
Rank Changes
Healing Changes
Resource Pack Changes
General Changes
- All old donator ranks now have the Legacy Tag
- There will be 3 new ranks introduced to the shop soon. We will announce what is included in these ranks once they become available in the shop.
- New staff rank Apprentice has been added.
- Jr Mod has been renamed to Moderator
- Sr Mod has been renamed to Sr Moderator
- The bottom 3 rows on the Standard Vault for players will ranks is now accessible in a new category of vaults call Legacy Vaults. The old Titan and Mythical Vaults can be accessed here as well.
Healing Changes
- All players now have 2 rows of hearts. The first row will regen naturally with full hunger, but in order to heal the second row of hearts a healing item must be used.
- All damage values have been doubled to correspond with doubling players' health.
- All healing items now have a delay to use. Scrolling away from the healing item or moving will stop it from being used.
Resource Pack Changes
- Everyone will need to download an updated Resource Pack. This pack should auto download when you join the server or you can manually download it here. (Be sure it is version 2.2)
- 3D models have been added for medical items.
- Several block textures have been updated.
General Changes
- All players can now use Character Kits on a 1 day cooldown
- All players can now use Warps on a 1 day cooldown
- All players can now use /tpa and /tpahere on a 1 day cooldown
- /skin has been changed to /gunskin
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