Note, I haven't read any messages on this thread due to the extent amount of players who have commented*
I have many stacks of painkillers, juggernaut, legendary gear, riot and more. Moreoever, I have over eight million dollars that was difficult to get, however I'm sorry but we
need a reset. I have builder friends who have put
hours into the new map and whenever I spoke to them, their responses were, "I'm working on the new map

" They have put extreme effort and creativity into this and I dearly hope it is appreciated. Yes, there is a reset though please do not fret or create severe negativity on this thread. You can vote on the poll, but please do not be negative and/or mean. (I'm not sure if you've done this and I am pointing out
no one, just a reminder) You all have issues with the overpowered server regarding Juggernaut gear
,painkillers, the rich bank accounts, and more. A majority of the players have such powerful gear and can bring down the spirit of those who are trying hard to enjoy the server. This is The Mining Dead, and part of the fun is survival of the fittest. If you have overpowered gear, unlimited food and anything to receive by having a rich bank account,
it isn't real survival. We at HavocMC hope to give all players a fair opportunity to earn the same gear, and due to the large assortment of extremely powerful gear, this doesn't seem right..at least not to me. There will be a huge change, every building you go to and every city will be updated and look different; it will look incredible. It will be a fresh start and due to such change, it only seems correct to implement a reset along with the new map.

I'm not telling you to have the same opinion as me nor am I telling you to be happy over losing your hard earned gear. I am showing the positive outlook on a reset, the overpowered gear won't be a hassle and if you complain for superiority over players from having better gear, I think it is somewhat silly and ridiculous. Thank you to all of the builders for your hard work and as stated, I have
a lot of gear and I am rich, however that doesn't matter. I will be hosting multiple drop parties for you all so the last of the rich gear can be used and enjoyed, especially by the poor who never had an opportunity to even wear juggernaut or hold a golden gun. Yes, I like the weapons and armour except it is too strong and there is too much of it. I am thankful if anything, the staff have seen numerous requests of a reset though no matter which decision we make, there will be some players with an unpleasant opinion and that is inevitable. This is a new start, and players can learn survival skills and teamwork when warring. You won't have such great gear so you must learn tactics, memorize the new land and experience a true survival gameplay. You can find new skills instead of comboing and it will be difficult at first but a new start means new conflict whether it be against people, walkers, the new land, loss of supplies, etc. Please don't be upset with this reset or in other words, please
try to think positive and find ways or thoughts to enjoy the upcoming change. Yes, you get your infinite and ranks, that would never be taken away, no matter how overpowered infinite is. You are all wonderful people and I am forever grateful to help you all, however this will not be changed and I am hopeful you will respect the choice made by a reset and the new map of course, which is amazing and I am looking forward to the hard work. <3
Please vote instead of causing drama, negativity, anger, or fights. As stated, I've read only my own comment and the thread text by _Nickk, so all I hope is you understand what my message is and please follow it. We implement new things or big changes for a reason, and I dearly hope you will all calm and enjoy your gear while it lasts.
Thank you for reading and please enjoy your day.
