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  • New Map & Reset

    What is your opinion on this update?

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    drewey09 drewey09
    The chances of of changes not the reset itself, the changes to how it will reset will occur, few, but if nick chooses to listen to non of the players who vote no that's just pure.... eh, it would be smart not to lose half the donators and other players

    I hate to break it to you, but no donator is going to quit over a reset, he said they would make special exceptions and the only reason they would quit is if they lost a lot.


    Falaras Falaras
    I think Pain killers should be one of the top priorities to change; it doesn't matter how good you are, if you're up against a Jugg and he has stacks of pains with good cover and a gold barret, it's almost impossible to beat them. They'll just spam pains until their health is full again. I suggest an overdose system, or make it so you can only take pains once every given time.
    Much like golden apple sickness on cosmic pvp


    New member
    Ok, I cant finish reading all of the replys xD.
    But to be honest, THIS RESET NEEDS TO HAPPEN.
    It will make the game balanced like a ton more.
    Also the noobs who need to hide behind jugg *The paccas* or there 50 team mates *Myth & MiniMyth* so they can kill a team of 6 with 2 fulls will quit.
    Also this should give people a chance for new teams maybe? I think that would be great. Like mixing of teams and half leave and make there own team, while other half stay. That would be cool, fighting side by side with your past enemies. There should be no lasting hate between people. If there is that's so childish, ITS A GAME. Like I'm down to team with some pacca members when I can get back on the server or something like that.

    Disable Sz and npc for first 72 hours. Alos first 5 or so hours make it no pvp, this way people can go loot and get settled, so its not who ever gets to atl first. That would be actualy bs. So thought I might as well give some ideas, Hope the reset goes well, cant play rn but I hope its good.

    GREAT JOB BUILDERS!!! Outstanding, honestly. That is such a good map and I haven't even seen it all. You guys are working your butts off making this map. I think builders should get riot when they start off after reset. They deserve it honestly. Its a way to pay them back for what they hav done for this server!


    Active member
    Yeah, going lose all the competitiveness and it's going become roleplay...
    Kyo, are you actually dumb? Less jug in the system will create a more competitive feel because losing a set will be a big deal. This also means the paccas won't be coming back right away after they die. It'll make it more intense cuz people will have a higher fear of death.


    Active member
    With the reset, it isn't necessarily gonna be who's skilled and who's not. I think it'll be more of a "who gets a drop on the other first" sort of thing, like in real life. You can be a total pro at sniping, but if you get caught with your guard down or shot from behind, there won't be as much Jugg to take those bullets for you.
    I disagree. People can be very good in riot. Just because someone gets the first shot does not mean he will win. I am excited for this reset!


    New member
    I really like this whole reset thing, and I am one of the most richest on the server if not the richest. The server has been boring for me lately and only reason I actually come on is to pvp for fun, jugg is like riot to me and it just takes out the fear of losing what we use to call "rare gear" only thing I do disagree with is only giving the people who bought stuff within the last month, I think it should atleast be back till September. Anyways the new map looks sick and keep up the work boys.

    Pfttt.... richest cmon


    New member
    The reset is mainly based off of players not being able to get jugg? Everything I owned was reset three weeks ago and I've already gotten back to become OP, don't see why other players can't?


    xHobbes xHobbes
    This reset will prove your loyalty. Those who stay are true players, while those who leave are cowards who cannot bear the thought of losing their juggernaut armor. Destroy all the Jugg! Burn all the pains! Tear all the money to shreds! Lets reset this server till we can't reset it anymore!
    bethgreenesings bethgreenesings
    Not if I get there first.


    New member
    This reset will prove your loyalty. Those who stay are true players, while those who leave are cowards who cannot bear the thought of losing their juggernaut armor. Destroy all the Jugg! Burn all the pains! Tear all the money to shreds! Lets reset this server till we can't reset it anymore!

    Spend a full year on the server of grinding and you'll think differently


    New member
    I don't disagree with the reset, it will be interesting, but things won't change, the vet teams will stay vets and the rookies will stay rookies simply due to our knowledge and skill


    _VC_ _VC_
    I don't disagree with the reset, it will be interesting, but things won't change, the vet teams will stay vets and the rookies will stay rookies simply due to our knowledge and skill
    I disagree, I know of a ton of people who are extremely skilled but don't participate in jugg wars, because they don't like jugg. My whole team consists of people like that, people who played years before jugg. The true vets. We probably would've eventually came around to joining the jugg race if we didn't become builders.(Eradicate_, DarylTheDixon) But yeah, lots of people like us are gonna start to become a huge threat again this new map.


    Redbommer Redbommer
    Ha suckers. Feel whats its like to lose everything you have!!! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!! :p Sorry lost all my stuff for no reason few months ago, so I'm happy. GG HavocMC!
    eh most of my ledgends i sell i want one of each gun and yeah tahts bout it


    Redbommer Redbommer
    What about juggernaut armour...? How are we supposed to acquire juggernaut helmets and leggings, when they are not included in the kits or in chests. Plus add more vehicles please because there is no use for getting a car crate when all you get are cars and bikes.
    dude you can get them from crates like always or trade for em, just all the current stuff you ahve will be wiped
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