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  • The Mining Dead Seasons & Reset

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    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    2. Infinite Money is not included in the Stats reset. We are looking into potential ways to limit Infinite Money though.

    What's the point in Infinite Money if you're just going to cap it like a *****?! Like seriously. I don't care if this is rude, but common sense people!!! Infinite Money = unlimited. If you're gunna cap it like you did before, what's the point. Just give us 100k a day then. SMH.


    KenkoMC KenkoMC
    Y’all realize that no one is going to fcking donate knowing their items are going to be reset right?

    I have dozens jug and over 25 million earned from spending HUNDREDS of dollars in the donor store..

    Y’all already screwed me out of stack of my legendary weapons from the unupdate..: now you want to take the rest?

    Literally just freaking stop.

    Seasons is a cool idea but wiping our **** to do it is messed up.

    Y’all suck.
    The economy is ****ed, Jugg and other such items are not rare, and new players can't get into the game. The reset is for the best sorry. Look up "inflation"


    KenkoMC KenkoMC

    What's the point in Infinite Money if you're just going to cap it like a *****?! Like seriously. I don't care if this is rude, but common sense people!!! Infinite Money = unlimited. If you're gunna cap it like you did before, what's the point. Just give us 100k a day then. SMH.
    Cat you're a trail builder, whilst we are more relaxed in rules than the moderation team you still need to respect the owner have generally potray yourself as mature.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    Cat you're a trail builder, whilst we are more relaxed in rules than the moderation team you still need to respect the owner have generally potray yourself as mature.
    I apologize, but my patience with these "updates" has run dryer than the damn Majave Desert. I don't know what's going throught their heads anymore... Idek why I still stick around here. The build team is nice, the builds are nice, but that all gets trumped when my experience on the server is ruined by these changes that do more harm than good. Haven't the owners had enough of people complaining? Why do they keep upsetting the community? Why can't anyone's voice be heard?! It's ridiculous!! I feel like the only people who care are the builders. And we barely have a say, anyway! ARGH.

    PM me if you're gunna reply to me. I'm beyond reason.


    Cactiee Cactiee
    Yo. I got issues on logging in. I cant login...... After i changed my name back to Cactiee i cant log in anymore. it always shows logging in but after that just showed timed out. SOMEONE HELP


    Challenge_ Challenge_
    Yo. I got issues on logging in. I cant login...... After i changed my name back to Cactiee i cant log in anymore. it always shows logging in but after that just showed timed out. SOMEONE HELP
    Does the same thing to me. Changed ChlngeAccepted to Chlnge.


    Verbramdt Verbramdt
    I know this is probally a stupid..

    But the bans, warns and muted doesn't have a reset right?


    New member
    CravenPython108 CravenPython108
    I can't decide if it's funny or sad that it's been a year and a half since Mine Wars had an update, and we've been consistently told "Be patient, Mine Wars is gonna update soon."

    Wanna hear something that could blow your mind?

    Also @Kendrq, remember when we used to interact sometimes?


    MrMe5303 MrMe5303
    I can't decide if it's funny or sad that it's been a year and a half since Mine Wars had an update, and we've been consistently told "Be patient, Mine Wars is gonna update soon."

    Wanna hear something that could blow your mind?

    Also @Kendrq, remember when we used to interact sometimes?

    It's been over 2 now.....or pretty close


    can_you_n0t can_you_n0t
    I think the seasons are going to be a cool addition to TMD, but wish it was added earlier with more of a player base. To TMD reset, I honestly wouldn't care if my jugg or legendaries are taken because I rarely pvp, if it was in the early days, that'd be a different story. A bit of negativity here, but I don't find anything special or astonishing in the resets anymore. They always have the outcome of being disappointing and letting us players down. Let's see where this thing goes, if it's a let down, my interest for the server will plummet, if there is any interest at all left. I don't enjoy the lack of support for the other game lovers out there, like for Mine Wars. Pardon me for getting that wrong if I did, but I understand your guys's frustration towards them pushing and pushing it further and further. This reset will determine probably my and probably others's experience from here on out. Make TMD great again, not worse.
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    Active member
    Rippen Rippen
    Unfortunately, to start out this post I have some bad news for Mine Wars fans. After evaluating the resources we have available we decided to delay the Mine Wars 2.0 update. For the time being, we feel it would be more beneficial for the server to focus on consistent updates to TMD and Hell Night.

    TMD Seasonal Contests
    We are excited to announce the addition of Seasons to The Mining Dead! During each Season, players will compete on The Mining Dead Servers to build up there score and rank near the top to earn awesome prizes! Each Season will last approximately 3 Months. The Seasons update will be released on August 17th.

    Throughout each Season players will build up there score by killing players, killing zombies, and completing Daily Challenges. The exact values for each of these is listed below.
    • Killing a Player: 100 Score
      • Each piece of Leather Armor being worn by the killed player will add 25 Score
      • Each piece of Military Armor being worn by the killed player will add 50 Score
      • Each piece of Riot Gear Armor being worn by the killed player will add 75 Score
      • Each piece of Juggernaut Armor being worn by the killed player will add 100 Score
    • Killing a Zombie: 10 Score
    • Completing a Daily Challenge: 1,000 Score
    At the end of each Season, the top players will all receive prizes. All players who reach certain score levels will receive prizes as well.
    1st Place: $250 Cash via Paypal & a special in-game tag for the next Season.
    2nd Place: $125 Cash via Paypal & a special in-game tag for the next Season.
    3rd Place: $75 Cash via Paypal & a special in-game tag for the next Season.
    4th - 10th Place: $75 Shop Vouchers & a special in-game tag for the next Season.
    11th - 25th Place: $50 Shop Vouchers.

    All players who earn at least 125,000 score will earn 5 Legendary Crates at the beginning of the next Season.

    All players who earn at least 250,000 score will earn 5 Mythical Crates at the beginning of the next Season.

    Other Mining Dead Updates
    Along with the addition of seasons, there will be a few other changes made to The Mining Dead.
    • Moving While Healing - beginning with this update players will be able to use healing items while moving.
    • Stacked Weapons - Legendary Guns & Melees will no longer be able to be stacked.
    • Removed Items - Coal, Nets, Leads, and Backpacks will be removed from shops and loot bags.
    • Legendary Guns - Legendary Guns will now drop on death.
    • TMD-1 & TMD-2 will be combined into TMDPVP-1.
    • TMD-3 & TMD-4 will be combined into TMDPVE-1.
    The Mining Dead Reset
    Along with this update, we will be doing a reset to The Mining Dead. This reset will include Gear, Money, and Stats.

    All players will be allowed to save all the items in their basic Standard Vaults. To players who have ranks, keep in mind this will only be the first three rows of your Stand Vaults. When the reset occurs, nothing in the first three rows of the Standard Vaults will reset except for the following:
    • Coal, Nets, Leads and Backpacks will removed from Standard Vaults
    • Stacked Legendary Guns and Melee Weapons will be converted into singular versions of the items.
    Also, any TMD Crates purchased from July 24th to the day of the update will be given to players again after the reset. Remember, this update will occur on August 17th.

    Bi-Weekly Updates
    After the release of The Mining Dead Seasons update, our goal is to release smaller content updates every two weeks to The Mining Dead and Hell Night.

    Our first planned update involve several changes to Hell Night with the overall goal of making shorter, more fast paced games that require less players to start, so look forward to that!

    Can we get double monthly bonus after the reset?


    AlphaDemonQueen AlphaDemonQueen
    Alright, I can Agree with all of you, Most of the servers are neglected. MW, HH, Stuff like that. No one feels like they have a voice Jacob, They are trying to give suggestions to better their experience. I know I have a few good friends that played HH but they quit because all their suggestions they had were ignored and the owners aren't updating that anymore. MW, I feel like you shouldn't delay that anymore, People have been waiting a long time for that and they would like it back. Now I am trying to give everyone who has suggestions a voice. @Jacobg1998 @IgnitingIce I feel like you start listening to the Community a little more. I too may want a little bit of a voice because I do have some suggestions that could maybe better the community in ways, but I feel like none of us have a voice. People are leaving because a lot of their suggestions were ignored. I may be a staff member but there are lots of people on here that can agree with me on this. Yes it may be based off The Walking Dead, but updating other game modes may help out with the server. I don't know what to do because Ive tried to give my voice but I feel like I too was ignored. Ive been trying to keep everyone at peace, with their help making suggestions for the server but most were ignored. I have some new ones but I feel like they wouldn't happen for awhile. Even then, Im not sure what to do anymore.

    I may be a mere small staff member that doesn't have much say or anything for the server. But I feel like you should listen to the community more. If this affects me moving up higher, then so what. I feel like I should put this out there and this is how people are feeling. Some are feeling neglected, some sad because their server wont get updated. Some mad and angry that they get ignored for some of their suggestions ignored.

    I may be a small person, basically part of the community but a little higher up, but this should be said. There are some really good suggestions that the people in this community has and it would be sad if it died out.


    Active member
    Rippen Rippen
    I've been a player for 3.5 years and stats are such an accomplishment here.. Think about players who has 20k player kills? 20k zombie kills?
    Ruin your ****ing server a little more.


    Y’all realize that no one is going to fcking donate knowing their items are going to be reset right?

    I have dozens jug and over 25 million earned from spending HUNDREDS of dollars in the donor store..

    Y’all already screwed me out of stack of my legendary weapons from the unupdate..: now you want to take the rest?

    Literally just freaking stop.

    Seasons is a cool idea but wiping our **** to do it is messed up.

    Y’all suck.
    hol up, they haven't fixed the vault glitch you had? It's been a few months...and yet they are still willing to grant appeals to hackers, what a higher priority that is.

    Please get your priorities straight:

    Jacob, please go work on MW the game you want to work on.

    Please actually fix Hell Night.

    Please get a viable anticheat.

    Please update this game to 1.13

    Please make a real old tmd server reserved for 1.8(tmdop)

    And Please stop with the pretty white lies...

    I really suggest making polls or delaying all these good ideas, this community is still anticipating the update, a few updates ago...

    And for the love of god, don't take out money out of your pockets to fulfill this going-to-be-broken contest. You can't even find enough legit players to be eligible for it...

    I just had to add this as well:
    Please always look for better staff...
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