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  • Update News


    Jacobg1998 Jacobg1998

    Hey guys, today I have a few updates regarding the upcoming Seasons addition to The Mining Dead. Based on the poll many of you completed, we have decided to switch the reset to being a full items reset. This will include the entirety of Standard Vaults.

    In addition to this change, we have also heard feedback about other aspects of the Seasons update and are making some balancing changes to address them. First things first, we have Infinite Money. For the initial release of the Seasons update, we are going to add a cap of 100k a day for Infinite Money. This may be changed to some sort of “stock” system in the future, but for now we feel that re-implementing the cap is the best option.

    Finally, based off some concerns we’ve heard about boosting, we are going to implement a system to prevent this. Once you kill a player 5 times in a day, you will no longer be able to earn score for killing them.

    Unfortunately, implementing and testing these changes will take a few extra days, so the reset and update won’t take place until after this weekend. I know this delay is disappointing, but we think it’s for the better the add these changes before releasing the update.

    Thank you for your patience, and we will keep you updated throughout the weekend.
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    New member
    Payog Payog
    I'm glad you're making sure the server is all good before it comes out. I'm just sad now so I'm gonna go cry in my corner.


    mindblaster007 mindblaster007

    Hey guys, today I have a few updates regarding the upcoming Seasons addition to The Mining Dead. Base off of the poll many of you completed, we have decided to switch the reset to being a full items reset. This will include the entirety of Standard Vaults.

    In addition to this change, we have also heard feedback about other aspects of the Seasons update and are making some balancing changes to address them. First things first, we have Infinite Money. For the initial release of the Seasons update, we are going to add a cap of 100k a day for Infinite Money. This may be changed to some sort of “stock” system in the future, but for now we feel that re-implementing the cap is the best option.

    Finally, based off some concerns we’ve heard about boosting, we are going to implement a system to prevent this. Once you kill a player 5 times in a day, you will no longer be able to earn score for killing them.

    Unfortunately, implementing and testing these changes will take a few extra days, so the reset and update won’t take place until after this weekend. I know this delay is disappointing, but we think it’s for the better the add these changes before releasing the update.

    Thank you for your patience, and we will keep you updated throughout the weekend.


    Kendrq Kendrq
    What I'm saying is, the date was predetermined awhile ago, so, testing should have been scheduled as well.
    Yes the date was predetermined, however, what they’re testing is new additions that were not included in the original plan. New ideas late in the timeframe cause things to take a little longer if they’re gonna be implemented. Try being more optimistic. Instead of complaining about 2-3 days delay, note that they’re listening to what the community has suggested and they’re testing to make sure they can make it work.


    Active member
    Rippen Rippen
    First off, I'm really hyped with this update along with many other OG's. I'm excited to see the new era Havoc will be hitting with the seasonal contests, many of the new youtubers and new content. It's been awhile since we've saw new content.

    Secondly, For the testing I believe you should allow 20-25 players onto a separate server for testing, testing only. Beta Testers? Then they can report bugs, or glitches, etc. This will be more productive and ensuring a more stable build for the live server upon release. This can easily be done by randomly choosing the player or having an application for it.

    Last but not least, I believe the max infinite cap should be around $200,000 to $250,000, which will be more efficient for players.


    Firelillx Firelillx
    First off, I'm really hyped with this update along with many other OG's. I'm excited to see the new era Havoc will be hitting with the seasonal contests, many of the new youtubers and new content. It's been awhile since we've saw new content.

    Secondly, For the testing I believe you should allow 20-25 players onto a separate server for testing, testing only. Beta Testers? Then they can report bugs, or glitches, etc. This will be more productive and ensuring a more stable build for the live server upon release. This can easily be done by randomly choosing the player or having an application for it.

    Last but not least, I believe the max infinite cap should be around $200,000 to $250,000, which will be more efficient for players.

    omg I agree with you for once. They should def. do a beta test with some actual players and not just a handful of staff.


    Active member
    Rippen Rippen
    I just feel that the server will be more optimized if we allow players to do the testing. As most of us play a good bit and play more than staff.


    Active member
    Rippen Rippen
    Also, Since the storage items (small pouches, backpacks and deffels) were removed is there any way for Mythical's to have 4 or 5 rows in their Mythical Vault and the normal players have 4 default slots?