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  • New Map & Reset

    What is your opinion on this update?

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    Kanyay Kanyay
    This is such a horrible idea I mean seriously if you reset the server I'm guessing about 40% will just leave which will make more people leave and eventually it will be empty. Sure you guys have spent a long time on the map but COMPROMISE and have 2 different TMDs one that has new map and items, and one map that stays the same and you keep your items, this will keep people from leaving the server and make it so that the players are happy either way. I really love this server but if all my hard work is reset it won't exactly make me dance up and down with joy, so please just have two TMDs.
    There are not many servers like havocmc so where would everyone go? Will you guys all join a Pvp server like all the idiots that abused the duplication glitch and caused this mess in the first place?


    Kanyay Kanyay
    I love the new update and I think more people should appreciate the amount work the builders and staff have put into this. My thoughts:
    1. I think that walker bait would be a great addition to the new items. Maybe the new car parts could modify cars to make them more durable, faster, or hold more space for items. _Nickk has also said for a while that he did not want Riot Shields, so be grateful.
    2. Reanimation is a greatly wanted feature and one that makes a zombie apocalypse what it is. Rotating Safezones may be an issue.
    3. Myself and every other reasonable person wanted a reset from the start. This "economy issue" might be fixed doing this. #nomorejugg
    1. Will reanimation be a feature in PvE?
    2. Will the corpses and/or walkers have the players names above them? Ex: Mr__Potatoes Corpse
    3. Is this the update with the new loot feature?
    4. Will this have any affect on applying for helper/builder?
    "Don't know about pain killers but yeah the loot in the new map will be exactly how hellnight is" KingJonSnow.


    PresAlexWhit PresAlexWhit
    I dont quite understand how you cant give back ALL the crates bought. All the crates that were bought was bought as a "Virtual" object. And we bought them because we wanted what came out of them, not as a donation. It sais in the terms of conditions that we are not allowed to chargeback, but if you do this i and many other people wont care and will most likely chargeback, and if you have 100+ people chargeback more than 100$ you will basicly never be able to persue with a lawsuit that big. We could even consider 50% of the players from Europe, and since this is an american server. I wont belive that English Courts, German Courts and other European Courts will even care to use time and energy in this. @_Nickk i know you think this is a good idea to remove all "duped" jugg, but what you are really doing is pluging out the power supply for TMD's lifesupport.
    Listen, this is a good thing to happen to this server. I see your point of view, but at one point this needed to be done and that point of time is now. Jugg was one of the worst thing to be on TMD and lots of people agree.


    _Tachi_ _Tachi_
    I honestly don't care about my items as long as I (and the pest of players) get a percentage (less than 20%) of their balance to buy starter gear and get the ball rolling for player economy. Also, will skulls and HN kits reset?


    Kanyay Kanyay
    I honestly don't care about my items as long as I (and the pest of players) get a percentage (less than 20%) of their balance to buy starter gear and get the ball rolling for player economy. Also, will skulls and HN kits reset?
    _nickk said everyone would get a starting bal, he didn't say anything about a certain percentage though.


    Kanyay Kanyay
    42% of all the messages posted in the
    "News and announcements" section have been posted here.


    Challenge_ Challenge_
    It's actually going to make it more competitive when you think about it and make roleplaying on pve servers a lot more fun with the new map.
    That's what the pvp off servers have always been. There's no competition at all. That's why I go to them on occasion when i need to chill xD.


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    You may or not know Sarge4Id, but he was amazing. He gave me a gat and I was just wondering if you could let me keep that. Since he stopped playing here, the gat is my only way to honor him. Ill even let you wipe my stats in exchange for keeping the gat, but please don't wipe my prized possession! Its in my Extra Vault, first slot. By the way @KingJonSnow do you know if extra vaults will be deleted for those who bought it?
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