
Safezone Contest
I'd like to start off by thanking everyone who participated in our Safezone Building Contest. With so many great submissions (Over 150 total), it was almost impossible to narrow it down to our top ten favorites. That being said, there were a few maps that stood out among the rest. Without further ado, here are the winners.
1st Place: PeetasSafezoneMap by Peeta_Mellark
2nd Place: LeoTheHunterSZ by LeoTheHunger
3rd Place: 13th_street_sz by curiousgeorge341
4th Place: Tmd-Safezone by by TiffanyGreen
5th Place: TheLandOfImmunes by MonFierre
6th Place: Safest_Zone by _Minecraftius_
7th Place: BunkerHaulic by Blockohaulic
8th Place: SafezoneLinkOFeare by LinkOFeare
9th Place: contest003 by NotARndm
10th Place: USS_America by Rejante
Once again, thank you to everyone who participated, and be sure to check out all the winning maps with /map (mapname) on the Map Maker server (/server mm-1).
On a side note, if you won, you were PM'd a coupon code for your prize.
New Contests
We weren't sure which contest we wanted to do next, so we decided to pick two.
Holiday / Winter Contest (Ends December 23rd)
For this contest, you have a lot of freedom. The category is winter / festive builds, and you can do anything you like, as long as it follows that category.
1st Place: $100 Shop Voucher
2nd Place: $50 Shop Voucher
3rd Place: $25 Shop Voucher
4th - 10th Place: $10 Shop Voucher
2nd Place: $50 Shop Voucher
3rd Place: $25 Shop Voucher
4th - 10th Place: $10 Shop Voucher
Mine Wars Conquest (Ends January 4th)
For this contest, you will be asked to make a map for Mine Wars Conquest. If you are not familiar with the game, you can join it through the server selector menu in the hub. Keep in mind you should have three command posts. Also, it should be based off of a real Star Wars location. Lastly, make sure you are using the Mine Wars Resource Pack.
Jedi Temple
Death Star
Starkiller Base
Death Star
Starkiller Base
Every conquest map which we feel is good enough will be added to the Conquest game mode, and will be given a $100 Shop Voucher.
Other Info
The Mining Dead update is still hard at work, and we should be on schedule for a December release. Also, Mine Wars space will be added soon, along with a tatooine server that has pvp disabled.