
We hear you, but right now, it seems that there are more people that have positive feelings towards this reset than people who are against it.Well Rip server enjoy having half your population leave also what happens to all the jug I ****ING BOUGHT !!!!! Like actually wtf is wrong with you your literally breaking the ****ing fun of the server with no jug wars the server sucks I swear to god if you go through with this your gonna get so many charge backs you wont have any profit it will take a year of people buying ranks to get it back up like jesus I spent 4 years on your server getting 7 million and over 100 sets and I bought like so much gear with itrl money along the way pay me 500 irl dollars then reset it and honestly im done if this goes through,....... this is a **** move you would think you value your veterans more than this we are telling you we dont want this and your not listening ! "Will happen regardless"
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