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  • New Map & Reset

    What is your opinion on this update?

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    Pumbaanator Pumbaanator
    WHY RESET?!?!?!?!!?!?!
    i already had to go through 1 reset of a good server NOT THIS ONE TOO!
    please just let us keep money AT LEAST this server was good so do this, save this server and make another one that is the updated one an let the players decide which one they want to play


    Active member
    That's just you being a sore loser, I have way more jugg than you and I'm fine with the reset, I want everyone to have a chance. I know you need to hide behind your jugg but us skilled players don't.
    I'm excited because this reset will show who the skilled players are. Not the ones who need their jug to live, or need their jug to get more jug. This will also help all of those super good players that are just under the radar rise to the top. I'm also happy about the crazy amount of duped jug being gone, :)
    Hey Jahango, remember how I said this update will show who the skilled players are that don't need to hide behind jug?.... Well let's see how the paccas do with this reset...... xD


    Jahango Jahango
    I really like this whole reset thing, and I am one of the most richest on the server if not the richest. The server has been boring for me lately and only reason I actually come on is to pvp for fun, jugg is like riot to me and it just takes out the fear of losing what we use to call "rare gear" only thing I do disagree with is only giving the people who bought stuff within the last month, I think it should atleast be back till September. Anyways the new map looks sick and keep up the work boys.
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    Jahango Jahango
    And also @_Nickk please make the server less revolved around Katana and strength 2... No one is skilled with snipers or any guns anymore.. it's really annoying. OH and remove Bike pvp.


    Active member
    And also @_Nickk please make the server less revolved around Katana and strength 2... No one is skilled with snipers or any guns anymore.. it's really annoying. OH and remove Bike pvp.
    Extremely great points that more people should be worried about rather than losing their poor jug. @_Nickk


    BluDucc BluDucc
    -Make it not p2w on sz.
    -Only wipe legendaries and balances
    -Make immortal kits have a 72hr or a one week cooldown (To prevent legendary overload 2.0)


    _VC_ _VC_
    I really like this whole reset thing, and I am one of the most richest on the server if not the richest. The server has been boring for me lately and only reason I actually come on is to pvp for fun, jugg is like riot to me and it just takes our the fear of losing what we use to call "rare gear" only thing I do disagree with is only giving the people who bought stuff within the last month, I think it should atleast be back till September. Anyways the new map looks sick and keep up the work boys.
    I'm excited because this reset will show who the skilled players are. Not the ones who need their jug to live, or need their jug to get more jug. This will also help all of those super good players that are just under the radar rise to the top. I'm also happy about the crazy amount of duped jug being gone, :)
    Hey Jahango, remember how I said this update will show who the skilled players are that don't need to hide behind jug?.... Well let's see how the paccas do with this reset...... xD
    Love it. That's the spirit we're lookin for.
    bethgreenesings bethgreenesings
    OMG Those new screens, dude. Y'all builders have been doing amaaazing!! I am so pumped to see the new map! The Sanctuary? Yaass! I know what I'm gonna be visiting first... :D


    New member
    That are banned for a reason, we wouldn't reset a ban for someone who released staff's Skype, ban evaded numerous times, hacked countless times etc. (Hoping someone will change the subject from this :))
    What about the perm mute people who didn't even do anything and said a ip to a friend in /msg and only did it once and didn't even get a warning just automatic perm mute? *cough* naner_man *cough*


    Terminant Terminant
    YAY! I was right about the reset ;3 Also I think I found my new favourite kiitt, Ezekiel! I wanna tiger ;3 (sorry kit Glenn and Negan) I need a pet shiva!


    Beetley Beetley
    Reset sounds awesome, it'll be nice to walk three blocks without being blown to pieces by a team of juggs.

    Great work builders! The new builds look fantastic! I can barely build a dirt cube, yet, you make all this in such little time. Great job!

    A suggestion for the reset:
    Disable safezones and NPC's for the first few weeks. This will give people a chance to explore the map, rather than just sit outside the safezone and blast one another.

    Stats should be reset too, I know that many KDR's (mine included) have been ruined by teams of juggs.


    New member
    I've been working so hard since May 2015 for my K/D and my jugg.
    We should have a choice wether or not to get a reset as then most players would be happy and a majority of us wouldn't quit (which is what a lot of players are doing now because of this)

    I never thought this would happen, so yes, this has made me pretty upset and frustrated as all my jugg is legit. I've only ever duped once and I did it on accident and reported it instantly after.

    No reset for ones who don't want it.
    Maybe have a command in the new map that you can do to reset?


    martijn102 martijn102
    I think Pain killers should be one of the top priorities to change; it doesn't matter how good you are, if you're up against a Jugg and he has stacks of pains with good cover and a gold barret, it's almost impossible to beat them. They'll just spam pains until their health is full again. I suggest an overdose system, or make it so you can only take pains once every given time.
    No its not i can 3 shot a full jugg EZ


    jawamaniac jawamaniac
    The map scale is too big at the moment, so why make it bigger?? for starters we play to kill, and a bigger map would result in fewer kills.

    This idea is stupid for pvp but great for non-pvp servers


    Atosmic Atosmic
    Please read the entire thread before replying or talking about it in general. First off, due to the amazing work and dedication from our Builders and Head Builders, we are a large majority of the way done with a new map. It is 7,500x7,500, and has every location from the show. It's been in the works for almost half a year, and we are planning to release it late December! I have some quick screenshots at the bottom, but there is no way to show the quality of the map, and the shear amount of content. Atlanta itself is 2,000 x 1,000! We also have a lot of planned Mining Dead Updates, as shown below.

    Planned TMD Updates:
    - New Spawn
    - Better Tutorial
    - Throwable Spears + Knives
    - Flare Guns + Maybe More Guns
    - Riot Shield
    - Car Parts & Keys?
    - New Kits
    - Jesus
    - Aaron
    - Ezekiel (With a tiger)
    - Default Kits Reworked
    - More Warps
    - When you die, if it wasn't a headshot, a corpse spawns. If that corpse isn't killed, it turns into a zombie.
    - Team Fixes
    - Rotating Safezones (Every week or two we will rotate which safezones non ranked players can go to. Ranked players will have more available)

    Now to get into the reset.

    First off, our reason for the reset: The current "map" in terms of money and items started August 1st, 2015. Since that time, there have been tons of duplication glitches (20+), and I would be willing to bet most of the current jug is duped. As a result, there is way too much of it. Also, new players don't have much of a chance when there are vets with 100 sets of jug. Also, every month, on average, 50,000 voting crates are opened. As a result, there is way too much stuff in the market.

    So due to this, the following will be reset with the update:
    - Inventories
    - Vaults
    - Locations
    - Money (You will keep infinite)

    Now, there will be compensation.

    Any crates bought within the last month (Since October 18th) will be given to you again upon the reset. Also, any crates bought from this point forward will be given normally, and then will also be given after the reset. Also, after the reset, the first two monthly bonuses will yield double crates.

    Also, if there is any special cases, (ex: You bought 20 Legendary Crates on October 15th) and would be looking for something, there is a small chance we could help you if you emailed contact@havocmc.net.

    For those of you who worked a ton to get your gear and feel like it's being stolen, feel free to make suggestions, but we will be doing this reset regardless, so that all the duped gear is gone, and everybody has a chance.


    The reset looks awesome but I really hate the part that I will have to give up on all my gear I've worked hard for. I don't even have infinite money and that's the one things that isn't clearing... I have 3mil and 50 jugg sets that I have worked so hard for and now it's gone before I can even use it all properly. Half the server are having the same problem as me.
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