater diversity in battlegrounds, considering how Berx has always been the traditional centre of PvP always.
    Okay but aside from all of that, I think TMD pretty much got killed off when the owners tried to do the one thing that could potentially save it: Nerf Painkillers and Jugg. Now, that did fix the problem that Jugg was becoming OP, but the challenge to obtain Jugg was just gone. Riot was the meta. Jugg was just overpriced riot that didn't give you that much more protection.
    Currently, the greatest struggle for unranked players has never been obtaining Juggernaut. If one is capable of manipulating the economy to their advantage, it is possible to make a fortune from nothing. Furthermore, if you're skillful, its always possible to pick off weaker juggernaut players. There are a lot of people who aren't good at pvp, and they are always a healthy source of gear. I'm sorry Im_Sting, but I have to name you buddy. My crew used to milk you like a gold mine xD No offense my dude, it was the best example I had, but I think we got something like 8 sets off you in the course of a week using nothing but katanas and half jugg.
    If everything is indeed reset, here is what I envision will happen. It will give people a reason to play again. People will want to dominate, and to do that, they will have to fight. Whether it is to obtain gear or score, stuff to do on TMD will have never been more diverse. For the stronger players, they will get sets right off the bat, which I'm honestly okay with. They paid the money, I'd rather they get that advantage (which quite frankly, is very reasonable) than having about 10 elite players starting the season with 30 sets each (although doesn't sound much, is pretty ridiculous). For us weaker players, it won't be about gear as much as it used to be, with the painkiller update. Juggs will be easier to drop. Friends will need to be made in order to do so. The community will become a community again. I can't see how a full inventory reset of everyone would not be beneficial.
    Additionally, I have two more points that I want to make, specifically coming from the perspective of us underdogs.
    (1) Legendary Weapons are hard as balls to obtain. We can only buy them off of people, and it honestly sucks to have all of this tankiness but have to ration out when to use a gbar and when to just risk it and try to close the distance with a katana and an assault rifle. As such, I am all in on the new feature in which Legendary Weapons drop. I can only see this not benefitting the Mythicals and Titans who have an infinite source of higher damage output that never gets circulated to the unranked half of the server. Ultimately, I think this feature is one of the best ever implemented to TMD, as it will encourage fighting to obtain gear, which is the whole point of TMD, rather than just hoarding loads of jugg and ending up never using it because of the lack of damage output to compete.
    (2) The terrain. This is a big point and deserves an entire additional portion to what I have to say. TMD has undergone several changes to its combat zone, and I personally feel that the best state it was ever in was when Berx was situated in the middle of a jungle. I feel that open air and completely flat ground pvp leaves little to no cover, a fight that to me is based more around the individual skill of the players than anything else. To me, this is a very unhealthy learning curve for anyone who wants to make it on TMD. You get good, or you die.
    Conversely, when Berx was surrounded by trees when "Office" was a sniping zone, there were so many strategies that came into play. Sneaking around in the forests, hiding on the bridge, taking cover in the woods to try and lose a pursuing enemy. Those were the days of TMD that I truly enjoyed. I think Berx needs a change of terrain. I really hope that Berx gets a change of Terrain. There were so many things with the set up that I loved, and that included the following:
    -Multiple sniping points that had to make you evaluate your choices
    -In Trees, you were well hidden, but you risked being a sitting duck if you were spotted
    -On those metal railings to the left of Berx, you had a high vantage point, but it was really easy to gbar you in the backside.
    -On Office, you get a good and easily defended position. However, you don't have full access to shooting at the front of Berx due to the safezone corner cutting off most of your shots.
    -Below the trees, you had to balance stealth with speed. Moving quickly and undetected was so important. You could pick off insane katana kills that were mostly unbelievable.
    -Furthermore, the three trucks at the front of Berx provided so much cover from snipers at the sides, and it made it very feasible to just sit outside like what many people do now without the advantage of being able to snipe anyone who was coming from 200 blocks away. The cover that came from the treelines and complex buildings just made a small map and a small fighting zone so much more interactive and strategic on so many levels.
    Please change the terrain guys. I loved Old Berx, although I'm sure many of the stronger players will disagree because they're used to just standing in the open and sniping everyone. Well to all of those players, know this:
    With the painkiller Nerf, standing in the open will most certainly get you killed. To facilitate combat under this new update, we're going to need trees. Lots of trees. We're going to need cover, hills, trucks, buildings. Nothing too easy to hide in, like a house with a door, but something more complex with drawbacks and advantages that you have to account for, such as maybe the back of a truck that could open into a small 2x2x1 space that could be used as a wildcard in a desperate situation. I miss the tactical days of TMD. I miss the wooded tactical map. I want more of those days to come back. Maybe y'all might disagree, but all of this has been welled up in my heart ever since Berx became an open field.

    regarding what you said about the update. i agree with every word. with what you said about terrain? preach brother xD. im not good at "direct action" im only "good" in the sense that i can ambush, snipe, and back stab people. tactics should be a larger part of combat ESPECIALLY with the pains nerf. at the same time the current berx is a throwback to older players (so im told) there should be fear as you run through any point of the map. as rick said in TWD "it only takes one second, one second and its over". on the right path @Jacobg1998 and @IgnitingIce . i have not seen this much unity on the server since... i dont know when.


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    NGL I only read until I seen where you agreed for the reset then I stopped but still, nice post!
    in a nutshell he votes full vault reset, likes that legendary weapons will drop as it will encourage fighting between ranked and unranked players. he then notes that inflation killed the economy of the server, between money being worthless bc of infinites. goes on to say removing infinites is a good idea (this will cause a ****storm if they do) lastly he goes on to state that terrain should be more based on cover and such, not "open field" - like berx. references "old" berx with the office and trucks etc (honestly i liked that more :p )


    HooverVC HooverVC
    Coming from the perspective of someone who's played TMD as an underdog for 4 years, I'd like to say that a full reset is healthy not just for the players with tons of sets, but for those without. I agree with the majority of the vocal fraction of TMD that making jugg rare again would be amazing. I want to speak the beliefs of the groups that I've represented over the years. Mind you all, I've never once made it into the elite teams, but I'm the one player who has never stopped opposing them and trying to put up a fight. My word is the closest you'll ever get to an outsider point of view.
    Personally, I feel that TMD had kind of died off because money was inflating and people were just hoarding tons of jugg. Money was essentially becoming useless with all of the infinites running around. Furthermore, infinite was only good because of painkillers. It's literally the only thing you'd ever need to buy. If you need fast riot, there are plenty of ways to get it, such as the "secret" bunker near the school safezone, except people have become lazy to farm because of how easy it is to just kill someone for gear. I think removing infinite money entirely will create a greater diversity in battlegrounds, considering how Berx has always been the traditional centre of PvP always.
    Okay but aside from all of that, I think TMD pretty much got killed off when the owners tried to do the one thing that could potentially save it: Nerf Painkillers and Jugg. Now, that did fix the problem that Jugg was becoming OP, but the challenge to obtain Jugg was just gone. Riot was the meta. Jugg was just overpriced riot that didn't give you that much more protection.
    Currently, the greatest struggle for unranked players has never been obtaining Juggernaut. If one is capable of manipulating the economy to their advantage, it is possible to make a fortune from nothing. Furthermore, if you're skillful, its always possible to pick off weaker juggernaut players. There are a lot of people who aren't good at pvp, and they are always a healthy source of gear. I'm sorry Im_Sting, but I have to name you buddy. My crew used to milk you like a gold mine xD No offense my dude, it was the best example I had, but I think we got something like 8 sets off you in the course of a week using nothing but katanas and half jugg.
    If everything is indeed reset, here is what I envision will happen. It will give people a reason to play again. People will want to dominate, and to do that, they will have to fight. Whether it is to obtain gear or score, stuff to do on TMD will have never been more diverse. For the stronger players, they will get sets right off the bat, which I'm honestly okay with. They paid the money, I'd rather they get that advantage (which quite frankly, is very reasonable) than having about 10 elite players starting the season with 30 sets each (although doesn't sound much, is pretty ridiculous). For us weaker players, it won't be about gear as much as it used to be, with the painkiller update. Juggs will be easier to drop. Friends will need to be made in order to do so. The community will become a community again. I can't see how a full inventory reset of everyone would not be beneficial.
    Additionally, I have two more points that I want to make, specifically coming from the perspective of us underdogs.
    (1) Legendary Weapons are hard as balls to obtain. We can only buy them off of people, and it honestly sucks to have all of this tankiness but have to ration out when to use a gbar and when to just risk it and try to close the distance with a katana and an assault rifle. As such, I am all in on the new feature in which Legendary Weapons drop. I can only see this not benefitting the Mythicals and Titans who have an infinite source of higher damage output that never gets circulated to the unranked half of the server. Ultimately, I think this feature is one of the best ever implemented to TMD, as it will encourage fighting to obtain gear, which is the whole point of TMD, rather than just hoarding loads of jugg and ending up never using it because of the lack of damage output to compete.
    (2) The terrain. This is a big point and deserves an entire additional portion to what I have to say. TMD has undergone several changes to its combat zone, and I personally feel that the best state it was ever in was when Berx was situated in the middle of a jungle. I feel that open air and completely flat ground pvp leaves little to no cover, a fight that to me is based more around the individual skill of the players than anything else. To me, this is a very unhealthy learning curve for anyone who wants to make it on TMD. You get good, or you die.
    Conversely, when Berx was surrounded by trees when "Office" was a sniping zone, there were so many strategies that came into play. Sneaking around in the forests, hiding on the bridge, taking cover in the woods to try and lose a pursuing enemy. Those were the days of TMD that I truly enjoyed. I think Berx needs a change of terrain. I really hope that Berx gets a change of Terrain. There were so many things with the set up that I loved, and that included the following:
    -Multiple sniping points that had to make you evaluate your choices
    -In Trees, you were well hidden, but you risked being a sitting duck if you were spotted
    -On those metal railings to the left of Berx, you had a high vantage point, but it was really easy to gbar you in the backside.
    -On Office, you get a good and easily defended position. However, you don't have full access to shooting at the front of Berx due to the safezone corner cutting off most of your shots.
    -Below the trees, you had to balance stealth with speed. Moving quickly and undetected was so important. You could pick off insane katana kills that were mostly unbelievable.
    -Furthermore, the three trucks at the front of Berx provided so much cover from snipers at the sides, and it made it very feasible to just sit outside like what many people do now without the advantage of being able to snipe anyone who was coming from 200 blocks away. The cover that came from the treelines and complex buildings just made a small map and a small fighting zone so much more interactive and strategic on so many levels.
    Please change the terrain guys. I loved Old Berx, although I'm sure many of the stronger players will disagree because they're used to just standing in the open and sniping everyone. Well to all of those players, know this:
    With the painkiller Nerf, standing in the open will most certainly get you killed. To facilitate combat under this new update, we're going to need trees. Lots of trees. We're going to need cover, hills, trucks, buildings. Nothing too easy to hide in, like a house with a door, but something more complex with drawbacks and advantages that you have to account for, such as maybe the back of a truck that could open into a small 2x2x1 space that could be used as a wildcard in a desperate situation. I miss the tactical days of TMD. I miss the wooded tactical map. I want more of those days to come back. Maybe y'all might disagree, but all of this has been welled up in my heart ever since Berx became an open field.
    even tho @Jahango's response was "the most selfish, narcissitic, self absorbed comment ever", I gotta agree w him. give me a tldr smh
    i aint reading this


    PogItsThunder40 PogItsThunder40
    Be fair to everyone! I first I thought this reset would be bad, but I think a full reset (excluding stats) would be a bit better. Everyone who has played this server for a while probably had juggernaut and legends, I know I do. No weapons except for kits would be nice. Give the server a *new life*


    New member
    I personally want items to reset, I and most Og's have like over 100 sets which are a lot in circulation as soon as the server starts up. I do however feel that for the people who won't want to lose items they worked hard for or paid for maybe some sort of bonus to help them start up a bit quicker, nothing overpowered though of course.


    New member
    Let's all be ****ing real here, we all know the majority of jugg sets being circled along are duped jugg, I won't lie when I state myself I own a couple hundred sets from which the majority have been acquired through people who know how to dupe. This server will continue to have a decline in players if staff don't follow what the community wants. Reset the server. That should be a priority, second off, bring back the old gun plug in system from 2015, most players only get on to feel that nostalgic effect, which has been completely lost with all recent updates (don't try to fix something that isn't broken), so resort and prioritize on trying to make an exact copy of the golden days. Third off, educate your staff, teach them to not be brain dead placeholders and be useful instead of sitting back and trying to complete their daily quota of hours in game and tickets completed.
    Last edited:


    jawamaniac jawamaniac
    in a nutshell he votes full vault reset, likes that legendary weapons will drop as it will encourage fighting between ranked and unranked players. he then notes that inflation killed the economy of the server, between money being worthless bc of infinites. goes on to say removing infinites is a good idea (this will cause a ****storm if they do) lastly he goes on to state that terrain should be more based on cover and such, not "open field" - like berx. references "old" berx with the office and trucks etc (honestly i liked that more :p )

    your entitled to your own opinion. and so am i;
    this is just bs


    New member
    they should make a full reset, but give mythical like a one time kit to like claim 5 jugg sets to get the server started a little


    Yove Yove
    Let's all be ****ing real here, we all know the majority of jugg sets being circled along are duped jugg, I won't lie when I state myself I own a couple hundred sets from which the majority have been acquired through people who know how to dupe. This server will continue to have a decline in players if staff don't follow what the community wants. Reset the server. That should be a priority, second off, bring back the old gun plug in system from 2015, most players only get on to feel that nostalgic effect, which has been completely lost with all resent updates (don't try to fix something that isn't broken), so resort and prioritize on trying to make an exact copy of the golden days. Third off, educate your staff, teach them to not be brain dead placeholders and be useful instead of sitting back and trying to complete their daily quota of hours in game and tickets completed.

    A ****ING MEN LAD +1