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  • New Map & Reset

    What is your opinion on this update?

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    Yove Yove
    In my honest opinion, this is one of the WORST ideas havoc could do, (resetting everything), the map is fine, however, only crates that we've bought from August to compensate for our lost gear? From crates we've spent money on, gear, etc, and you're resetting all of it? You should at least make it every crate from at least a year that we've bought, the player data base is most likely not going to take a healthy hit, IMO, these are the likely scenarios:

    1: players (donators) who have worked for months on this, will slowly leave, the player base will slowly bleed out one drop at a time, eventually, havoc would recover, but it'd take months before it even gets close to what it once was, this would include non donators leaving who spent time trying to get gear in general and do not use the forums, and wake up one day to a reset and quit.

    2: Havoc would completely crash (TMD wise) TMD would slowly lose popularity due to a lot of flame wars (as in on forums and toxicity arguments) and a mass of players would look to different servers or other games on Havoc, theoretically if this happened, Minewars would be more popular than TMD.

    3: Since we still have a decent amount of time left, if the staff were to compensate something for players that would appease them, players who have made purchases on dozens of crates and money packs etc, the server would take loss and take new players and it would stable out, but if there's no equal compensation, it WILL take a hard hit, and JewishBagel, a faction server reset would be differently from a faction server player base, as players would be use to it.

    These are just my thoughts and there are defiantly countless other scenarios, I've been playing TMD for around 2 years now, I would really hate having my progress be lost.

    With love and devotion


    _VC_ _VC_
    Then what's the point of Infinite Money? That would cause so much backlash from the guys with Infinite. If tier 3s and 4s are removed, Infinite would be almost useless. Sure there's infinite food and antis, but that just seems like non pvp server things (except food).
    Thats is true


    olothus olothus
    Nick, this is a little suggestion of mine, disable infinite money for the first month of the server reset. If you do this then it gives everyone a chance to get gear, if you don't then the people with infinite money will rule the pvp servers from the start of the reset.
    If earned money is getting reset...then something needs to be done about INFINITE...


    drewey09 drewey09
    Ok listen people, please stop complaining, this reset is happening no matter what you say. I would highly suggest you stop complaining about it and start accepting the fact that it is coming. You can either do that or you can be dragged kicking and screaming as the reset happens.


    Kanyay Kanyay
    How to make infinity money not overpowered:
    Nerf painkillers
    Make it so that it takes time to unholster your gun
    Or limit the amount of guns that can be put on your hotbar


    Yove Yove
    Ok listen people, please stop complaining, this reset is happening no matter what you say. I would highly suggest you stop complaining about it and start accepting the fact that it is coming. You can either do that or you can be dragged kicking and screaming as the reset happens.

    You realize this reset can easily be changed correct? Don't act like you know everything please


    olothus olothus
    How to make infinity money not overpowered:
    Nerf painkillers
    Make it so that it takes time to unholster your gun
    Or limit the amount of guns that can be put on your hotbar

    Another way would be, instead of having the whole group copied at every safe zone...have them spread out...<one at each> <or put them in different places on the map>

    Then you infinites could spam painkillers, and buy tons of ammo...but you are going to have to run across the map to do it.......

    Another way, put a purchase cap on NPC's, like you can only buy 4 painkillers a day....even better per life.....<infinites still get an advantage here>

    There are many ways to balance something....


    olothus olothus
    Please read the entire thread before replying or talking about it in general. First off, due to the amazing work and dedication from our Builders and Head Builders, we are a large majority of the way done with a new map. It is 7,500x7,500, and has every location from the show. It's been in the works for almost half a year, and we are planning to release it late December! I have some quick screenshots at the bottom, but there is no way to show the quality of the map, and the shear amount of content. Atlanta itself is 2,000 x 1,000! We also have a lot of planned Mining Dead Updates, as shown below.

    What about UNopened vote crates......


    DeleteThisAcc DeleteThisAcc
    Wow, I just read all the responses on here and might I say it took a very long time. I'd like to give my two cents on another issue presented on this thread and that is of stats being reset. I see a lot of talk about how keeping stats shouldn't be a thing since some of you have negatively affected stats from before you got good or you just suicided too many times. This is why I propose my idea of an elo system where you gain elo and lose elo by getting kills or dying to players. Let me give you an example, say I have 500 elo and Jahango has I don't know, 5000 elo? say I magically killed Jahango, I would get much more elo than if I were to kill someone with less elo then me. I think this would be a great solution as this would be a much more accurate representation of your skill than the current system we have now.


    Yove Yove
    I know it can be changed, but it won't. This is set in stone, and I highly doubt it will be changed.
    The chances of of changes not the reset itself, the changes to how it will reset will occur, few, but if nick chooses to listen to non of the players who vote no that's just pure.... eh, it would be smart not to lose half the donators and other players


    Pumbaanator Pumbaanator
    This is such a horrible idea I mean seriously if you reset the server I'm guessing about 40% will just leave which will make more people leave and eventually it will be empty. Sure you guys have spent a long time on the map but COMPROMISE and have 2 different TMDs one that has new map and items, and one map that stays the same and you keep your items, this will keep people from leaving the server and make it so that the players are happy either way. I really love this server but if all my hard work is reset it won't exactly make me dance up and down with joy, so please just have two TMDs.


    Pumbaanator Pumbaanator
    *Note, I haven't read any messages on this thread due to the extent amount of players who have commented*
    I have many stacks of painkillers, juggernaut, legendary gear, riot and more. Moreoever, I have over eight million dollars that was difficult to get, however I'm sorry but we need a reset. I have builder friends who have put hours into the new map and whenever I spoke to them, their responses were, "I'm working on the new map :)" They have put extreme effort and creativity into this and I dearly hope it is appreciated. Yes, there is a reset though please do not fret or create severe negativity on this thread. You can vote on the poll, but please do not be negative and/or mean. (I'm not sure if you've done this and I am pointing out no one, just a reminder) You all have issues with the overpowered server regarding Juggernaut gear
    ,painkillers, the rich bank accounts, and more. A majority of the players have such powerful gear and can bring down the spirit of those who are trying hard to enjoy the server. This is The Mining Dead, and part of the fun is survival of the fittest. If you have overpowered gear, unlimited food and anything to receive by having a rich bank account, it isn't real survival. We at HavocMC hope to give all players a fair opportunity to earn the same gear, and due to the large assortment of extremely powerful gear, this doesn't seem right..at least not to me. There will be a huge change, every building you go to and every city will be updated and look different; it will look incredible. It will be a fresh start and due to such change, it only seems correct to implement a reset along with the new map. :) I'm not telling you to have the same opinion as me nor am I telling you to be happy over losing your hard earned gear. I am showing the positive outlook on a reset, the overpowered gear won't be a hassle and if you complain for superiority over players from having better gear, I think it is somewhat silly and ridiculous. Thank you to all of the builders for your hard work and as stated, I have a lot of gear and I am rich, however that doesn't matter. I will be hosting multiple drop parties for you all so the last of the rich gear can be used and enjoyed, especially by the poor who never had an opportunity to even wear juggernaut or hold a golden gun. Yes, I like the weapons and armour except it is too strong and there is too much of it. I am thankful if anything, the staff have seen numerous requests of a reset though no matter which decision we make, there will be some players with an unpleasant opinion and that is inevitable. This is a new start, and players can learn survival skills and teamwork when warring. You won't have such great gear so you must learn tactics, memorize the new land and experience a true survival gameplay. You can find new skills instead of comboing and it will be difficult at first but a new start means new conflict whether it be against people, walkers, the new land, loss of supplies, etc. Please don't be upset with this reset or in other words, please try to think positive and find ways or thoughts to enjoy the upcoming change. Yes, you get your infinite and ranks, that would never be taken away, no matter how overpowered infinite is. You are all wonderful people and I am forever grateful to help you all, however this will not be changed and I am hopeful you will respect the choice made by a reset and the new map of course, which is amazing and I am looking forward to the hard work. <3
    Please vote instead of causing drama, negativity, anger, or fights. As stated, I've read only my own comment and the thread text by _Nickk, so all I hope is you understand what my message is and please follow it. We implement new things or big changes for a reason, and I dearly hope you will all calm and enjoy your gear while it lasts.
    Thank you for reading and please enjoy your day.
    ~Katitude :p <3

    um then why are you reseting it in pvp diabled....... Jugg isn't overpowered there...


    Kanyay Kanyay
    The chances of of changes not the reset itself, the changes to how it will reset will occur, few, but if nick chooses to listen to non of the players who vote no that's just pure.... eh, it would be smart not to lose half the donators and other players
    I say that this will only increase the player base, majority of the people are pro reset and this reset would please newcomers. Many people quit TMD because of all the duplication issues and overpowered teams that constantly killed people with the duplicated gear.


    PresAlexWhit PresAlexWhit
    I love the new update and I think more people should appreciate the amount work the builders and staff have put into this. My thoughts:
    1. I think that walker bait would be a great addition to the new items. Maybe the new car parts could modify cars to make them more durable, faster, or hold more space for items. _Nickk has also said for a while that he did not want Riot Shields, so be grateful.
    2. Reanimation is a greatly wanted feature and one that makes a zombie apocalypse what it is. Rotating Safezones may be an issue.
    3. Myself and every other reasonable person wanted a reset from the start. This "economy issue" might be fixed doing this. #nomorejugg
    1. Will reanimation be a feature in PvE?
    2. Will the corpses and/or walkers have the players names above them? Ex: Mr__Potatoes Corpse
    3. Is this the update with the new loot feature?
    4. Will this have any affect on applying for helper/builder?
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