
So I decided to make a group message with different groups and communities of Havoc just outlining what we all want from the server, but I can only have 5 people in a message so I have to put into a forum post, So please do not make this toxic. I wanted to make it a private message so that I can direct stuff to people and prevent arguments so please don’t do that. We all want Havoc to succeed in the end, it's just about communicating to each other how stuff could work or why it would not.
I'm in no way demanding anything, I am only a builder but again I want the server to succeed and I felt this would be beneficial for the server, at least to see where we all stand because it tends to get confusing with different people requesting different things.
I will probably split it into different communities to make it easier.
OG’s / PVP Enthusiasts
This group of people tend to just want balanced PVP mechanics. They don’t really mind about the map and whilst some claim they want the 1.7 map back, they are either trolls or blinded by nostalgia. They also don’t mind about the version is running on.
Unfortunately, they are not a fan of TMD Classic. They were a lot happier with TMDOP which I felt was great because it kept most toxic players to play with others and everyone on there played with people with there own skill set leaving the newer players, those who like realism or those who like to roleplay alone so there isn't a clash of communities.
Whilst they were not happy about it, they didn't really mind when the TMDOP mechanics shifted into all server, the issue with it is that we always want to update and experiment with it, that's when they started to get upset by the changes. I agree with their point of view if I am honest, whilst I would prefer the realism if people are happy with mechanics we shouldn't change it.![]()
So in summary
- Replace TMD Classic with TMDOP
- When the community of TMDOP are happy with the PVP Don’t change it. Change the normal TMD pvp instead. Only change the map
- They don’t mind if we upgrade the server past 1.8
We are genuinely quite creative. We are always coming up with new ideas and as the show progresses we need more block and resources to develop these ideas. Frankly, it's come to the point where we spend hours finding something just to update the pack and it's having a negative effect on our building creativity, especially when we look at at the number of blocks, gameplay elements and items we can utilise if we simply updated the server. Also, some of us can’t help but feel that staying in 1.8 is deterring potential players away for multiple reasons such as 1.13 looks more appealing in a server list than 1.8 and people want to see new Minecraft elements utilised in our gamemode.
There is approximately 100+ new blocks added into Minecraft from 1.8 - 1.13. If we got ahold of them, we can detail the map so much better and have a lot more motivation when it comes to building. Every time we log on we are reminded at least once that things in terms of building could improve drastically if we updated. I don’t want to speak on behalf of all builders but this is from what I gather what most of us want.
So in summary
- We’d love to update the server, for more reasons than just building
- Side thing, Map Maker back. It helped up so much employing new builders and motivating people to apply. It also builds the relationship between Staff and community by making competitions other than just voting.
- All builder updates pinned to the front page. (Making JB community manager would allow him to do it himself but I'll come to that later.)
RP’s / Realism Enthusiasts
I think it's quite obvious what they want. Realistic places, Mechanics etc. But looking into how we could develop these it comes down to this.
Updating would make there day. 100 new blocks, new items, the 1.13 swimming mechanics along with stuff such as dual wielding. To please them is to update the server. They would also love map maker to return. In my spare time i’d often see people making their own TMD maps and role-playing as people, trust me we need MM back.
I think they would also benefit from kinda being separated from the OG players. They often clash and separating them in a way could lower the amount of stress and toxicness in the community
Moderation Team
I don’t think I have to tell you how much stress would be lifted if OG’s and Realism people were separated to an extent and both sets of people's needs and wants were met. Harassment of staff would lower along with chat arguments and staff can focus on tickets and catching hackers.
I wouldn’t want to speak on behalf of them but I assume they wouldn’t mind if we updated. Again please correct me if I am incorrect.
From my point of view, if done correctly we can improve the experience of all the groups of havoc. As Long as each group agrees with these ideas then it could boost havocs player base, both in size and quality. Staff would have a much pleasant expense, Builders can explore different aspects of building and experiment, OG’s can have the PVP mechanics they love, RP’s and Realism lovers would have a true twd experience, and the owners would have a better server community and have the funds to develop the server.
If it were up to me (and it isn’t I just want to explain what I would do) I would
- Replace TMD Classic with TMDOP with previous PVP mechanics
- Update to 1.13 or atleast to 1.12.
- Promote JBentley to Community Manager, He is great at informing people with his Builders Newsletters, has a grasp on what everyone wants, has a great relationship with the owners and is respected by the community.
- Bring out Map Maker, Minewars, and Bannerwars
- (Just a little one but on the realism servers people want the plugin where you sit on stairs)
If you’re tagged it means I want you personally to respond. Communication is key and even if its disagreeing with me, constructive criticism is necessary for us to improve. I know I am only a builder but i can’t help but feel this would go a long way in to helping the server.
@Jacobg1998 @_Nickk @IgnitingIce @JBentley694 @BenGermann @ChlngeAccepted @Kendrq @_VC_ @Withermandude @MichaelSteve @Grockey @Yove @iDanielle @2Suicidal @Cat_Squirrel_Inc @DDENGAR @general2673 @Firelillx
Thanks for reading, please reply.
so. Im sorry in advance for the long af post, but if you know me, I like to be thorough. Now I would like to think im an envoy to all parties you described. Im currently a trial builder, I was a helper and I love pvp and pve mining dead. So in that regard I believe i can speak to all groups on this topic.
The chief concern of many "fighters" was that the vaults were not linked with the tmd servers.
With the pain spam aka "war" mechanic removed on the main servers and their jugg as well as weapons still there, the pvp community was essentially forced to restart their collection. to that end tmd classic was enjoyed briefly... the "old times" of atlanta were shortlived. the mechanics essentially gurrentee the death of a new player. Try firing at a jugg pain spamming with an m14 and tell me how that ends. My point? tmd-classic cannot grow. the "ogs" kinda got screwed here. they lost their main battleground and their "arsenals" of weapons and armor.
Now Ill be honest im not sure what tmd-op is or how it differs from tmd-classic. However I talk with many players frequently, and tmd-op does seem to come up quite alot. So in addition to what @Kyritic stated about replacing tmd classic with tmd-op I add this- link the vaults.
An alternative solution I offer is this. configure tmd-2 with the tmd-op mechanics. I believe that would be easier to implement and would not require adding another server.
the map
My opinion of the map stands like this. The pvp community does not care too much about the map itself or the accuracy of the map but some mechanics they do (such as cover and "warzones") the role play community does care quite a bit about the map as it makes their role plays more enjoyable. Me personally. i love the walking dead and I joined the server because of the map, and continue to stay because of it.
@Kyritic stated very good arguments for upgrading the server.
1. looks better on server lists
2. pvp community would not mind
3. it would allow the builders to make more creative builds
4. the addition of new blocks COULD lead to more weapons/vehicles in future.
I strongly urge @Jacobg1998 @IgnitingIce or @BenGermann to consider this. Even if you dont publicly post your thoughts, please think about it.
I aint gonna lie. I had a blast with map maker back in the day. @Kyritic is right once again about the impact map maker had. It helped the build team recruit and i think in some way made people appreciate the map more. However it is worth noting that map maker was taken down for glitching. currently i believe that minewars is the priority target to fix before updating mining dead. However I believe tasking one dev to fix map maker will be worth the investment of resources.
This is something i have long advocated for. And in that regard I have a few suggestions. but first the concept of walkers toughness has to be addressed. ive seen many people say the walkers are too weak. or they spawn to few and far in between. those are the most commonly held opinions. more walkers = more lag but perhaps if it was made that walkers have a boosted resistance to firearms.
suggested future gamemode
- broken leg mechanic
-sparcity of ammo or guns
- no city (lets face it no one is going into a city owned by the dead)
- walkers buffed in some way
- walkers able to break down doors
-limit one "bag"
-hostile wolves (faster lower target)
-no warps or safezones
-pvp optional
Having been a helper for a few months i can personally attest to the amount of ill will flying towards us at any given time. Many staff have to balance upholding the rules and keeping favor within the community. That is simply not possible at times. When I was helper I tried to answer questions wherever i saw them and for "minor offences" i tried to verbal warn wherever i could for example i would see a role play someone might say "oh $hit! walkers!" now that is filter bypass a warn would be the proper call. But me personally id try to deliver a warning informally "hey man watch the bypass" that let him know i was not out to get him, got my warning across and didnt kill his mood. sometimes thats simply not possible. sometimes the balance cannot be "nice". and thats when it gets difficult for us. some players have it out for the staff and i dont get why. they volunteer their time and effort to try to keep the server friendly. the thing many people dont get about staff is that they are not there to sit and punish people. they are there to prevent arguments in the server- and that sometimes requires more than a warning. in my signature i have a winston churchill quote- attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. If you dispute a staff's decision say it with reason and logic
lets do an example- lets say chat was blowing up and i typed " *****s pistol* " in a role play. in that im saying im pulling the hammer back on my pistol. however on the swear feed of the staff it will show "****" which means... you know. bam! muted for 30 minutes. honest mistake.
I go to dms of that staff. tell me which one you think works better
1) you useless ******* staff. do you even know how to do your job? retarded
2) hey i just wanna ask why i was muted. the mute said innapropriate chat but i was in a roleplay and was "****ing" my gun to fire.
in both cases the mute would be overturned... which one do you think would overturn it quicker and build goodwill between you and that staff?
I hope that gives a little insight to how we think (or at least how I did, i wont claim to speak for the others)
I liked map maker how it was, imo. That small chunk allowed you to build as BIG as you wanted, with unlimited possibilities! Plot worlds confine you to a single square, and that's no fun. Plus, having pre-built worlds can add to role-plays and other creative outlets! Just my 2 cents.Map maker should not be readded. I think it should be revamped. Instead of using the weird plot/world system that was in place, it's in Havoc's best interest to use a stable, reliable plot plugin such as PlotSquared. There are tons of resources on how to set up a plot world using this plugin, and it offers tons of customization. It would take about 10 hours to set up a PlotSquared server. Schematics could be used instead of prebuilt worlds. I could go on..
Excellent!so. Im sorry in advance for the long af post, but if you know me, I like to be thorough. Now I would like to think im an envoy to all parties you described. Im currently a trial builder, I was a helper and I love pvp and pve mining dead. So in that regard I believe i can speak to all groups on this topic.
The chief concern of many "fighters" was that the vaults were not linked with the tmd servers.
With the pain spam aka "war" mechanic removed on the main servers and their jugg as well as weapons still there, the pvp community was essentially forced to restart their collection. to that end tmd classic was enjoyed briefly... the "old times" of atlanta were shortlived. the mechanics essentially gurrentee the death of a new player. Try firing at a jugg pain spamming with an m14 and tell me how that ends. My point? tmd-classic cannot grow. the "ogs" kinda got screwed here. they lost their main battleground and their "arsenals" of weapons and armor.
Now Ill be honest im not sure what tmd-op is or how it differs from tmd-classic. However I talk with many players frequently, and tmd-op does seem to come up quite alot. So in addition to what @Kyritic stated about replacing tmd classic with tmd-op I add this- link the vaults.
An alternative solution I offer is this. configure tmd-2 with the tmd-op mechanics. I believe that would be easier to implement and would not require adding another server.
the map
My opinion of the map stands like this. The pvp community does not care too much about the map itself or the accuracy of the map but some mechanics they do (such as cover and "warzones") the role play community does care quite a bit about the map as it makes their role plays more enjoyable. Me personally. i love the walking dead and I joined the server because of the map, and continue to stay because of it.
@Kyritic stated very good arguments for upgrading the server.
1. looks better on server lists
2. pvp community would not mind
3. it would allow the builders to make more creative builds
4. the addition of new blocks COULD lead to more weapons/vehicles in future.
I strongly urge @Jacobg1998 @IgnitingIce or @BenGermann to consider this. Even if you dont publicly post your thoughts, please think about it.
I aint gonna lie. I had a blast with map maker back in the day. @Kyritic is right once again about the impact map maker had. It helped the build team recruit and i think in some way made people appreciate the map more. However it is worth noting that map maker was taken down for glitching. currently i believe that minewars is the priority target to fix before updating mining dead. However I believe tasking one dev to fix map maker will be worth the investment of resources.
This is something i have long advocated for. And in that regard I have a few suggestions. but first the concept of walkers toughness has to be addressed. ive seen many people say the walkers are too weak. or they spawn to few and far in between. those are the most commonly held opinions. more walkers = more lag but perhaps if it was made that walkers have a boosted resistance to firearms.
suggested future gamemode
- broken leg mechanic
-sparcity of ammo or guns
- no city (lets face it no one is going into a city owned by the dead)
- walkers buffed in some way
- walkers able to break down doors
-limit one "bag"
-hostile wolves (faster lower target)
-no warps or safezones
-pvp optional
Having been a helper for a few months i can personally attest to the amount of ill will flying towards us at any given time. Many staff have to balance upholding the rules and keeping favor within the community. That is simply not possible at times. When I was helper I tried to answer questions wherever i saw them and for "minor offences" i tried to verbal warn wherever i could for example i would see a role play someone might say "oh $hit! walkers!" now that is filter bypass a warn would be the proper call. But me personally id try to deliver a warning informally "hey man watch the bypass" that let him know i was not out to get him, got my warning across and didnt kill his mood. sometimes thats simply not possible. sometimes the balance cannot be "nice". and thats when it gets difficult for us. some players have it out for the staff and i dont get why. they volunteer their time and effort to try to keep the server friendly. the thing many people dont get about staff is that they are not there to sit and punish people. they are there to prevent arguments in the server- and that sometimes requires more than a warning. in my signature i have a winston churchill quote- attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. If you dispute a staff's decision say it with reason and logic
lets do an example- lets say chat was blowing up and i typed " *****s pistol* " in a role play. in that im saying im pulling the hammer back on my pistol. however on the swear feed of the staff it will show "****" which means... you know. bam! muted for 30 minutes. honest mistake.
I go to dms of that staff. tell me which one you think works better
1) you useless ******* staff. do you even know how to do your job? retarded
2) hey i just wanna ask why i was muted. the mute said innapropriate chat but i was in a roleplay and was "****ing" my gun to fire.
in both cases the mute would be overturned... which one do you think would overturn it quicker and build goodwill between you and that staff?
I hope that gives a little insight to how we think (or at least how I did, i wont claim to speak for the others)
hey chewy <3This would be super lit
ayyo big boy come clap these cheeks real quickhey chewy <3
Yea, invest the time into the other gamemodes which r completely useless to havoc due to them having at most 10 players onPut some effort into the other gamemodes instead of updating TMD every other week. That's all the server really needs.
Yea, invest the time into the other gamemodes which r completely useless to havoc due to them having at most 10 players on
I totally agree with that. Tmd is the main aspect of the server you could say but the whole reason they changed the server name from miningdead into havocmc is to have those new gamemodes. (I think it would be a cool thing if they add factionsHavocMC isn't just about TMD anymore. TMD already got a lot of attention, and now I think it's time that the other gamemodes, and work in progress gamemodes get some love and attention too, it's only fair. This is what I think, and it seems that the owners and developers agree with me as they are focusing on MW and making new gamemodes.
This is something i have long advocated for. And in that regard I have a few suggestions. but first the concept of walkers toughness has to be addressed. ive seen many people say the walkers are too weak. or they spawn to few and far in between. those are the most commonly held opinions. more walkers = more lag but perhaps if it was made that walkers have a boosted resistance to firearms.
Like everyone has already said... this is HavocMC now. We are more than just TMD. Also, with The Walking Dead show ending, it is imperative we put work in other places that have a more constant and stable foothold. Havoc Horizons (Skyblock), MineWars, Map Maker (Creative 'Plots'), and possibly Banner Wars should be the next priority. I think it's time our efforts are given a break. Let me provide an example:Yea, invest the time into the other gamemodes which r completely useless to havoc due to them having at most 10 players on
This is what lots of players don't get. Staff aren't going after them, they just want to help out.Having been a helper for a few months i can personally attest to the amount of ill will flying towards us at any given time. Many staff have to balance upholding the rules and keeping favor within the community. That is simply not possible at times. When I was helper I tried to answer questions wherever i saw them and for "minor offences" i tried to verbal warn wherever i could for example i would see a role play someone might say "oh $hit! walkers!" now that is filter bypass a warn would be the proper call. But me personally id try to deliver a warning informally "hey man watch the bypass" that let him know i was not out to get him, got my warning across and didnt kill his mood. sometimes thats simply not possible. sometimes the balance cannot be "nice". and thats when it gets difficult for us. some players have it out for the staff and i dont get why. they volunteer their time and effort to try to keep the server friendly. the thing many people dont get about staff is that they are not there to sit and punish people. they are there to prevent arguments in the server- and that sometimes requires more than a warning. in my signature i have a winston churchill quote- attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. If you dispute a staff's decision say it with reason and logic
heyhey chewy <3
Like everyone has already said... this is _Havoc_MC now. We are more than just TMD. Also, with The Walking Dead show ending,
woah woah woah!!!!!!!!! no no no no. walking dead will never end! never! how dare you xD
i dont know how murdurable's quote ended up in my post xD
I understand your viewpoint, but please consider this:Yea, invest the time into the other gamemodes which r completely useless to havoc due to them having at most 10 players on