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  • New Map & Reset

    What is your opinion on this update?

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    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    Well Rip server enjoy having half your population leave also what happens to all the jug I ****ING BOUGHT !!!!! Like actually wtf is wrong with you your literally breaking the ****ing fun of the server with no jug wars the server sucks I swear to god if you go through with this your gonna get so many charge backs you wont have any profit it will take a year of people buying ranks to get it back up like jesus I spent 4 years on your server getting 7 million and over 100 sets and I bought like so much gear with itrl money along the way pay me 500 irl dollars then reset it and honestly im done if this goes through,....... this is a **** move you would think you value your veterans more than this we are telling you we dont want this and your not listening ! "Will happen regardless"
    We hear you, but right now, it seems that there are more people that have positive feelings towards this reset than people who are against it.
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    _Nickk _Nickk
    in terms of suggestions as to those who feel like our time and effort in gaining our wealth is being taken away from us, perhaps each player could keep around 10% of there wealth in order to feel like they haven't been shafted completely? what do u think?
    People would spread their stuff through their alts, a lot of the stuff that was generated from duping at one point or another. If you are referring to money, jug pretty much is money.
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    I'm excited because this reset will show who the skilled players are. Not the ones who need their jug to live, or need their jug to get more jug. This will also help all of those super good players that are just under the radar rise to the top. I'm also happy about the crazy amount of duped jug being gone, :)
    Hey Jahango, remember how I said this update will show who the skilled players are that don't need to hide behind jug?.... Well let's see how the paccas do with this reset...... xD
    With the reset, it isn't necessarily gonna be who's skilled and who's not. I think it'll be more of a "who gets a drop on the other first" sort of thing, like in real life. You can be a total pro at sniping, but if you get caught with your guard down or shot from behind, there won't be as much Jugg to take those bullets for you.


    LillyAnna LillyAnna
    I would just like to say this. I am reading more into the responses in this thread and I keep seeing people say people who bought things before October...do you really still have that stuff?

    For me, the answer is yes.

    For a long time, I was scared to use my jugg gear for fear of losing it and only used it on occasion. So I have a few full sets and a lot of gold weapons. Everyone is complaining about jug but to be honest, I could care less about jug gear. I only care about the gold weapons because those babies came from crates and from kits. I have like 10 golden barretts, gattling guns, and golden crossbows. Thats all I basically use. I got MANY of them from crates from a long time ago. I usually will buy a few crate packs at a time and will win a good amount of stuff. I obviously can't use them all at the time because I dont always die every single day. Due to being careful and not dying all the time- I still have A LOT of stuff that was purchased BEFORE October 18th. I get that maybe the average 13 year old who has no team and just runs around Atlanta lost their stuff, but I have a team and we hang out at Hilltop. I never go to ATL.

    I just think we should be careful assuming that everyone who bought a crate more than a month ago has died and lost it. Some people save their items, or buy too many to use at once. Some people avoid places like ATL and actually try to have communities and biker gangs lol. Idk. I just think assuming is wrong. You can call me a hoarder, I don't care. I won like 5 gattling guns in one day before. Sorry I don't charge into ATL and war everyone I see. I find TMD fun for more than just PvP every second. I love the PvP aspect and will kill someone if they come close, but I don't just sit in a tower in ATL and snipe ppl trying to get into the CDC all day. That is boring to me.

    So for the people like me, we really ARE losing a lot of things bought from crates from before October. I just ask that before everyone assumes that anyone who is immortal and has jugg and just camps around the CDC- you are wrong. No everyone plays that way.
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    Challenge_ Challenge_
    Here's problem. I've spent a loooong time and more money then i'd like to admit trying to find Infinite. Over the months, I've acquired 6.8 mil and enough legend weapons to fill my vault. The only jugg I have is either from jugg kit or from crates. *pshhh I cant kill jugs xD* But I still don't have infinite.
    If we were to reset I would loose ALL of that. the only two things to transfer are infinite and ranks. And I don't have infinite.
    Can you make it so that if a player has 5+ million or something, they'll have infinite after the reset? Cus i'm loosing almost everything here, and I've spent a lot of money on this server.


    JewishBagel JewishBagel
    Here's problem. I've spent a loooong time and more money then i'd like to admit trying to find Infinite. Over the months, I've acquired 6.8 mil and enough legend weapons to fill my vault. The only jugg I have is either from jugg kit or from crates. *pshhh I cant kill jugs xD* But I still don't have infinite.
    If we were to reset I would loose ALL of that. the only two things to transfer are infinite and ranks. And I don't have infinite.
    Can you make it so that if a player has 5+ million or something, they'll have infinite after the reset? Cus i'm loosing almost everything here, and I've spent a lot of money on this server.
    Go play on a faction server for a year, come back and tell me if they have a reset, they will, No matter what you buy. And know what's funny? No one complains.


    olothus olothus
    As I said, if people spent a ton of money, exceptions can be made, but I want to reiterate:

    How many items have people gotten from crates over 30 days ago that they still use. If they used it, it would likely be broken, and if not, when will you ever use it?

    Question: as one of the top voters <for months>.....what about UNopended vote crates...because right now i am sitting on 100+....<yeah i usually open them all at the beginning of a new month>....

    ...the answer to this question determines if you lose my 5 votes a day <everyday> until the reset.....

    <i still have my first Gat from a crate....>


    _VC_ _VC_
    The map scale is too big at the moment, so why make it bigger?? for starters we play to kill, and a bigger map would result in fewer kills.

    This idea is stupid for pvp but great for non-pvp servers
    I don't know if this is 100% true but I'm pretty sure each Tmd will be able to hold 150-200 players in the new map, because yeah the scale is a lot bigger.


    Challenge_ Challenge_
    Go play on a faction server for a year, come back and tell me if they have a reset, they will, No matter what you buy. And know what's funny? No one complains.
    This is a little different. You guys keep comparing this to a faction reset.

    This isn't factions. This is Havoc. And havoc is WAY better than a faction server anyday.


    LillyAnna LillyAnna
    Go play on a faction server for a year, come back and tell me if they have a reset, they will, No matter what you buy. And know what's funny? No one complains.

    The only problem I have with that is TMD is not a faction server :/ People expect it with a faction server where you can build in the land and the need for a brand new map. I can understand why you are frustrated at noob 10 year olds complaining about losing jugg, but I think some people make some valid points. This isn't a faction server, and people who donated did not expect to lose things they won in crates (at least from a reset). I think seeing staff be a little sensitive at this time to people who spent a lot of money would be kinda respectful. I get yall are prob. overwhelmed, but imagine being in the spot of a donor who spent more than $100 on crates from before Oct. 18th and hasnt lost it all.

    This isn't a factions server- the expectations of players are different.

    Some people feel blind-sighted, where they wouldn't have if they were on a factions server. You have to understand people made huge investments of time, money, and effort into the server and are being stripped of everything- of course they are upset. I get people are going overboard and being dramatic, but for people like me- who are not raging, just concerned, its kinda upsetting to see an admin dismiss our concerns like that. When you are taking people's money, you have a responsibility in some regards. I am lucky because I have a full time job, but others are not so lucky.

    I hope you understand what I am trying to say.
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    All I can say is that it was the donor's choice to donate. You can obtain crates through skulls as well, though it may take longer to get whatever you're looking for.


    olothus olothus
    Fair.....is it really......

    I have a ton of money, a ton of gear <only a few jugg, because i sell them>, a ton of vote crates...and i play pve, so i have a good walkerK/D, i only have *1*pvp player kill :)......so meh stats.....

    So here comes "THE RESET"....it will make it fair....and give newbs more of a chance....and a fresh start....

    But lets look at this for a moment:
    I lose ALL of the stuff i listed above, EXCEPT the STATS.....
    everyone will.....great...mmmm..not really

    So you have GREAT STATS, you do /suicide a few times, and you got a good amount of jugg.....enough to trade for the missing pieces, and sell for insane amounts of money......
    You have INFINITE MONEY, you just walk up to some NPC;s and boom....armour, tier4s, ammo, food, PAINKILLERS....ready to go waste everyone else....

    **NO** if there is going to be a reset INFINITE and STATS should go to.....


    _VC_ _VC_
    Last time there was a reset there was about maybe 100 people playing at the time. Jugg was added a couple months later. When they set everything up they never really thought about any huge economy problems like we have now. They never thought we'd skyrocket into almost 900 players. Now that we are doing this large scale reset we get a chance to get things perfect, and fix our mistakes so we can have a balanced, fun game. Everyones looking at the reset thinking we are scamming them or stealing their stuff, that's totally not the point of the reset. Here's my suggestion that I think would make all the jugg collectors happy. Make each jugg piece turn into a cash amount upon the reset. So all the people with 50+ jug sets will get their worth and start out pretty rich.


    _VC_ _VC_
    Fair.....is it really......

    I have a ton of money, a ton of gear <only a few jugg, because i sell them>, a ton of vote crates...and i play pve, so i have a good walkerK/D, i only have *1*pvp player kill :)......so meh stats.....

    So here comes "THE RESET"....it will make it fair....and give newbs more of a chance....and a fresh start....

    But lets look at this for a moment:
    I lose ALL of the stuff i listed above, EXCEPT the STATS.....
    everyone will.....great...mmmm..not really

    So you have GREAT STATS, you do /suicide a few times, and you got a good amount of jugg.....enough to trade for the missing pieces, and sell for insane amounts of money......
    You have INFINITE MONEY, you just walk up to some NPC;s and boom....armour, tier4s, ammo, food, PAINKILLERS....ready to go waste everyone else....

    **NO** if there is going to be a reset INFINITE and STATS should go to.....
    My idea to fix this problem: Remove tier 4 and tier 3s from all shops. Let's face it no one uses tier 1s and 2s to do anything but kill walkers. Maybe even remove pain killers as well or at least nerf them. It'd make the trading market HUGE as well. All the survivors that spend all day looting would be able to sell a lot more of what they find. So in this case the infinite money people, such as myself, can't get full riot, barret, spaz, ak, pains and ammo with a couple clicks.


    xHobbes xHobbes
    My idea to fix this problem: Remove tier 4 and tier 3s from all shops. Let's face it no one uses tier 1s and 2s to do anything but kill walkers. Maybe even remove pain killers as well or at least nerf them. It'd make the trading market HUGE as well. All the survivors that spend all day looting would be able to sell a lot more of what they find. So in this case the infinite money people, such as myself, can't get full riot, barret, spaz, ak, pains and ammo with a couple clicks.
    Then what's the point of Infinite Money? That would cause so much backlash from the guys with Infinite. If tier 3s and 4s are removed, Infinite would be almost useless. Sure there's infinite food and antis, but that just seems like non pvp server things (except food).


    xHobbes xHobbes
    Last time there was a reset there was about maybe 100 people playing at the time. Jugg was added a couple months later. When they set everything up they never really thought about any huge economy problems like we have now. They never thought we'd skyrocket into almost 900 players. Now that we are doing this large scale reset we get a chance to get things perfect, and fix our mistakes so we can have a balanced, fun game. Everyones looking at the reset thinking we are scamming them or stealing their stuff, that's totally not the point of the reset. Here's my suggestion that I think would make all the jugg collectors happy. Make each jugg piece turn into a cash amount upon the reset. So all the people with 50+ jug sets will get their worth and start out pretty rich.
    I agree. I am looking forward to the reset.


    olothus olothus
    My idea to fix this problem: Remove tier 4 and tier 3s from all shops. Let's face it no one uses tier 1s and 2s to do anything but kill walkers. Maybe even remove pain killers as well or at least nerf them. It'd make the trading market HUGE as well. All the survivors that spend all day looting would be able to sell a lot more of what they find. So in this case the infinite money people, such as myself, can't get full riot, barret, spaz, ak, pains and ammo with a couple clicks.

    the first staff i have seen talk real sense.....
    if those changes came with this reset, then i could get on board with it.....

    if there was going to be shops to give ppl "a chance", they need to have bare minimums.....or be much more limited with max caps>
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