Stop saying this thread does not need to continue.
If any hate came out of this thread, it came because of you guys. This thread was made for support, and you know that.
I'm sorry if this thread didn't turn out the way you wanted, but hopefully this experience will teach you what happens when the community gets involved. The mature way to handle these things are private messages, not threads. Sometimes in threads I'll see people arguing and going on until they can prove a point, but there is no point to prove. Sometimes people will also try to get a reaction out of everyone so it'll make that person look better and convince people to sway their opinions.
Threads should be friendly, trying to suggest ideas and feedback on updates or any questions... not this. For demotions, we don't like releasing everything because we've had plenty of experiences with this sort of incident and it never ends well. We also like to discuss things and find a logical perspective as well as thinking "will this person really change, or will it be the same scene every time". You see, I have witnessed hate threads too many times and the title of this thread itself is already a huge indicator that this wasn't supposed to be for support, as the title "Unfair Demotion" is an argumentative statement, and I already knew because you made a thread of hate when Culpeo was demoted. No only that, but just remember that we've literally had players made it very heated and nasty because they were getting involved in their friends situation.
See, we have made our best changes for the staff team and we have systems that ensure non-biased decisions, and we monitor how Staff are doing their jobs. Something I'm very thankful for, we have staff hosting activités for fun, and from that, it makes the team close and more friendly among each other so we aren't just Staff slaving at the server each day. This is great, and we try to keep the community the same way. I will host random events such as flying with the elytra around the safe zone as a fun thing to reduce tension, and this is only half related but the point is showing you we are all good people and we don't like to stir up a toxic community, especially on the forums.
I've been Staff for over a year now, and I used to check the forums every five minutes and looking at every thread in my spare time. I've seen how angry people get and I would too be upset if my friend was demoted, especially if they always looked like they did their job well. The thing is, you need to let them handle their situation themselves, even if you want to help, it only does more damage. The community is suggesting you message us privately and stop responding here to keep the peace, and acknowledging the fact that you want to support him, Hank will get that aside from the forums; I'm sure they would message them privately too.
I'm glad we were able to discuss this - in a way - and I have given you input to help all of you. Hank, I am not happy with the mistakes you have made, but I respect the good moments; you aren't quite cut out for our team, but you may apply in a far bit (many months) and we'll take it from there. To the creator of this thread, I'm trying to tone it down, so if you want to help you friend, I suggest you - telling you - please follow my suggestion.. please do not respond in any negative way.
Thank you for reading and understanding. ^-^