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  • Big changes, but we want your input!


    Challenge_ Challenge_
    Sup guys. So... as yalls new Community Manager my goal is to be a mouthpiece between both staff and players. I’m aware there’s a lack of transparency going both ways I hope to change this.

    Recently, I’ve been made aware a very large change that was being kept silent - but I’ve been given permission to ask yalls opinions. Cus this seems pretty big to just do. I have pulled together a few ideas and I would like to see which y’all prefer.

    Plan A: The devs are planning on removing TMDC. In turn, TMDPVP will attempt to maintain a balance between realism and competitive PVP. I know how difficult this will be, and as someone who enjoys low-loot pvp, this irked me and encouraged me to make this poll. Here are other options.

    Plan B: Revamp both TMDC and TMDPVP to further split their metas and make them obviously different. I need you guys to tell me what you would suggest. Perhaps PVP would have less loot to become more challenging and C would be more OP. I want your voices to be heard. TMDPVE would receive updates to become more roleplay based - adding a /role with set roles you could chose from. The PVE changes wouldn’t necessarily be excluded from Plan A, but I decided to list them here.

    Plan C: no changes, or minor changes... ones you would suggest.

    In addition to this, another idea has been presented. Weapon balancing. This would involve a large change, new to TMD. Low tier weapons would be buffed to be more viable, and higher tiers may be knocked down a notch (or low tiers would be buffed to be just as viable) so ALL guns become viable, allowing a diverse PvP meta, and possibly removing the current Tier 1, Tier 2 etc system. Melees may be nerfed as a result.

    So what do y’all think? Which plan do you guys prefer most? A, B, or C? Do you agree with the possible weapon revamp? What suggestions do you have along side the ones above? Let your voice be heard.

    My Discord DMs are always open. #Chlnge0001.


    Jesse_Linuk Jesse_Linuk
    I like tic though, I feel like it embodies the tmd most veterans/older players know and love. Sure no one plays on it but that’s only because PvP and PvE seem better and more prominent. I feel like the server should just use the style it had in 2015-2016.


    New member
    I like plan B

    Rebalance the guns on tmdpvp would be great (Auto nerf for example)
    But Tmdc needs an update it should use the tmdpvp map too you should not be able to use more than one weapon of a kind in your hotbar.
    Also stuff thats buyable with inf money should be buyable for free just jugg legend guns and tier5 guns should be able to get form crates if everyone even new players would have inf money om classic they would have a chanchse to get good and the pvp would get nice again


    New member
    I agree with Plan B. I don't play much on PVP or Classic, but I really like the idea of adding a /roles command for PVE. I really dislike the weapon balancing. If weapon balancing is going to be implemented, please don't nerf legendary weapons at the very least. I am also completely fine with Plan C. I like the PVE server the way it is as of now.


    MrCalimero MrCalimero
    I like plan B

    Rebalance the guns on tmdpvp would be great (Auto nerf for example)
    But Tmdc needs an update it should use the tmdpvp map too you should not be able to use more than one weapon of a kind in your hotbar.
    Also stuff thats buyable with inf money should be buyable for free just jugg legend guns and tier5 guns should be able to get form crates if everyone even new players would have inf money om classic they would have a chanchse to get good and the pvp would get nice again

    The map of TMDPVP? No lol. The map of TMDC rn is fine. I would agree with the 2017 map that came after the Christmas update in 2016. The one weapon of a kind is not going to work with these mechanics. I would be fine with it would they change the mechanics back to how it was in 2016/2017. With the accurate sniper etc. The things that you are saying needs to be free to buy is just utterly stupid. You don't know how many OG's like me have spent more than 100 dollars getting infinite money and that would just throw away the rarity.


    Mqcke47 Mqcke47
    [QUOTE = "ChlngeAccepted, post: 57048, member: 53"] Sup guys. Also ... als neuer Community Manager ist es mein Ziel, ein Sprachrohr zwischen Mitarbeitern und Spielern zu sein. Mir ist bewusst, dass es an Transparenz mangelt, und ich hoffe, dies zu ändern.

    Kürzlich wurde ich auf eine sehr große Änderung aufmerksam gemacht, die verschwiegen wurde - aber mir wurde die Erlaubnis erteilt, Ihre Meinung zu erfragen. Cus das scheint ziemlich groß zu tun. Ich habe ein paar Ideen zusammengetragen und würde gerne sehen, welche Sie bevorzugen.

    Plan A : Die Entwickler planen, TMDC zu entfernen. Im Gegenzug wird TMDPVP versuchen, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Realismus und wettbewerbsfähigem PVP zu halten. Ich weiß, wie schwierig das sein wird, und als jemand, der Low-Loot-PvP mag, ärgerte mich das und ermutigte mich, diese Umfrage zu machen. Hier sind andere Optionen.

    Plan B : Verbessern Sie sowohl TMDC als auch TMDPVP, um ihre Metas weiter aufzuteilen und sie offensichtlich anders zu machen. Ihr müsst mir sagen, was ihr vorschlagen würdet. Vielleicht hätte PVP weniger Beute, um herausfordernder zu werden, und C wäre mehr OP. Ich möchte, dass deine Stimmen gehört werden. TMDPVE würde Updates erhalten, um rollenspielbasierter zu werden - Hinzufügen einer / -Rolle mit festgelegten Rollen, aus denen Sie auswählen können. Die PVE-Änderungen wären nicht unbedingt von Plan A ausgeschlossen, aber ich habe beschlossen, sie hier aufzulisten.

    Plan C : Keine oder geringfügige Änderungen, die Sie vorschlagen würden.

    Darüber hinaus wurde eine weitere Idee vorgestellt. Waffenausgleich. Dies würde eine große Änderung bedeuten, die für TMD neu ist. Niedrigstufige Waffen würden gebuffed, um lebensfähiger zu sein, und höhere Ränge könnten eine Stufe nach unten geschleudert werden (oder niedrige Ränge würden gebuffed, um genauso lebensfähig zu sein), damit ALLE Waffen lebensfähig werden, was ein vielfältiges PvP-Meta ermöglicht und möglicherweise die aktuelle entfernt Tier 1, Tier 2 usw. System. Dadurch können Melees verfälscht werden.

    Also, was denkst du? Welchen Plan bevorzugen Sie am meisten? A, B oder C? Stimmen Sie der möglichen Waffenerneuerung zu? Welche Vorschläge haben Sie neben den oben genannten? Lass deine Stimme gehört werden.

    Meine Discord DMs sind immer offen. # Chlnge0001. [/ QUOTE]


    Mqcke47 Mqcke47
    [QUOTE = "Griffin_White, post: 57049, member: 7250"] Meiner Meinung nach klingt Plan A und die Waffenerneuerung gut [/ QUOTE] i like plan b pls dont clear gear on tmdpvp i have so much gear plssssssssssss


    New member
    I like Plan C. I don't see a reason to change/ remove TMDC. I also feel like TMD PVE should be more about PVE, meaning that we should make walkers harder and add new challenges to the game. For example, add more variations of walkers or add back amputation.


    ATK_AlphaPVP ATK_AlphaPVP
    Plan C, because it always go wrong when you try to rework the whole gamemode, everytime you guys wanted to change a lot of things it turned bad. Og community got there tmd classic, they got what they wanted, roleplay players got what they want, realist-pvp players got what they wanted, and it work, there is more and more people getting into tmd and it's cool ! the server reborn, so Please just fix minor problems, balance some op guns when there is to much players using it, add some item, nerf whisperers and that's pretty much all


    Twqntys Twqntys
    Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers. Remove whisperers.

    Xoxo for my input that's all thanks for coming to my TED talk

    The rest is fine just remove the damn whisperers. Like at least from tmdpvp or make the spawn rate like 1 in a thousand since you can't even run around without spawning one group per hundred blocks. Also just do C and don't change anything major since we all know what happened the other few times.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    How about Plan D.

    Since all of these, except Plan C, will include another reset (most likely), I think it's time for a full server reset--- 1.9+

    I do not care anymore about the player gap of TMDC or PVP, the differences, the fight between OGs and new players. None of your suggested changes will do anything. None of them.

    This server will not see real progress until we update to a newer version. 1.8 is basically obsolete, now. I think that's where we really need to put resources..

    Otherwise, Plan B, balance guns PROPORTIONALLY, but keep the tier system.


    MrCalimero MrCalimero
    Plan B. If you were to update tmdc, could you update it to the 2017 map that was added in december 2016 and removed somewhere in mid 2017. That map used to be fun to play on. Also change back the mechanics for tmdc to the point where you had to aim a little bit or above the player to hit them at great distances. That also means the no scope's were accurate. The bullets had a hitbox around them when you shot a spas as an example. Also you got bleeding when you got hit by a katana as an example. Those mechanics. The map and mechanics are shown in this video of me:

    You should base everything on that for tmdc. So also a name change to tmdo-1. If you have any questions about how the server was feel free to ask me on discord: MrCalimero#5717


    MrCalimero MrCalimero
    How about Plan D.

    Since all of these, except Plan C, will include another reset (most likely), I think it's time for a full server reset--- 1.9+

    I do not care anymore about the player gap of TMDC or PVP, the differences, the fight between OGs and new players. None of your suggested changes will do anything. None of them.

    This server will not see real progress until we update to a newer version. 1.8 is basically obsolete, now. I think that's where we really need to put resources..

    Otherwise, Plan B, balance guns PROPORTIONALLY, but keep the tier system.

    Dumbest reply I have seen so far. Updating it will make it worse for a lot of players


    JBentley694 JBentley694
    Plan B. If you were to update tmdc, could you update it to the 2017 map that was added in december 2016 and removed somewhere in mid 2017. That map used to be fun to play on. Also change back the mechanics for tmdc to the point where you had to aim a little bit or above the player to hit them at great distances. That also means the no scope's were accurate. The bullets had a hitbox around them when you shot a spas as an example. Also you got bleeding when you got hit by a katana as an example. Those mechanics. The map and mechanics are shown in this video of me:

    You should base everything on that for tmdc. So also a name change to tmdo-1. If you have any questions about how the server was feel free to ask me on discord: MrCalimero#5717
    But everyone hated the large 1.10 map and it was part of the reason we went from 800 players to 60.