
Hey guys, how are you all doing today? So I've noticed that the majority of the apprentice applications we receive are not up to our accepting standards, or come close but end up falling short in one category or another. I decided that I would make this thread to help anyone that's thinking of applying so that we hopefully get more qualifying candidates for the apprentice position. I'm going to be going through what to put and what not to put on your helper application, so hopefully, people will have a better understanding of what we're looking for by the time they're done reading this.
Overall we are looking for quality over quantity, but we will also be looking for long answers that fully answer the stated questions in the application. For the main questions (Why do you want to join our staff team at HavocMC?, Why do you think you would be fit for staff?, What do you hope to get out of this experience?), we are looking for at a minimum four sentences, although you shouldn't aim for only four sentences. Try to do full paragraph answers, or even multi-paragraph answers if possible. For the other questions, try to give at least two sentence answers that fully answer the stated question. Again try to aim higher than the minimum if you can. If you answer the questions with one sentence answers with little detail, your chances of being accepted are very, very small.
This falls back to quality over quantity. For every question try to make your answers the best quality you can make them. Make them have depth, meaning, and the truth. On the application, if you answer the question "Why do you think you would be fit for staff?" with something like: "I think I'd be fit for staff because I enjoy helping people and I've always been good at problem-solving so I could break up conflicts easily.", then I'll be wondering why you're so good at problem-solving, or why you enjoy helping people. Try to expand on the points that you have put, so instead of just saying "I've always been good at problem-solving" you could say:
"I've always been able to solve problems and resolve conflicts between others easily. I sometimes get into arguments with my friends at school, or my friends get into arguments with each other, so I calmly try to diffuse the situation before anyone gets too mad or becomes hurt. If someone was mad at me for lying to them for example, I would hear them out and most likely apologize for my mistake instead of just furthering the argument or "stirring the pot" so to speak.".
The example above would be a great part of an answer to "Why do you think you would be fit for staff?".
Make sure to always use proper grammar when answering the questions on your application. Watch out for little grammatical mistakes and errors such as putting "i" instead of "I", putting "your" instead of "you're", putting "its" instead of "it's", etc. I've seen applications that had good and long answers, but they also had a horrendous grammar that just degrades the overall quality of the application.
This is fairly straight forward, we are looking for applicants that are at least fifteen years old. Our reasoning for this is because we believe that age can play into your overall maturity level (which is a very big factor in being staff by the way), so we don't want to accept people that are too young. There is a small possibility that you can be accepted if you're younger than fifteen, but for that to happen your application must be of stellar quality (multi-paragraph answers, good depth, and detail, etc.). Please make sure not to lie about your age.
Having a clean punishment history will really help your chances of becoming an apprentice here. Having no punishments shows us that you can be respectful and not try to start things with others for no reason. You can still be accepted if you have received punishment on our server, but we will be taking into account things like when you last received a punishment, what the majority of your punishments are for, what type of punishments you have received, your overall maturity level and level of respect to others on the server and forums, and a few other background things. Try to include all the punishments you've received and why you received them if you remember them.
When a staff member mentions your "gameplay" that means they're talking about your total amount of time spent on the server since you joined. Having a decent amount of gameplay is important if you're applying for staff as it shows you're dedicated to the server and that you won't lose interest. I really have no set parameters for an individual's gameplay, so just try to use common sense. If you haven't been able to hit more than thirty minutes a day for the past month since you joined, you're gameplay won't be looking too good. If you can consistently hit two hours a day, your gameplay will be looking great. If you're every curious about how much gameplay you have, PM a Sr. Mod+ and they can tell you. Please note that you cannot ask to check some else's gameplay, only your own.
Being honest:
When applying, try to be as honest as you can. If you aren't fifteen yet, state that in your application. If you've received a lot of punishments, own up to it. If you don't have experience in being staff, don't try to hide it from us. If you aren't honest in your application then how could we trust you as a fellow staff member and/or friend on our team. We value honesty on here so please don't try to hide things from us. If you say you're seventeen when you're actually thirteen, then you won't be accepted.
We have a strict no plagiarism policy when regarding any applications for staff on HavocMC. We can easily check if an application has been plagiarized, so don't try to sneak a plagiarized application by us. If an application is plagiarized that shows us that the applicant can't take the effort into creating their own application, so that leads us to believe that said applicant would also not take the effort into being a good staff member. Any plagiarized applications will be closed without a reply.
HavocMC Staff Guidelines:
While this isn't part of the application itself, this document outlines what people will be getting into if they get accepted as an apprentice. This document also outlines staff rules as well. You can find the document here.
That's all the tips I have for now if I think of any other tips I will add them to this thread. Thanks for reading and good luck to anyone that's applying!
Overall we are looking for quality over quantity, but we will also be looking for long answers that fully answer the stated questions in the application. For the main questions (Why do you want to join our staff team at HavocMC?, Why do you think you would be fit for staff?, What do you hope to get out of this experience?), we are looking for at a minimum four sentences, although you shouldn't aim for only four sentences. Try to do full paragraph answers, or even multi-paragraph answers if possible. For the other questions, try to give at least two sentence answers that fully answer the stated question. Again try to aim higher than the minimum if you can. If you answer the questions with one sentence answers with little detail, your chances of being accepted are very, very small.
This falls back to quality over quantity. For every question try to make your answers the best quality you can make them. Make them have depth, meaning, and the truth. On the application, if you answer the question "Why do you think you would be fit for staff?" with something like: "I think I'd be fit for staff because I enjoy helping people and I've always been good at problem-solving so I could break up conflicts easily.", then I'll be wondering why you're so good at problem-solving, or why you enjoy helping people. Try to expand on the points that you have put, so instead of just saying "I've always been good at problem-solving" you could say:
"I've always been able to solve problems and resolve conflicts between others easily. I sometimes get into arguments with my friends at school, or my friends get into arguments with each other, so I calmly try to diffuse the situation before anyone gets too mad or becomes hurt. If someone was mad at me for lying to them for example, I would hear them out and most likely apologize for my mistake instead of just furthering the argument or "stirring the pot" so to speak.".
The example above would be a great part of an answer to "Why do you think you would be fit for staff?".
Make sure to always use proper grammar when answering the questions on your application. Watch out for little grammatical mistakes and errors such as putting "i" instead of "I", putting "your" instead of "you're", putting "its" instead of "it's", etc. I've seen applications that had good and long answers, but they also had a horrendous grammar that just degrades the overall quality of the application.
This is fairly straight forward, we are looking for applicants that are at least fifteen years old. Our reasoning for this is because we believe that age can play into your overall maturity level (which is a very big factor in being staff by the way), so we don't want to accept people that are too young. There is a small possibility that you can be accepted if you're younger than fifteen, but for that to happen your application must be of stellar quality (multi-paragraph answers, good depth, and detail, etc.). Please make sure not to lie about your age.
Having a clean punishment history will really help your chances of becoming an apprentice here. Having no punishments shows us that you can be respectful and not try to start things with others for no reason. You can still be accepted if you have received punishment on our server, but we will be taking into account things like when you last received a punishment, what the majority of your punishments are for, what type of punishments you have received, your overall maturity level and level of respect to others on the server and forums, and a few other background things. Try to include all the punishments you've received and why you received them if you remember them.
When a staff member mentions your "gameplay" that means they're talking about your total amount of time spent on the server since you joined. Having a decent amount of gameplay is important if you're applying for staff as it shows you're dedicated to the server and that you won't lose interest. I really have no set parameters for an individual's gameplay, so just try to use common sense. If you haven't been able to hit more than thirty minutes a day for the past month since you joined, you're gameplay won't be looking too good. If you can consistently hit two hours a day, your gameplay will be looking great. If you're every curious about how much gameplay you have, PM a Sr. Mod+ and they can tell you. Please note that you cannot ask to check some else's gameplay, only your own.
Being honest:
When applying, try to be as honest as you can. If you aren't fifteen yet, state that in your application. If you've received a lot of punishments, own up to it. If you don't have experience in being staff, don't try to hide it from us. If you aren't honest in your application then how could we trust you as a fellow staff member and/or friend on our team. We value honesty on here so please don't try to hide things from us. If you say you're seventeen when you're actually thirteen, then you won't be accepted.
We have a strict no plagiarism policy when regarding any applications for staff on HavocMC. We can easily check if an application has been plagiarized, so don't try to sneak a plagiarized application by us. If an application is plagiarized that shows us that the applicant can't take the effort into creating their own application, so that leads us to believe that said applicant would also not take the effort into being a good staff member. Any plagiarized applications will be closed without a reply.
HavocMC Staff Guidelines:
While this isn't part of the application itself, this document outlines what people will be getting into if they get accepted as an apprentice. This document also outlines staff rules as well. You can find the document here.
That's all the tips I have for now if I think of any other tips I will add them to this thread. Thanks for reading and good luck to anyone that's applying!
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