I'm glad a staff member decided to sling some crap back at the players. They've been taking crap from players for so long now. I go so tired of explaining to people that staff aren't the server's butlers and devote most of their free time to the server. I even had two or three methods on trying to be more transparent between staff and players. This was one of them, although I never had time to mention them. Staff expressing themselves and how players make them feel will usually get three responses from three types of people: Supportive/Defensive, Haters/Offensive/Insulting, and those that think such a post is "dumb" or shows "weakness." The problem here is mostly lack of respect and maturity. A lot of the players are too young or lack the concept of respect to the point of being mentally unable to show respect and/or dispute issues in a civil manner. A good analogy would be asking a one year old baby to place their full order at a McDonald's drive through window. A one year old has a very basic understanding and usage of whatever language they speak. Most answers consist of a few words at most, a lot of pointing, and a lot of foot stamping.
I've always supported the staff, even though I've done things that were detrimental to them before, but the majority of the players (the ones that do not come on the forums), even if they somehow were forced to read this post, would simply ignore it or give a "hater" response. The staff have been amazing at taking the heat and restraining themselves. This must be recognized. They could easily just ban and mute people they don't like just to be mean or to toy with players. They could kill players and make them lose their inventory and much worse. I even suggested a weekend of staff taking the weekend off to let the players see what "no staff" feels like. But we knew that as tempting as that sounded, it wasn't the right thing to do. What we need is for those here that do have the maturity and wisdom to vouch and stand up for the staff more then ever. To go out of their way to defuse insulting forum posts or rants, and to explain over and over, what the staff go through every day. Player's need reminding and educating. Those of you that are capable of this, and there are many of you, need to mentor and be examples and role models for your peers.
Some of you I respect and try to talk and treat you the same as someone my own age. Some of you have wisdom and maturity that far exceeds my own. I have learned a lot during my times here and mistakes I have made. Proof that you all can teach me and that I am not above being taught by those younger than myself. Something that is hard to admit for someone like me. Remember to stop and think long and hard before tossing an insult to staff members. And most of all, you make your immature peers think long and hard about it. Show your disapproval. Humiliate them for their lack of maturity and lack of kindness. Some of you know what it means to really suffer from depression. It is no joke and many do not return from it every year. Currently, those of you that think the staff lords over you all and is abusive are very wrong. It is in fact the players that hold all the power and can subject extreme appreciation or torment upon the staff whenever they wish. Remember this, and remember what they do for you everyday. If you get banned or muted, you most likely deserved it for one reason or another.
The only reason I'm back is because I was notified of this post. It's been received much better than I imagined. When a peer opens up to you and exposes themselves to hate, they are asking you for your help/cooperation/understanding. Not crying or seeking pity. Opening up is one of the hardest things for us all to do when it comes to our pride and self image. Especially in the teenage years. Squash those who hate against staff under your boots as it has gone on long enough. If I had things my way, I'd have the staff take a break for a week or longer and let players try to sort out their problems. I would wait till people begged for staff to return and apologize for being so mean previously. Only then would I feel the players realized how important the staff is and the order they strive to maintain. And only then would they appreciate and respect the staff as they should. But there is a very good reason I don't get what I want and that's because I believe in making people experience things in a very hard way when necessary. And it would probably make quite a few players leave during the learning experience which isn't the goal. I know the staff won't and can't, but I strongly still recommend this lack of staff if it becomes necessary to cull the hate from players. If someone can't learn after hitting rock bottom, then they can't learn and need to be banned permanently. Best of luck to the staff. Thank you guys and gals for your dedication. This experience only goes to prepare you for life later on. The world is unforgiving and is usually oblivious to your feelings. This experience will prepare you for what is to come. The way you manage and handle the stress you feel now is paramount. You'll just have to trust me on this one. Again, best wishes. Hope the map gets sorted!