New member
Im happy about this but i worked for my 50 bikes.... Maybe keeping the member crate would make poeple so much happier. Although dot do the extra and immortal because that would be unfair
Okay then don't 1v1 me, I already know I'm better and so do a lot of others.
for sure, no flame.LOL! 1v1 next time we are online
for sure, no flame.
for sure, no flame.
Just do an old fashion knife fight.It's a 1v1 use whatever you want. We both have access to all the legendary kits so it's fair. Don't make an excuse about your computer and deal with it.
Use scissors onlyJust do an old fashion knife fight.
Until someUse scissors only
No, it's not possible to find Jugg in Normal. Chances are they abused the Enderchests still located in the map during an Insane game. If you have evidence of them using Jugg in Normal, you can report them in a Support Ticket, as that is considered glitch abusing.Is it possible to get jugg in normal hn? If not, Kity_ and Megathomas1234 are hacking.
Rip my dudeI had been waiting for something like this since around the time I started playing. I go to a safezone. I leave. Twelve pained jugs with barrets are waiting for me in my military gear outside. ;-; . Thats how I started.
No, it's not possible to find Jugg in Normal. Chances are they abused the Enderchests still located in the map during an Insane game. If you have evidence of them using Jugg in Normal, you can report them in a Support Ticket, as that is considered glitch abusing.
Add house that player can now protect and use to store stuffPlease read the entire thread before replying or talking about it in general. First off, due to the amazing work and dedication from our Builders and Head Builders, we are a large majority of the way done with a new map. It is 7,500x7,500, and has every location from the show. It's been in the works for almost half a year, and we are planning to release it late December! I have some quick screenshots at the bottom, but there is no way to show the quality of the map, and the shear amount of content. Atlanta itself is 2,000 x 1,000! We also have a lot of planned Mining Dead Updates, as shown below.
Planned TMD Updates:
- New Spawn
- Better Tutorial
- Throwable Spears + Knives
- Flare Guns + Maybe More Guns
- Riot Shield
- Car Parts & Keys?
- New Kits
- Jesus
- Aaron
- Ezekiel (With a tiger)
- Default Kits Reworked
- More Warps
- When you die, if it wasn't a headshot, a corpse spawns. If that corpse isn't killed, it turns into a zombie.
- Team Fixes
- Rotating Safezones (Every week or two we will rotate which safezones non ranked players can go to. Ranked players will have more available)
Now to get into the reset.
First off, our reason for the reset: The current "map" in terms of money and items started August 1st, 2015. Since that time, there have been tons of duplication glitches (20+), and I would be willing to bet most of the current jug is duped. As a result, there is way too much of it. Also, new players don't have much of a chance when there are vets with 100 sets of jug. Also, every month, on average, 50,000 voting crates are opened. As a result, there is way too much stuff in the market.
So due to this, the following will be reset with the update:
- Inventories
- Vaults
- Locations
- Money (You will keep infinite)
Now, there will be compensation.
Any crates bought within the last month (Since October 18th) will be given to you again upon the reset. Also, any crates bought from this point forward will be given normally, and then will also be given after the reset. Also, after the reset, the first two monthly bonuses will yield double crates.
Also, if there is any special cases, (ex: You bought 20 Legendary Crates on October 15th) and would be looking for something, there is a small chance we could help you if you emailed [email protected].
For those of you who worked a ton to get your gear and feel like it's being stolen, feel free to make suggestions, but we will be doing this reset regardless, so that all the duped gear is gone, and everybody has a chance.
Stats will NOT be reset.Are your stats resetting?
This is true. I'm convinced now the sooner the reset/update occur, the better things will be. But before you [directed at everyone] push out the update perhaps you can take a glance at this:For everyone freaking out: You will not lose your ranks or infinite money. Jugg gear can still be found the usual way via crates, immortal kit, etc... Another thing to note: they aren't doing this to harm you guys in any way, sometimes the people who run things have to make decisions that many will hate and criticize, but will help the server in general. And that's true with anything.