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  • TMD and TMDC Updates

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    PeachDAboss PeachDAboss
    You also gotta realize, you aren't active in the community anymore. There have been many changes since you left. So your ignorance is your own fault, not mine.

    There was hardly any grounds for that instance anyway, and how is that even relevant to the conversation at hand? No only does it show your immaturity that you have to go back and dig up low blows? Smh. "a team that never demoted" You bein' for real? Lol there were loads of demotes before mine, like, you blind? obviously.

    What even is this sentence xD

    Again, irrelevant insult which furthers my point that you're literally just as much of an ******* as you say I am. Just saying. Unbelievable.

    More of calling you out (innocent until proven guilty, ya know?), but I agree, I guess the last comment was necessary uwu

    You keep replying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I don't delete my posts...? Not quite sure what you mean by that, but ok. And I never said I wanted to be the flamer or couldn't take the heat. Can't ignore the fact that #FactsDontCareAboutYourFeelings

    Lets face the facts, shall we?
    1) You were demoted for having an absolute *** attitude.
    2) Before I recommended you not be readded to staff, per your absolute **** attitude, you thought I was the "biggest bro ever."
    3) Every single post I comment on you try to argue with me.
    4) Your post have been deleted multiple times by staff, I know they have
    5) You contribute nothing postive to this community, the only thing you contribute is STD's for how badly you've ****ed over the community with your constant useless posts, and awful attitude
    6) Don't tell me I can't reply when I was having an open discussion with Kendra about my confussion.

    I hate bringing out this side of me, but I've had enough of you. You constantly try to start **** with me and I'm sick of it. I'm more-so sick with how nothing is done by staff. Every. Damn. Post. YOU try to start ****. Look at all my recent post, on almost every one you tried to start something with me. Stop dude, grow up. You can't let grudges go.
    Last edited:


    Kendrq Kendrq
    So you waste time, effort, resources, and money on a "shrinking" gamemode, that "few" people want instead of putting it towards Minewars? Why don't you all just created a medium, that the majority of people actually enjoy instead of splitting it? You again have yet to answer some of my questions. What is DIFFERENT about this update than TMDOP updates in the past?
    Mine Wars is already closed, and would require far more resources than the Owners can allocate towards it right now to get it up an running again. It's not all that difficult to put a few edits requested over to TMDC. We've been trying to make a "medium" for years now, and where has that gotten us? Absolutely nowhere. Well, that's false actually. Trying to make a middle ground is what resulted in our player base dropping so rapidly.

    Your specific question is "what is different about this update?" Everything is different. The goal of this update was to split the community, whereas that wasn't the goal with past TMDOP updates. Both of my previous replies have answered that question head-on. You just don't like the answers, I believe.
    Read this, Kendra. You all split the community, most likely, without community input. That's the entire issue. I see Kyritic trying to argue that he is some head-cheese who should be running staff than actually taking input from Community Members. Please inform/show me if I am wrong in this. This update should have been specfially headed by a mix of old and new players, not what the staff thought was best. How long will TMDOP even be used, if the "old" community is dying out?
    Not everyone will be happy with every single update; one person's distaste does not completely disqualify the quality of this update. A majority of people on TMDC are happy, same with what I've seen on TMDPVE and TMDPVP lately. The rising player count, which I've mentioned before, also shows that the community is reacting well overall.

    Kyritic honestly has been doing a very impressive job as Community Manager. He's not trying to run the staff team; he's passing information between Owners/Staff and players, and very effectively if I do say so. This update was headed by input from players, actually. A lot of aspects in the update were specifically requested by the general playerbase as well as those who are Beta Testers.
    TMDC will last however long it'll last. When it becomes not-profitable any longer, it'll be removed. I feel as though you don't have a solid stance of how the community feels about this update since, according to the server logs, you haven't been online in several months. I understand the concerns you have due to past issues with updates that have been put out, but the server's community is changing, so the server is changing with it.

    As far as whatever argument seems to be going on here between you and Cat, I suggest that the both of you drop it before this thread has to be locked. Move the bickering to DMs or just stop entirely. Thanks in advance.


    PeachDAboss PeachDAboss
    Mine Wars is already closed, and would require far more resources than the Owners can allocate towards it right now to get it up an running again. It's not all that difficult to put a few edits requested over to TMDC. We've been trying to make a "medium" for years now, and where has that gotten us? Absolutely nowhere. Well, that's false actually. Trying to make a middle ground is what resulted in our player base dropping so rapidly.

    Your specific question is what is different about this update? Everything is different. The goal of this update was to split the community, whereas that wasn't the goal with past TMDOP updates. Both of my previous replies have answered that question head-on. You just don't like the answers, I believe.

    Not everyone will be happy with every single update; one person's distaste does not completely disqualify the quality of this update. A majority of people on TMDC are happy, same with what I've seen on TMDPVE and TMDPVP lately. The rising player count, which I've mentioned before, also shows that the community is reacting well overall.

    Kyritic honestly has been doing a very impressive job as Community Manager. He's not trying to run the staff team; he's passing information between Owners/Staff and players, and very effectively if I do say so. This update was headed by input from players, actually. A lot of aspects in the update were specifically requested by the general playerbase as well as those who are Beta Testers.
    TMDC will last however long it'll last. When it becomes not-profitable any longer, it'll be removed. I feel as though you don't have a solid stance of how the community feels about this update since, according to the server logs, you haven't been online in several months. I understand the concerns you have due to past issues with updates that have been put out, but the server's community is changing, so the server is changing with it.

    As far as whatever argument seems to be going on here between you and Cat, I suggest that the both of you drop it before this thread has to be locked. Move the bickering to DMs or just stop entirely. Thanks in advance.

    Thank you for your time in clearing up the confussion I have.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    1) You were demoted for having an absolute *** attitude.
    Meh, the whole thing was really shady ngl, but whatever floats your boat.
    2) Before I recommended you not be readded to staff, per your absolute **** attitude, you thought I was the "biggest bro ever."
    Lol who are you? xD "I recomennded you not be staff." Highest horse I've seen in awhile. God, it's always "I'm better than you, I'm ao important, shut up peasant." Also, did you know there's this thing, not sure if you've heard of it, but it's pretty cool: the ability to change one's mind. Shocking, right? It's as if your mask of niceness was ok... until you took it off and were a complete jerk. But hey, sorry that I can change my mind.
    3) Every single post I comment on you try to argue with me.
    Idt it's every single one, but takes two to tango, really. You always seemed to pick out something that offended you but aight (even if it wasn't directly offensive, I mean, grow some skin if sarcasm is that hard to ignore. Like, c'mon dude. Take your own advice!)
    4) Your post have been deleted multiple times by staff, I know they have
    Not that I'm aware of, I guess.
    5) You contribute nothing postive to this community, the only thing you contribute is STD's for how badly you've ****ed over the community with your constant useless posts, and awful attitude
    Nothing positive? I've ****ed over the community? I mean, last I checked, I was STD free so yay for me. And by who's standards (other than your own and the toxic and unreasonable "ogs") have I ****ed over the community? If I was truly nothing but negativity, I probably wouldn't still be here. And look, you're getting mad at me for "making fun of you/insulting you" when you make statements like this? C'mon dude xD
    6) Don't tell me I can't reply when I was having an open discussion with Kendra about my confussion.
    I didn't....? Oh, and your confusion was super rude, condescending, and just a stick in the mud. Really.
    I hate bringing out this side of me, but I've had enough of you. You constantly try to start **** with me and I'm sick of it. I'm more-so sick with how nothing is done by staff. Every. Damn. Post. YOU try to start ****. Look at all my recent post, on almost every one you tried to start something with me. Stop dude, grow up. You can't let grudges go.
    You make it too easy. You start by griping about something you don't like, or you bash a player, or something or other. If ya act like some hauty god who thinks he knows how everythings gotta be, then expect someone to call you out or pull your leg. And the whole "givin' him too much credit" is really a joke btwn General and I, so like, take your own advice and grow up. If my sarcastic and satirical humor bothers you so much, just.... ignore it or take a joke ya know?

    And I just love how you're always like "omg staff ban this kid ree" when you're just as much at fault. :U you don't have any more power than I do anymore, and I know it bugs a lot of people when you act like you're the boss. I also find it annoying how you literally just come on the forums to throw shade at everything: Updates, Ky, staff team, etc. when you probably haven't touched minecraft since March. If you don't even know what's going on, you barely have any grounds to criticize. At least join and play and get a feel for the new changes before making any comments. Experience trumps everything.
    As far as whatever argument seems to be going on here between you and Cat, I suggest that the both of you drop it before this thread has to be locked. Move the bickering to DMs or just stop entirely.
    I would, but we've probably blocked each other everywhere else, ya know? Sorry. Wont happen again u-u

    Aight. I'm done here. 2018 arguing ceased.
    Cat was a gud staff member on the server when he was one, I've seen him abuse his perks a little when he was a mod which makes me have a little bit of mixed feelings but, she was one of the only staff members that I had seen at the time who tried to be involved with the community physically by making some cool forts to help some starters defend themselves at berx. I had a lot of fun when she made a fort near cdc and berx.

    Also I don't play the server anymore but I am still hyped for the updates that are happening <3


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    I've seen him abuse his perks a little when he was a mod which makes me have a little bit of mixed feelings but
    *cough* barricades *cough*

    Ngl, it was a lot of fun making those treehouses. Even tho I forgot to vanish a few of those times, it was still heck loads of fun! If I ever get the honor to do it again it will be 10x the amount of barricades!!!!

    edit: at least you couldn't collect the barricades I placed, so...


    _Nickk _Nickk
    This is trash oh my godness.. You switched map to old one, that’s all You legit did for OG players. TMDC-1 is only for players with ranks, not really for new players. If this is the way you want to revive server like then gl because its freakin trash.
    TMDC isn't really supposed to be for new players - we felt the problem with keeping new players was partly due to them being killed right off the bat by full teams with Jugg. Classic is supposed to be for the players that want the classic 1.7/1.8 pvp completely back.


    _Nickk _Nickk
    Splitting the community definitely hasn't worked in the past, but neither has trying to make one medium. Both have failed, and the server was definitely going downhill before the split. It could definitely fail, but so far player count has went up, and the difference from past splits is the emphasis on creating a vision for TMD that I/we actually believe in, not just trying to alleviate concerns. I've spent quite a bit of time researching other servers and trying to see what works, and I think once we get quests and bases added and everything, the core TMD gamemode will have more to offer in terms of economy and gameplay than it has in the past. TMD definitely suffered from splits, but I think unlimited money and ridiculous donation perks hurt it a ton too, and we're trying to fix that in TMD PVP/PVE. Over time TMD's focus changed from survival to PVP, but then PVP kinda devolved, and there was no focus, especially for new players, since survival was super easy. I think by dedicating more time to making TMD an actual fun gamemode again, the split can be more fun and successful than the past splits, where we split it and added nothing, while working on other projects instead.

    I did try to get player feedback for this update - I went on discord and made polls, and I also talked to Kyritic and some other longtime players. The consensus was this was a good idea.

    I can't guarantee this will work, but I think once the issues are figured out it will be our best shot at reviving the server.
    Last edited:


    New member
    CravenPython108 CravenPython108
    He has a right to his opinion, no need to belittle him for it.
    K, it's really sad that you took this seriously.

    So you waste time, effort, resources, and money on a "shrinking" gamemode, that "few" people want instead of putting it towards Minewars?
    You're twisting her words here. I'll bring up the exact quote of what she said.
    Since the community interested in old PVP is shrinking, we're adapting to accommodate a new era of players.
    She didn't even use the word "few" in that message, so I'm not quite sure where you found it.

    I'll rephrase what she said in her message, in case it wasn't clear to you. Pain pvp was popular once upon a time, and to this day some people still enjoy it, but a large percentage of new players don't care for it. The obvious solution to this is to create two separate modes that suit each playstyle, thus making just about everybody happy.

    Also, Kendra played Mine Wars quite a bit more than you did, even before she got a shiny helper rank. It's slightly unreasonable to think she doesn't give a care about MW.

    Read this, Kendra.
    Most of that post is him saying that he wishes he could use infinite money on all servers. He also said that splitting the community might not be the best because it's small as it is. It's a reasonable pov on the situation, but one guy doesn't represent the entire server, like you seem to think.

    You all split the community, most likely, without community input.
    Yes, they split the community. That was the point. It's supposed to be better for everyone this way.

    You saying 'most likely' makes me think you didn't actually check for sure what the community thought. If you have a poll, survey, or a referendum on the issue, feel free to show us. Otherwise, it kind of just looks like you saying random words that don't mean much.

    I see Kyritic trying to argue that he is some head-cheese who should be running staff than actually taking input from Community Members. Please inform/show me if I am wrong in this. This update should have been specfially headed by a mix of old and new players, not what the staff thought was best. How long will TMDOP even be used, if the "old" community is dying out?
    Unsure why Kyritic was tossed into this, or how him arguing that he has authority has any effect on the servers being split. As for your final question, TMDC should stay up as long as there are players enjoying it. Kendra touched on this slightly.
    There are still a handful of players that enjoy the old pain-spamming, jugg-warring PVP style, and every here and there a new player might join and find that they like it too. That's why TMDC exists the way it currently does; it's for those who still want to enjoy an arcade-style PVP experience.

    Well, I thought your first post was good
    (You might not be aware of this, but most people don't base their threads around what you think of them)

    W Please shown me what he has actually done?
    Cba to show, but he basically yells at the owners to make them do stuff, builds, models, and interacts with players somewhat often.

    Your go-to achievement is "beta testers." Yeah, okay. Yes, it's good. I give credit where said credit is due.
    You didn't appear to be giving him any credit above. Interesting how you changed your mind.

    You don't need to insult people in every post, maybe one day you will learn.
    Yea, she didn't really insult you. I guess she already learned.

    I would be interested to see the forum posts you were talking about.
    Contrary to your belief, there was a lot of community input about this. Pretty sure there were like 5 threads or something about it.
    I would be interested to see the forum posts you were talking about.

    DD and Shadowhab really sum this up quite well:
    Silly Libtards.
    Grow the **** up.

    That's all for now. Ta ta, weebists.


    seuboi seuboi
    You guys saying that this will "split the community" are not aware of what's been happening in the last 3 or 4 updates. Splitting a community apart is not good, but it's way healthier than packing up everybody under the same rules.
    Lets be honest for a while shall we? Since when the pvp ogs liked tmd 3, 4, 6? They were basically storage servers to them. Some of those (who eventually got bored of their loved pvp) used to go to rp locations to make fun of people that were also having fun, what the actual ****? Is this the so called community?

    Ensuring each other styles were making both pvp and non pvpers hate each other, so making em worlds apart was the best solution atm. Maybe in the future we might upgrade, get fancier plugings to please both gameplays dunno, but it's a fact that from late 2017 through mid 2018 all we saw was back and forth pvp update with players count going downhill.

    I don't want be rude or anything but if guys wanna criticize the actual meta at least use some real problems that led us here, not old vague issues that are not even tangible, time to be more rational than emotional.

    Hello everyone! We are excited to officially announce our latest updates to TMD and TMD Classic! This update separated the current TMDPVP server into a more realistic survival based TMDPVP server and a more true to its name TMD Classic server with the classic 1.7 mechanics.

    TMD Classic
    TMD Classic is now actually the Classic TMD server everyone fell in love with. Here is a list of the notable changes.
    • Map switched to the full classic 1.7 map.
    • Old PVP mechanics, including spammable pains in their full glory.
    • Backpacks and duffel bags added.
    • Inventories and Vaults will initially be transferred from TMDPVP to TMD Classic.


    This update will also show a number of changes to TMDPVP and TMDPVE with the overall goals of creating a more traditional PVP system, creating a greater focus on survival, and creating a more balanced server economy. Here is a list of the notable changes.
    • Spam pains have been removed.
    • Juggernaut is now less common in crates, meaning fights will occur with lower leveled gear.
    • Juggernaut armor loses 100 durability on death.
    • Legendary Weapons will no longer drop on death.
    • Infinite Money has been entirely removed.
    • Kits have been given increased use delays for donator ranks.
    • Only one Titan kit can be used per day.
    • Juggernaut kit changed to have Riot Gear Boots, Juggernaut Leggings, and Riot Gear Chestplate.
    • More items have been added to the shop.
    • You can now sell items to NPC shops.
    • Inventory and Vaults have been reset. (Vaults and TMDPVP inventories have been switched to TMD Classic)
    This change will add a greater goal to TMD. Survival will be harder than it was before since it will be harder to get items. It will be important for players to go on loot runs in order to make money, since looting is now the fastest way to earn profits. Tier 4s and Riot Armor are now hard to get, and Jugg and Legendaries are extremely rare. We look forward to balancing and updating TMD PVP to improve gameplay and keep the server fresh, while still supporting TMD Classic so that everybody is happy.

    Thanks for reading, and be sure to stay tuned for more more updates.
    >tfw no one plays tmdc
    >tfw everything was perfect the way it was before this update
    >tfw serverwide poverty
    >tfw A punch to the gut for tmd's lifespan
    >tfw already noticing player decline
    Why would you do this, everything was just fine.

    Oh and thanks for moving my OG stats and kills to a server I will never visit

    Hello everyone! We are excited to officially announce our latest updates to TMD and TMD Classic! This update separated the current TMDPVP server into a more realistic survival based TMDPVP server and a more true to its name TMD Classic server with the classic 1.7 mechanics.

    TMD Classic
    TMD Classic is now actually the Classic TMD server everyone fell in love with. Here is a list of the notable changes.
    • Map switched to the full classic 1.7 map.
    • Old PVP mechanics, including spammable pains in their full glory.
    • Backpacks and duffel bags added.
    • Inventories and Vaults will initially be transferred from TMDPVP to TMD Classic.


    This update will also show a number of changes to TMDPVP and TMDPVE with the overall goals of creating a more traditional PVP system, creating a greater focus on survival, and creating a more balanced server economy. Here is a list of the notable changes.
    • Spam pains have been removed.
    • Juggernaut is now less common in crates, meaning fights will occur with lower leveled gear.
    • Juggernaut armor loses 100 durability on death.
    • Legendary Weapons will no longer drop on death.
    • Infinite Money has been entirely removed.
    • Kits have been given increased use delays for donator ranks.
    • Only one Titan kit can be used per day.
    • Juggernaut kit changed to have Riot Gear Boots, Juggernaut Leggings, and Riot Gear Chestplate.
    • More items have been added to the shop.
    • You can now sell items to NPC shops.
    • Inventory and Vaults have been reset. (Vaults and TMDPVP inventories have been switched to TMD Classic)
    This change will add a greater goal to TMD. Survival will be harder than it was before since it will be harder to get items. It will be important for players to go on loot runs in order to make money, since looting is now the fastest way to earn profits. Tier 4s and Riot Armor are now hard to get, and Jugg and Legendaries are extremely rare. We look forward to balancing and updating TMD PVP to improve gameplay and keep the server fresh, while still supporting TMD Classic so that everybody is happy.

    Thanks for reading, and be sure to stay tuned for more more updates.

    Okay, this is nice and all but you havent said a thing about medpacks specificly, whats happening with those I mean there the only legit way to pvp if you don't like autos.


    Twqntys Twqntys
    >tfw no one plays tmdc
    >tfw everything was perfect the way it was before this update
    >tfw serverwide poverty
    >tfw A punch to the gut for tmd's lifespan
    >tfw already noticing player decline
    Why would you do this, everything was just fine.

    Oh and thanks for moving my OG stats and kills to a server I will never visit


    Jahango Jahango
    >tfw no one plays tmdc
    >tfw everything was perfect the way it was before this update
    >tfw serverwide poverty
    >tfw A punch to the gut for tmd's lifespan
    >tfw already noticing player decline
    Why would you do this, everything was just fine.

    Oh and thanks for moving my OG stats and kills to a server I will never visit
    you know TMDC is the old tmd basically and not KitPvP anymore...


    KenkoMC KenkoMC

    Again as previously mentioned I am not quite sure why I was dragged into this. I'm still very much involved with the community, Just because you don't see all the private messages I receive or requests I get given when I log in doesn't mean nothing is happening. I respond to all messages within 48 hours of receiving and try to consider people points of view. Even If I don't agree with them, if I still pass the message onto Jacob, Brad or Nick if I feel there is some value to sending them (Aka there is a chance that It will be implemented)

    I understand this may come from you taking a disliking to me, I don't claim to have the cleanest past and taking your role won't help matters. But I ask you if you really care about the community please come to me with your concerns about both this update and my job performance and we can see if we can calm your worries.

    Have a great day.

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    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    But I ask you if you really care about the community please come to me with your concerns about both this update and my job performance and we can see if we can calm your worries.
    And to add on that, @PeachDAboss (this isn't supposed to be snarky, this is a legitimate suggestion), try to actually get involved with the community more if you honestly and truly care about the new changes. It doesn't make sense to come on to the forums of a server you haven't played (or Minecraft for that matter) in well over 7 months to make critiques or belittle other people's names with almost no experience or facts to back up any of your claims. What I'm suggesting is, if you really care about giving true critiques or any helpful input, play the game more, learn the new mechanics, get back in the discord etc. Though, it's quite clear you have no intention of ever doing that, so I ask the favor that you just let it be. There's no point. No point in coming on and rambling about things that are no longer in your understanding. So do yourself a favor, and all of us, really, and just... move on.


    make critiques or belittle other people's names with almost no experience or facts to back up any of your claims.
    I dunno about that, that's an unfair statement

    And I'm pretty sure he should be allowed to defend himself with all these people throwing allegations at him since he left.
    It's actually pretty disappointing to see people suck up to people when they are in power, and belittle them as they leave their position. If someone is doing something wrong, then request staff about it. If the staff ignore you, then expose them to the community(where then they will immediately answer).


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    I dunno about that, that's an unfair statement
    It's a very fair statement, considering the context that he doesn't play Minecraft anymore, he claimed o have 'condemned' (paraphrased) the server's progress and staff team, etc, and that's exactly what he's doing. It doesn't make any logical sense.

    EDIT: You also took that tid-bit out of context, so... next time read more carefully.
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